Convert String Array to int / float (loadStrings)

Hello there,

i have an csv file with a lot of numbers inside, which are seperated with “,” (. This file is supposed to make a map out of the numbers.
First problem i got is to convert this into String, because i wanna test if the current number in the file is for example higher than 2. I basically know how to convert a normal String into an int, so i feel stupid atm but i dont know how to do it in this case.

void setup(){
  size (800,600);

void draw(){
  // when opening window background is black
void mousePressed(){
  // when mousePressed load file
    String [] lines = loadStrings("numbers.csv");
    // iterate over Array 
    for (String n: lines){
      // convert to int
      int zahl = int(n);

when i convert it, there is just 0 0 on the console, but i need all the numbers from this textfile in int instead of String

Thanks for any help! :)

You can use split() to split it up

println (zahl); maybe?

Post the first 10 lines of your csv

oh yes sure, i had (zahl) before but than the 0 was on the console… just forgot to change it before i have copied

the first two numbers are supposed to be the size of the window
and all the other numbers should make a map (depending on height of number if there is a mountain or not…)

800, 600
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You need to use split within the for loop

Use a 2nd for loop to loop over the result with n2, see Reference

Then use …int(n2.trim());

1 Like

thanks i will try tomorrow :slight_smile:


It’s also not int but float because of the dot


technically, you could make a 2D array (grid, see tutorials) of float, because you have

  • a lot of lines and
  • each of them contains several (different numbers of!) floats.


I looked at your csv and the 2nd line is VERY long.
You posted only 2 lines.

Here is my Sketch

Here is my Sketch. It’s like in the description above.
It splits each line (all lines) and shows each float “zahl” within the line.


String [] lines; 

void setup() {
  size (800, 600);

  lines = loadStrings("numbers.csv");
  println("length is "

void draw() {
  // when opening window background is black

void mousePressed() {

  // when mousePressed 

  // iterate over Array 
  for (String n : lines) {

    // split line
    String[] thisLine = n.split (","); 

    // loop over line
    for (String n2 : thisLine) {
      // convert to float
      float zahl = float(n2);
      print(" ");
  } //for
} //func 

You can also use Float.parseFloat() if you want to convert the strings into floats, then add them to a new array of floats.