Hi! Can someone help me to convert this JavaScript to Processing. I’m not so cool for this code yet, but I really need this function for my app. Thank you stranger!
Sample Usage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="ntc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var n_match = ntc.name("#6195ED");
n_rgb = n_match[0]; // This is the RGB value of the closest matching color
n_name = n_match[1]; // This is the text string for the name of the match
n_exactmatch = n_match[2]; // True if exact color match, False if close-match
var ntc = {
init: function() {
var color, rgb, hsl;
for(var i = 0; i < ntc.names.length; i++)
color = "#" + ntc.names[i][0];
rgb = ntc.rgb(color);
hsl = ntc.hsl(color);
ntc.names[i].push(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2]);
name: function(color) {
color = color.toUpperCase();
if(color.length < 3 || color.length > 7)
return ["#000000", "Invalid Color: " + color, false];
if(color.length % 3 == 0)
color = "#" + color;
if(color.length == 4)
color = "#" + color.substr(1, 1) + color.substr(1, 1) + color.substr(2, 1) + color.substr(2, 1) + color.substr(3, 1) + color.substr(3, 1);
var rgb = ntc.rgb(color);
var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
var hsl = ntc.hsl(color);
var h = hsl[0], s = hsl[1], l = hsl[2];
var ndf1 = 0; ndf2 = 0; ndf = 0;
var cl = -1, df = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < ntc.names.length; i++)
if(color == "#" + ntc.names[i][0])
return ["#" + ntc.names[i][0], ntc.names[i][1], true];
ndf1 = Math.pow(r - ntc.names[i][2], 2) + Math.pow(g - ntc.names[i][3], 2) + Math.pow(b - ntc.names[i][4], 2);
ndf2 = Math.pow(h - ntc.names[i][5], 2) + Math.pow(s - ntc.names[i][6], 2) + Math.pow(l - ntc.names[i][7], 2);
ndf = ndf1 + ndf2 * 2;
if(df < 0 || df > ndf)
df = ndf;
cl = i;
return (cl < 0 ? ["#000000", "Invalid Color: " + color, false] : ["#" + ntc.names[cl][0], ntc.names[cl][1], false]);
// adopted from: Farbtastic 1.2
// http://acko.net/dev/farbtastic
hsl: function (color) {
var rgb = [parseInt('0x' + color.substring(1, 3)) / 255, parseInt('0x' + color.substring(3, 5)) / 255, parseInt('0x' + color.substring(5, 7)) / 255];
var min, max, delta, h, s, l;
var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
delta = max - min;
l = (min + max) / 2;
s = 0;
if(l > 0 && l < 1)
s = delta / (l < 0.5 ? (2 * l) : (2 - 2 * l));
h = 0;
if(delta > 0)
if (max == r && max != g) h += (g - b) / delta;
if (max == g && max != b) h += (2 + (b - r) / delta);
if (max == b && max != r) h += (4 + (r - g) / delta);
h /= 6;
return [parseInt(h * 255), parseInt(s * 255), parseInt(l * 255)];
// adopted from: Farbtastic 1.2
// http://acko.net/dev/farbtastic
rgb: function(color) {
return [parseInt('0x' + color.substring(1, 3)), parseInt('0x' + color.substring(3, 5)), parseInt('0x' + color.substring(5, 7))];
names: [
["000000", "Black"],
["000080", "Navy Blue"],
["0000C8", "Dark Blue"],
["0000FF", "Blue"],
["000741", "Stratos"],
["001B1C", "Swamp"],
["002387", "Resolution Blue"],
["002900", "Deep Fir"],
["002E20", "Burnham"],
["002FA7", "International Klein Blue"],
["003153", "Prussian Blue"],
["003366", "Midnight Blue"],
["003399", "Smalt"],
["003532", "Deep Teal"],
["003E40", "Cyprus"],
["004620", "Kaitoke Green"],
["0047AB", "Cobalt"],
["004816", "Crusoe"],
["004950", "Sherpa Blue"],
["0056A7", "Endeavour"],
