ColorMode and ARGB values

Just trying to figure out whats going on behind the scenes when using colorMode.

it can be set to greater than 255, however the values retrieved from it are then not accurate. And it doesnt seem to have a definitive conversion factor.

color bg;

void setup() {
  size(100, 100);
  //colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
  bg = color(180, 50, 50);

void draw() {


I usually start here to see what these Processing helper functions are doing:

And I see that this import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; is used:


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thanks after further experiments I saved a file with values from 0,100000 in their color counterpart and it seems that the values are simply mapped with a modulus function. I was hoping the color space would be able to map individual values but unfortunately it doesnt function this way.

this is a sample of the output file and we can see that the color space is unable to provide individual values for each index.

92.1569, 364
392.1569, 365
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Thanks for the help. In the end I’ve created a base 256 converter, this way I can fully utilise the range provided by the color() method and can therefore read and write numbers to later manipulate with shaders.

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