is there a way to put a conditional inside an of stament? for
for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
if(i==col(i).size ){//col1 or col2... col 9 depending on the i
//whatever you want
what i am currently using is this a separate void that gets the size in a global variable and then use that variable.
i use a void because is a preces that i repet a lot. but i would like to avoid use it and insert the conditional(?) in the if statement
//create my void for choosing which
int size;
void cols(int col) {
size=(col==1 ? col1:
col==2 ? col2:
col==3 ? col3:col4).size() //each list has a diferent size
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
//whatever i want to do
to resume i want these conditional inside an if statment but it doesnt recognise it as an integer.
(col==1 ? col1: col==2 ? col2: col==3 ? col3: col4).size()
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it doesn´t do what i want.
what i need is to repet the same proces with diferent variables that are called similar, but i dont want to write massive blocks of code repiting the same proces again and again, insted, i want to kind of “automatise” it.
Every time we have a collection of variables having almost same name & datatype like: 
col, col1, col2, col3, etc.
We should turn them into 1 array: cols[]. So we can use a loop to iterate over them:
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Step 1
(Please don’t say void
, it’s a function. void
is just its return type.)
It’s actually good to use a function, because it puts your code into separate sections (functions) which is good. This is also one purpose of OOP (see Objects /
instead of void cols(int col) {
you can use your function like this:
int cols(int col) {
int colsLocal=0;
return colsLocal;
And then call the function like: a = cols (i); or so.
Step 2
It’s not fully clear what you want to achieve. You have an int A and depending on A you want to get a int value B. But B is not exactly A but another value.
I think to use switch or an array is a good idea. Also map() command is similar.
What I like to mention is an array of the values B and this array uses A as an index:
int[] B_values = { 17, 27, 312, 3455 }; // B
int i=2; // A
println ( B_values [i] ); // using A or i as an index to receive B
Step 3
Another way of doing this would be an HashMap
(This example is String → int but we could also use int → int)
// This example is String -> int but we could also use int -> int
// Note the HashMap's "key" is a String and "value" is an Integer
HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
// Putting key-value pairs in the HashMap
hm.put("Ava", 1);
hm.put("Cait", 35);
hm.put("Casey", 36);
// We can access values by their key
int val = hm.get("Casey");
println("Casey is " + val);
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