I am currently working on a project to generate 2D dungeon maps (like in Binding of Isaac, or similar games) but I am having difficulty finding a way to automatically connect rooms. I currently can generate a random map of “rooms” but I need to find a way to connect some rooms together. I was thinking of writing a function that connects rooms that are a certain distance apart, but the way I would implement that would be to draw a line that connects the starting positions of rooms, then checks which open cells that line intersects, then fills in those cells. However, this method seems inefficient and clunky. Thanks in advance!
ArrayList Rooms;
public int[][] floorGrid;
public Cell[][] cellGrid;
int startX, startY;
int gridSize;
int margin;
ArrayList<PVector> doors;
int numRooms;
color[] cols;
int xNext, yNext;
int x1, y1;
int currentID;
int xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
numRooms = 8000;
gridSize = 20;
startX = 10;
startY = 10;
margin = 2*gridSize;
currentID = 1;
doors = new ArrayList<PVector>();
cols = new color[numRooms + 10];
cols[0] = color(255);
for (int i = 1; i< numRooms; i++) {
cols[i] = color(int(random(20, 230)), int(random(20, 230)), int(random(20, 230)));
xmin = 3;
xmax = 10;
ymin = 2;
ymax = 7;
xNext = 1;
yNext = 1;
floorGrid = new int[(width-margin)/gridSize][(height-margin)/gridSize];
cellGrid = new Cell[floorGrid.length][floorGrid[1].length];
println(cellGrid.length + ", " + cellGrid[0].length);
cellGrid[0][0] = new Cell(0, 0, -1);
// int div = int((cellGrid[0].length)/3);
for (int i = 0; i< cellGrid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j< cellGrid[0].length; j++) {
// if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == cellGrid.length-1 || j == cellGrid[0].length-1 || (j)%div == 0) {
if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == cellGrid.length-1 || j == cellGrid[0].length-1) {
cellGrid[i][j] = new Cell(i, j, -1);
} else {
cellGrid[i][j] = new Cell(i, j, 0);
xNext = xNext+int(random(2, 6));
int xstep = int(random(xmin, xmax));
int ystep = int(random(ymin, ymax));
println("steps: " + xstep + ", " + ystep);
x1 = 1;
y1 = 1;
boolean markx = true;
boolean marky = true;
int tt = 0;
while (marky) {
markx = true;
while (markx) {
xstep = int(random(3, 7));
ystep = int(random(2, 5));
for (int xx = x1; xx< x1+xstep; xx++) {
for (int yy = y1; yy< y1+ystep; yy++) {
if (xx >0 && xx< cellGrid.length && yy > 0 && yy<cellGrid[0].length) {
if (cellGrid[xx][yy].ID == 0) {
} else {
markx = false;
for (int i = 1; i< cellGrid.length-1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j< cellGrid[0].length-1; j++) {
if (cellGrid[i][j].ID == currentID) {
if (cellGrid[i-1][j].ID == 0) cellGrid[i-1][j].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i+1][j].ID == 0) cellGrid[i+1][j].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i-1][j+1].ID == 0) cellGrid[i-1][j+1].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i-1][j-1].ID == 0) cellGrid[i-1][j-1].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i+1][j+1].ID == 0) cellGrid[i+1][j+1].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i+1][j-1].ID == 0) cellGrid[i+1][j-1].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i][j+1].ID == 0) cellGrid[i][j+1].changeID(-1);
if (cellGrid[i][j-1].ID == 0) cellGrid[i][j-1].changeID(-1);
// cellGrid[x1][y1].changeID(-3);
x1 += xstep +int(random(1, 3));
// y1 += int(random(-2,2));
x1 = int(random(1, 5));
y1 += int(random(ystep, ystep + 3));
if ( y1 > cellGrid[0].length) marky = false;
for (int i = 1; i< cellGrid.length-1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j< cellGrid[0].length-1; j++) {
if (cellGrid[i][j].ID == 0) cellGrid[i][j].changeID(-1);
println("SZ" + doors.size());
void draw() {
for (int i = gridSize; i<= width-gridSize; i+= gridSize) {
for (int j = gridSize; j <= height-gridSize; j+= gridSize) {
line(i, gridSize, i, height-gridSize);
line(gridSize, j, width-gridSize, j);
for (int i = 0; i< cellGrid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j< cellGrid[0].length; j++) {
class Room {
int xloc, yloc, xSize, ySize;
public Room(int xloc, int yloc, int xSize, int ySize) {
this.xloc = xloc;
this.yloc = yloc;
this.xSize = xSize;
this.ySize = ySize;
class Cell {
float xpos, ypos;
int x, y;
int ID;
color f;
boolean isDoor;
public Cell(int x, int y, int ID) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.ID = ID;
isDoor = false;
xpos = 1.5* gridSize + x*gridSize;
ypos = 1.5* gridSize + y*gridSize;
void colorChange(int IDin) {
color retCol = 255;
if (IDin == -1) {
f = color(155, 155, 155);
} else if (IDin == -3) {
f = color(#6F1B5D);
} else if (IDin == -2) {
f = color(255, 0, 0);
} else {
f = cols[IDin];
void display() {
if (ID != 0 && ID != -1) {
rect(xpos, ypos, gridSize, gridSize);
if (isDoor) {
// text("D", xpos, ypos);
} else {
// text(ID, xpos, ypos);
} else {
rect(xpos, ypos, gridSize, gridSize);
void changeID(int newID) {
this.ID = newID;