Constructors given in Sound Library documentation not working

Trying to use AudioSample, but I get an error on the constructor from the example given in the documentation.

import processing.sound.*;
AudioSample sample;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);

  // Create a new audiosample
  sample = new AudioSample(this, 100000, 22050);

  // A freshly initiated audiosample contains nothing but zeros, so let's
  // write some data to it.
  for (int i = 0; i < sample.frames(); i++) {
    // Random numbers  will make it sound like white noise
    sample.write(i, random(-100, 100));

void draw() {

Error message “The constructor “AudioSample(sketch_190423b, int, int)” does not exist”

All the possible constructors are given like this:

AudioSample(parent, frames)
AudioSample(parent, frames, stereo)
AudioSample(parent, frames, stereo, frameRate)
AudioSample(parent, data)
AudioSample(parent, data, stereo)
AudioSample(parent, data, frameRate)
AudioSample(parent, data, stereo, frameRate)

However, at least a few that I’ve checked don’t work and some do. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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-a- pls details from what reference / example / turtorial / video your
code originates from.

that would be a good source:

-b- you use

this, 100000, 22050

what should each of that numbers mean? do?

the reference example
allows like

AudioSample(parent, frames)
AudioSample(parent, frames,stereo,frameRate)

so a running version of your code could be

import processing.sound.*;
AudioSample sample;

void setup() {
  size(640, 360);
//  sample = new AudioSample(this, 100000, 22050);
  sample = new AudioSample(this, 22050);
  for (int i = 0; i < sample.frames(); i++) 
    sample.write(i, random(-100, 100));


void draw() { }

The example code here is the one that I posted above.

yes, looks like many of that examples
cue, duration, jump, resize, read, write, pan, samplerate …

have that wrong

sample = new AudioSample(this, 100000, 22050);

example code ( must be from some old version ??)

looks like it would work with
sample = new AudioSample(this, 100000, false, 22050);
pls try

thanks for finding & reporting.
i linked this/you from github issues :


That does work, but what’s the logic behind that? Also I tried using these constructor forms with stereo, but they also didn’t work.

AudioSample(parent, data, stereo, frameRate)
AudioSample(parent, frames, stereo)
AudioSample(parent, frames, stereo, frameRate)

stereo boolean: whether to treat the audiosample as 2-channel (stereo) or not (default: false)


Ah, got it. Works now. Thanks

If all else fails, we can always peruse the source code directly in order to see all the available overloaded signatures for the AudioSample’s constructors: :see_no_evil: