Controlp5 (Numberbox, RadioButton, CheckBox) what to write after case statements

I am completely newbie (completely). I asked the question here, I received no answer. Here I did not upload the whole project to the link, I think it is clear what kind of help I am asking.
Good afternoon, I’m using the switch construct, but I don’t know how to write correctly for other values after case statements.
Only works at (minutesss = cp5.addButton) - 10, (Vin = cp5.addTextlabel) - 60.

The main error is below (function “setText (String)” is undefined. See screenshot.

How do I fix this for variables and write it correctly?


Numberbox inputPULI;

Numberbox inputNapryzenieKV;

RadioButton CheckBoxuvum;

CheckBox P4;

See the GUI file!

A task:

ImageButton (button) - 20, the goal is to get a change of the picture in the window.

P4 = cp5.addCheckBox - 30 CHECK, the goal is to enable and disable changing the state of the checkbox in the window.

inputPULI = cp5.addNumberbox - 40 Bullet, the goal is to get an integer change in the window.

CheckBoxuvum = cp5.addRadioButton - 50 +/-, the goal is to enable and disable (+/-) the state of the checkbox in the window.

inputNapryzenieKV = cp5.addNumberbox - 70 Voltage, the goal is to get the change of the floating point number in the window.

In the Displaydata code, I marked this with a question.

In the future, I plan to send commands from the terminal via the com port to receive a change in the data state in the window for these values.

Screenshot of errors:


int min1 = 0;
int PUL;
float NapryzenieKV;
boolean strata=false;

Button minutess;
ImageButton button;
Numberbox inputPULI;
Numberbox inputNapryzenieKV;
RadioButton CheckBoxuvum;
CheckBox P4;
Textlabel Vin;
Button connection;
Button Send;

public void setupUI()
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
PFont fontn = createFont(“Times New Roman”, 18);
PFont p = createFont(“Times New Roman”, 18);
ControlFont font=new

connection = cp5.addButton(“toplug”)
.setPosition(387, 30)
.setSize(150, 30);

serialPortsList = cp5.addDropdownList(“Порт”)
.setPosition(130, 30)
.setSize(150, 200)

minutess = cp5.addButton(“minutesss”)
.setPosition(145, 100)
.setSize(90, 25);

Send = cp5.addButton(“toapply”)
.setPosition(510, 370)
.setSize(150, 30);

Vin = cp5.addTextlabel(“naprazhenie kondencatora”)
.setText(“Voltage K.V”)
.setPosition(45, 320);

CheckBoxuvum = cp5.addRadioButton(“UV/UM”)
.setPosition(155, 360)
.setSize(15, 15)
.addItem(“+”, 1)
.addItem(“-”, 2);

P4 = cp5.addCheckBox(“std2”)
.setPosition(150, 190)
.setSize(15, 15)
.addItem(“Check”, 2);

inputPULI = cp5.addNumberbox(“PUL”)
.setPosition(150, 220)
.setSize(80, 30)
.setRange(1, 199)
Label labelinputPULI = inputPULI.getCaptionLabel();
labelinputPULI.align(ControlP5.LEFT_OUTSIDE, CENTER);

inputNapryzenieKV = cp5.addNumberbox(“NapryzenieKV”)
.setPosition(150, 270)
.setSize(80, 30)
Label labelinputNapryzenieKV = inputNapryzenieKV.getCaptionLabel();
labelinputNapryzenieKV.align(ControlP5.LEFT_OUTSIDE, CENTER);

// button dimensions
int w = 99;
int h = 25;
// test with generated images
button = new ImageButton(140, 140, w, h,
new PImage{
getImage(w, h, color(192, 0, 32 * 2)), // off
getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 3)), // 10
getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 4)), // 20
getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 5)), // 30
getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 6)), // 40
getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 7)), // 50
getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 8)), // 60
void mousePressed() {
button.mousePressed(mouseX, mouseY);
// test images to represent loaded state images
PImage getImage(int w, int h, int c) {
PImage img = createImage(w, h, RGB);
java.util.Arrays.fill(img.pixels, c);
return img;

// make a custom image button class
class ImageButton {
// minutes is the data it stores
int min = 0;
// images for each state
PImage stateImages;
// which image to display
int stateIndex;
// position
int x, y;
// dimensions: width , height
int w, h;
// text to display
String label = “ВЫКЛ”;

ImageButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, PImage stateImages) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
this.stateImages = stateImages;
void mousePressed(int mx, int my) {
// check the cursor is within the button bounds
boolean isOver = ((mx >= x && mx <= x + w) && // check horizontal
(my >= y && my <= y + h) ); // check vertical

if (isOver) {

  min += 10;

  if (min>60) {
    min = 0; 
    stateIndex = 0;
    label = "ВЫКЛ";
  } else {
    label = (str(min) + "Мин");

void draw() {
// if the images and index are valid
if (stateImages != null && stateIndex < stateImages.length) {
image(stateImages[stateIndex], x, y, w, h);
} else {
println(“error displaying button state image”);
println("stateImages: ");
println("stateIndex: " + stateIndex);
// display text
text(label, x + 17, y + h - 8);
public void minutesss() {

min1 += 10;
if (min1>60) {
min1 = 0;
} else {
minutess.setCaptionLabel(str(min1)+" Мин1");


void Displaydata() {

switch(readIncome[0]) {
case 10:
minutess.setCaptionLabel(readIncome[1]+" Мин1.“); // No picture button
case 20:
//label(readIncome[1]+” Мин."); // ImageButton
case 30:
//P4.setText(“std2”+readIncome[1] ); // CheckBox
case 40:
//inputPULI.setText("Bullet - "+readIncome[1] ); // Numberbox int
case 70:
//inputNapryzenieKV.setText("Voltage - "+readIncome[1] ); // Numberbox float
case 60:
Vin.setText("Voltage K.V - "+readIncome[1] ); // Textlabel
case 50:
//CheckBoxuvum.setText("UV/UM - "+readIncome[1] ); // RadioButton
println(“DisplayData(): no case selected.”);
break; // technically not necessary, but I like my switches tidy

I haven’t understood your question

but this works:

import controlP5.*;

int min1 = 0;
int PUL;
float NapryzenieKV;
boolean strata=false;

ControlP5 cp5; 

Button minutess;
ImageButton button;
Numberbox inputPULI;
Numberbox inputNapryzenieKV;
RadioButton CheckBoxuvum;
CheckBox P4;
Textlabel Vin;
Button connection;
Button Send;

void setup() {
  size (1000, 600);

void draw() {

public void setupUI() {
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
  PFont fontn = createFont("Times New Roman", 18);
  PFont p = createFont("Times New Roman", 18);

  ControlFont font=new  ControlFont(p);

  connection = cp5.addButton("toplug")
    .setPosition(387, 30)
    .setSize(150, 30);

  DropdownList serialPortsList = cp5.addDropdownList("Порт")
    .setPosition(130, 30)
    .setSize(150, 200)
  for (int i=0; i<40; i++) {
    serialPortsList.addItem("item "+i, i);

  minutess = cp5.addButton("minutesss")
    .setPosition(145, 100)
    .setSize(90, 25);

  Send = cp5.addButton("toapply")
    .setPosition(510, 370)
    .setSize(150, 30);

  Vin = cp5.addTextlabel("naprazhenie kondencatora")
    .setText("Voltage K.V")
    .setPosition(45, 320);

  CheckBoxuvum = cp5.addRadioButton("UV/UM")
    .setPosition(155, 360)
    .setSize(15, 15)
    .addItem("+", 1)
    .addItem("-", 2);

  P4 = cp5.addCheckBox("std2")
    .setPosition(150, 190)
    .setSize(15, 15)
    .addItem("Check", 2);

  inputPULI = cp5.addNumberbox("PUL")
    .setPosition(150, 220)
    .setSize(80, 30)
    .setRange(1, 199)
  Label labelinputPULI = inputPULI.getCaptionLabel();
  labelinputPULI.align(ControlP5.LEFT_OUTSIDE, CENTER);

  inputNapryzenieKV = cp5.addNumberbox("NapryzenieKV")
    .setPosition(150, 270)
    .setSize(80, 30)
  Label labelinputNapryzenieKV = inputNapryzenieKV.getCaptionLabel();
  labelinputNapryzenieKV.align(ControlP5.LEFT_OUTSIDE, CENTER);

