Hey everyone,
New (again) to Processing. Trying to write a simple “interactive gradient” drawing program in which a couple of sliders (using the ControlP5 library) control some variables of the wave function and the colors. But I’m stuck, because the sliders become inactive when I execute my draw() piece of code. It turns out that the translate function is the one that ruins it. I think the mouseX and mouseY coordinates change and that the library doesn’t account on this shift, resulting in inactive sliders. I’d like to know if there are simple workarounds so I can keep using the translate function that centers the 0,0 point. Thanks so much.
Here’s the code:
import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
int myColor = color(0, 0, 0);
float sliderValue = 0.5;
float sliderValue2 = 0.8;
int sliderValue3 = 30;
float sliderValue4 = 0.5;
float sliderValue5 = 0.5;
void setup() {
size(900, 900);
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
// add a horizontal sliders, the value of this slider will be linked
// to variable 'sliderValue'
.setPosition(0, 50)
.setRange(0, 255)
.setValueLabel("Add some")
.setPosition(200, 100)
.setRange(0, 255)
.setValueLabel("Add some")
//size van de shapes
.setPosition(200, 150)
.setRange(0, 100)
.setValueLabel("Add some")
.setPosition(200, 200)
.setRange(0, 1)
.setValueLabel("Add some")
.setPosition(200, 250)
.setRange(0, 1)
.setValueLabel("Add some")
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
float mag = 20;
//size shapes
float s = sliderValue3;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
float sin = map(sin(radians(frameCount*sliderValue4+i)), -1, 1, -mag, mag);
float cos = map(cos(radians(frameCount*sliderValue5+i)), -1, 1, -mag, mag);
ellipse(sin, cos, s, s);
//here i'll add some code that changes the color depending on the sliders