Comic Book Colors

I recently put together a visualization that takes the first 100 pages of various comic books and shows the colors used by them.

For example here is Saga:

And here is Pretty Deadly:

It’s really interesting to compare how different artists use colors, and how colors plays a role in the stories told by comic books.

I used a combination of Processing and P5.js to put the visualization together. Here is a discussion on the process, and here is the code I used.


Really interesting process, and very well done!

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Why is there white line between the colors? Can you comment on your approach, for instance, if somebody wants to reproduce your results?

Maybe somebody could do a frequency study of music/sounds this way. Next time somebody is looking for a topic, I will bring this one forward.


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It’s not that there are white lines between the colors. It’s that white is one of the colors used by many pages. Each page was converted into 4 representative colors, and many pages contain a good amount of white.

If you want more info, check out the two links at the bottom of my first post. This includes my process and the code I used. :cat:

Very interesting! I like your way to apply k-means to all colors on a page to come up with something else than just an average.

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