    // button dimensions
    int w = 99;
    int h = 25;
    // test with generated images
    button = new ImageButton(140, 140, w, h, 
      new PImage[]{
      getImage(w, h, color(192, 0, 32 * 2)), // off
      getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 3)), // 10
      getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 4)), // 20
      getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 5)), // 30
      getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 6)), // 40
      getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 7)), // 50
      getImage(w, h, color(0, 0, 32 * 8)), // 60

void mousePressed() {
  button.mousePressed(mouseX, mouseY);

// test images to represent loaded state images
PImage getImage(int w, int h, int c) {
  PImage img = createImage(w, h, RGB);
  java.util.Arrays.fill(img.pixels, c);
  return img;

public void minutesss() {
  min1 += 10;
  if (min1>60) {
    min1 = 0;
  } else {
    minutess.setCaptionLabel(str(min1)+" Мин1");

void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {
  if (theEvent.isFrom(CheckBoxuvum)) {
    //myColorBackground = 0;
    print("got an event from "+CheckBoxuvum.getName()+"\t\n");
    // checkbox uses arrayValue to store the state of 
    // individual checkbox-items. usage:
    int col = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<CheckBoxuvum.getArrayValue().length; i++) {
      int n = (int)CheckBoxuvum.getArrayValue()[i];
      if (n==1) {
        //myColorBackground += CheckBoxuvum.getItem(i).internalValue();

  if (theEvent.isGroup()) {
    // check if the Event was triggered from a ControlGroup
    println("event from group : "+theEvent.getGroup().getValue()+" from "+theEvent.getGroup());
  } else if (theEvent.isController()) {
    println("event from controller : "+theEvent.getController().getValue()+" from "+theEvent.getController());

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// make a custom image button class
class ImageButton {
  // minutes is the data it stores
  int min = 0;
  // images for each state
  PImage[] stateImages;
  // which image to display
  int stateIndex;
  // position
  int x, y;
  // dimensions: width , height
  int w, h;
  // text to display
  String label = "ВЫКЛ";

  ImageButton(int x, int y, 
    int w, int h, 
    PImage[] stateImages) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.w = w;
    this.h = h;
    this.stateImages = stateImages;

  void mousePressed(int mx, int my) {
    // check the cursor is within the button bounds
    boolean isOver =
      ((mx >= x &&
      mx <= x + w) && // check horizontal
      (my >= y && 
      my <= y + h) ); // check vertical

    if (isOver) {

      min += 10;

      if (min>60) {
        min = 0; 
        stateIndex = 0;
        label = "ВЫКЛ";
      } else {
        label = (str(min) + "Мин");
  void draw() {
    // if the images and index are valid
    if (stateImages != null && stateIndex < stateImages.length) {
      image(stateImages[stateIndex], x, y, w, h);
    } else {
      println("error displaying button state image");
      println("stateImages: ");
      println("stateIndex: " + stateIndex);
    // display text
    text(label, x + 17, y + h - 8);


void Displaydata() {

  int readIncome=100 ;  // FIX ????

  switch(readIncome) {

  case 10:
    minutess.setCaptionLabel("readIncome8"+" Мин1."); // No picture button
    // min1=readIncome[1];

  case 20:
    //label(readIncome[1]+" Мин."); // ImageButton

  case 30:
    //P4.setText(“std2”+readIncome[1] ); // CheckBox

  case 40:
    //inputPULI.setText( "Bullet - "  +"readIncome[1]" ); // Numberbox int

  case 70:
    //inputNapryzenieKV.setText("Voltage - "+readIncome[1] ); // Numberbox float

  case 60:
    Vin.setText("Voltage K.V - "+"readIncome[1]" ); // Textlabel

  case 50:
    //CheckBoxuvum.setText("UV/UM - "+readIncome[1] ); // RadioButton

    println("DisplayData(): no case selected.");
    break; // technically not necessary, but I like my switches tidy

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I asked a question here, got no answer. Correct everything and write for the numbers (DisplayData fix) 20,30,40,50,70. I myself don’t know how to ask (((I know the working code. Maybe I can upload the project here in full files so you can see?)

I can’t help you with that

basically here you have to evaluate all your controls and act:

See processing, menu file, examples, contributed libraries, controlP5…

if (theEvent.isFrom(CheckBoxuvum)) {
     //myColorBackground = 0;
} else if(theEvent.isFrom(........)) {
}  ................