Create advanced shot

I know it’s a bit excessive, but how can you program these types of shots?

Please tell the exact second you are referring to

Do you mean the beam itself or the explosion upon impact?


I mean the laser from the player’s ship and the multiple shots from the enemy ships.

I have chosen this video because from the beginning you can see the confrontation with bosses at the end of the phase and you can see the multiple shots.

There are five final bosses that are seen before the person in the video starts playing, select the one you like the most.

Hello @hokuto,

Take a look at some of the Interaction examples here:

I adapted the Simple Particle System to achieve this:


These are available locally with the Processing IDE:


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@glv Thanks for the suggestion, although I haven’t found anything similar.

That example that you have given with particles is very good but it is not useful for a game of this type because you have to control the spaces so that the ship can dodge those shots and you would also have to slow them down so that you can dodge when there are many.

I have also verified that with the particles the application slows down when there are many.

here is a shoot / explosion example

// ********************************************************************************
//         joined pde-file of folder \ShootTest3
// ********************************************************************************

// ********************************************************************************
// tab: ShootTest3.pde main file (file name is folder name)

/* OpenProcessing Tweak of *@**@* */
/* !do not delete the line above, required for linking your tweak if you upload again */

// overall structure: The tab ShootTest1 is the main program.
// A player (only a white rectangle) 
// in tab player shoots bullets (in tab Bullet), when 
// they hit the wall, they explode (tab Explosion).
// Bullet and Explosion are really similar. 
// The tabs Player, Bullet and Explosion each contain only 
// the class.
// The tower can only shoot upwards, follows mouse, click mouse. 
// idea from 
// with help from 
// Player
Player thePlayer = new Player();
// for explosions (these are actually Shrapnels)
ArrayList <Explosion> missiles; 
// bullets
final float bulletFlySpeed = 4.2;  // how fast bullet flies
final int fireSpeed=200; // how often you fire / distance between bullets
int lastFired=millis();  // timer to determine when next bullet starts 
// ammo not in use 
int ammoCount = 70; 

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

void setup() {
  size(600, 480);
  // explosions: Create an empty ArrayList
  missiles = new ArrayList<Explosion>();

void draw() {
  // blue rect
  fill(0, 0, 255);
  rect (100, 100, 40, 40);

void mousePressed() {;

void keyPressed() {;

void ExplosionManager() {
  // this is a new for loop.
  // Actually for the Shrapnels.
  for (Explosion m : missiles) {
    m.decreaseLife(); // call the decrease life (for explosion);          // call the "fly" method of the missile
    m.display();      // call the "display" method of the missile
  // remove dead ones (you need to have a conventional for-loop here)
  for (int i=missiles.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
    Explosion m = (Explosion) missiles.get(i);
    if (m.dead) {
} // func

// ********************************************************************************
// tab: Bullet.pde

// ================================================================
// Bullet - Simple class for bullets

class Bullet {

  float x;
  float y;
  float speedX ;  
  float speedY;
  float w;
  float life = 255;

  Bullet(float tempX, float tempY, // new2
  float tempSpeedX, float tempSpeedY, 
  float tempW) {
    x = tempX;
    y = tempY;
    w = tempW;
    speedX = tempSpeedX; // 4.2; // new2 
    speedY = tempSpeedY; // 0;

  void move() {
    // Add speed to location
    x = x + speedX; 
    y = y + speedY;
    // kill bullet when outside screen
    if (x<4) 
    if (y<4) 
    if (x>width-4) 
    if (y>width-4) 

    // blue rect
    if (x>=100 && y>=100 && x<=140 && y<=140)   
    if (life==-1) 
      explode () ;
  } // method 

  void explode () {
    // explode!
    int maxMissiles= int(random(4, 222));
    for (int i=0; i<maxMissiles; i+=1) {   
      // this is where explode missile/shrapnel object is created
      // and added to the missiles arrayList.
      // It is small (4) and life decrease is .72 (how fast it dies),
      // no Line (false).
      missiles.add( new Explosion(
      random(x-3, x+3), random(y+9, y+12), 
      random(-1.3, 1.3), random(-2.7, .6), 
      4, .72, false)); //
  } // method

  boolean finished() {
    // bullet dead?
    if (life < 0) {
      return true;
    else {
      return false;

  void display() {
    // Display the circle
    fill(244, 2, 2);
    ellipse(x, y, w, w);
    // image( ammo_fired, x, y );
} // class 

// ********************************************************************************
// tab: Explosion.pde

// ===============================================================
// the tab for Explosion class

class Explosion {
  float startlocX, startlocY; // start pos
  float x, y;          // current pos
  float xvel, yvel;    // velocity
  float sizeMissile ;  // size for rect
  float life=20;       // how much lifes does it have
  float lifeDecrease;  // remove lifes
  boolean dead=false;  // is it alive?
  boolean withLine;    // draw line? Explosion has none.
  // contructor
  float _startlocX, float _startlocY, 
  float _xvel, float _yvel, 
  float _size, float _lifeDecrease, 
  boolean _withLine)
    startlocX = _startlocX;
    startlocY = _startlocY;   
    x = startlocX;
    y = _startlocY;
    sizeMissile = _size;
    xvel = _xvel;
    yvel = _yvel;
  }  // contructor
  void display() {
    //stroke(255, 2, 2);
    fill(255, 2, 2);
    if (withLine) {
      line(startlocX, startlocY, x, y);
    rect(x, y, sizeMissile, sizeMissile);
  } // method
  void fly() {
    x += xvel;
    y += yvel;
  } // method
  void decreaseLife() {

    // check wall collision
    if (x<0) 
    if (y<0) 
    if (x>width) 
    if (y>width) 

    if (life<=0 || sizeMissile<=0) {
  } // method
} // class
// ======================================================================

// ********************************************************************************
// tab: player.pde

// =====================================================================
// the Player class

class Player {

  ArrayList<Bullet> bullets;   
  PVector position, velocity; // contains x and y...

  Player() {
    bullets  = new ArrayList();   
    position = new PVector(333, 333);
    velocity = new PVector();
    velocity.x = 0;
    velocity.y = 0;

  void fire() {     // new2
    if (fireSpeed<=millis()-lastFired) {
      if (ammoCount>0) {
        // ammoCount--;

        float xSpeed ;
        float ySpeed ; 
        float angle = update(mouseX, mouseY);
        xSpeed = cos(angle);
        ySpeed = sin(angle);
        xSpeed*= bulletFlySpeed;
        ySpeed*= bulletFlySpeed;
        if (ySpeed>0)
        bullets.add ( new Bullet( 
        position.x+12, position.y-14, 
        xSpeed, ySpeed, 
        5 ));
      } // if
    } // if
  } // method 

  float update(int mx, int my) {
    //determines angle to mouse
    float angle = atan2(float(my)-(position.y-14), float(mx)-(position.x+12));
    return angle;

  void draw() {
    // draw player & bullets
    // draw player 
    translate(position.x, position.y);
    rect (0, 0, 20, 40);
    popMatrix(); // undoes all

    // draw bullets
    for (Bullet currentBullet : bullets ) {     // new1 

    // With an array, we say length, with an ArrayList, we say size()
    // The length of an ArrayList is dynamic
    // Notice how we are looping through the ArrayList backwards
    // This is because we are deleting elements from the list  
    for (int i = bullets.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { 
      // An ArrayList 
      Bullet currentBullet = bullets.get(i);
      if (currentBullet.finished()) {
        // Items can be deleted with remove()

// End of joined file. ********************************************************************************


Thank you so much @Chrisir . :slightly_smiling_face:

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