["00581A", "Camarone"],
["0066CC", "Science Blue"],
["0066FF", "Blue Ribbon"],
["00755E", "Tropical Rain Forest"],
["0076A3", "Allports"],
["007BA7", "Deep Cerulean"],
["007EC7", "Lochmara"],
["007FFF", "Azure Radiance"],
["008080", "Teal"],
["0095B6", "Bondi Blue"],
["009DC4", "Pacific Blue"],
["00A693", "Persian Green"],
["00A86B", "Jade"],
["00CC99", "Caribbean Green"],
["00CCCC", "Robin's Egg Blue"],
["00FF00", "Green"],
["00FF7F", "Spring Green"],
["00FFFF", "Cyan / Aqua"],
["010D1A", "Blue Charcoal"],
["011635", "Midnight"],
["011D13", "Holly"],
["012731", "Daintree"],
["01361C", "Cardin Green"],
["01371A", "County Green"],
["013E62", "Astronaut Blue"],
["013F6A", "Regal Blue"],
["014B43", "Aqua Deep"],
["015E85", "Orient"],
["016162", "Blue Stone"],
["016D39", "Fun Green"],
["01796F", "Pine Green"],
["017987", "Blue Lagoon"],
["01826B", "Deep Sea"],
["01A368", "Green Haze"],
["022D15", "English Holly"],
["02402C", "Sherwood Green"],
["02478E", "Congress Blue"],
["024E46", "Evening Sea"],
["026395", "Bahama Blue"],
["02866F", "Observatory"],
["02A4D3", "Cerulean"],
["03163C", "Tangaroa"],
["032B52", "Green Vogue"],
["036A6E", "Mosque"],
["041004", "Midnight Moss"],
["041322", "Black Pearl"],
["042E4C", "Blue Whale"],
["044022", "Zuccini"],
["044259", "Teal Blue"],
["051040", "Deep Cove"],
["051657", "Gulf Blue"],
["055989", "Venice Blue"],
["056F57", "Watercourse"],
["062A78", "Catalina Blue"],
["063537", "Tiber"],
["069B81", "Gossamer"],
["06A189", "Niagara"],
["073A50", "Tarawera"],
["080110", "Jaguar"],
["081910", "Black Bean"],
["082567", "Deep Sapphire"],
["088370", "Elf Green"],
["08E8DE", "Bright Turquoise"],
["092256", "Downriver"],
["09230F", "Palm Green"],
["09255D", "Madison"],
["093624", "Bottle Green"],
["095859", "Deep Sea Green"],
["097F4B", "Salem"],
["0A001C", "Black Russian"],
["0A480D", "Dark Fern"],
["0A6906", "Japanese Laurel"],
["0A6F75", "Atoll"],
["0B0B0B", "Cod Gray"],
["0B0F08", "Marshland"],
["0B1107", "Gordons Green"],
["0B1304", "Black Forest"],
["0B6207", "San Felix"],
["0BDA51", "Malachite"],
["0C0B1D", "Ebony"],
["0C0D0F", "Woodsmoke"],
["0C1911", "Racing Green"],
["0C7A79", "Surfie Green"],
["0C8990", "Blue Chill"],
["0D0332", "Black Rock"],
["0D1117", "Bunker"],
["0D1C19", "Aztec"],
["0D2E1C", "Bush"],
["0E0E18", "Cinder"],
["0E2A30", "Firefly"],
["0F2D9E", "Torea Bay"],
["10121D", "Vulcan"],
["101405", "Green Waterloo"],
["105852", "Eden"],
["110C6C", "Arapawa"],
["120A8F", "Ultramarine"],
["123447", "Elephant"],
["126B40", "Jewel"],
["130000", "Diesel"],
["130A06", "Asphalt"],
["13264D", "Blue Zodiac"],
["134F19", "Parsley"],
["140600", "Nero"],
["1450AA", "Tory Blue"],
["151F4C", "Bunting"],
["1560BD", "Denim"],
["15736B", "Genoa"],
["161928", "Mirage"],
["161D10", "Hunter Green"],
["162A40", "Big Stone"],
["163222", "Celtic"],
["16322C", "Timber Green"],
["163531", "Gable Green"],
["171F04", "Pine Tree"],
["175579", "Chathams Blue"],
["182D09", "Deep Forest Green"],
["18587A", "Blumine"],
["19330E", "Palm Leaf"],
["193751", "Nile Blue"],
["1959A8", "Fun Blue"],
["1A1A68", "Lucky Point"],
["1AB385", "Mountain Meadow"],
["1B0245", "Tolopea"],
["1B1035", "Haiti"],
["1B127B", "Deep Koamaru"],
["1B1404", "Acadia"],
["1B2F11", "Seaweed"],
["FFFF99", "Pale Canary"],
["FFFFB4", "Portafino"],
["FFFFF0", "Ivory"],
["FFFFFF", "White"]