Collision detection with circle and square test

Hi, I am struggling with learning how to use colission detection in processing, and i would really appreciate some help, I have tried everything in my power to figure it out, but I just can’t do it. For a project in my class, I need to use this exact method to create a game and make it have a game over, however I am just testing it by doing a simple circle and square colission detection. The problem is im not sure how to detect corners, any help? P.S I apologize for the way my code is, I have been just testing stuff non stop.

float x,y;
final int RECT_SIZE = 50;
final int DIAM = 35;
boolean hit=false;
void setup(){
  x = random(0,width-RECT_SIZE);
  y = random(0,height-RECT_SIZE);
void draw(){
  //circle is green when it is NOT on the rectangle

  // work on this
  //hit = rectOverlap(x1,y1,x2,y2,size1,size2);
//and this
boolean pointOverlap(float x1,float y1, float x2, float y2, float size1, float size2){
  boolean test = false;
  return test;  
//and this
boolean rectOverlap(float x1,float y1, float x2, float y2, float size1,float size2){
  boolean test = false;
  return test;
//this makes the square move when you click the mouse
void mousePressed(){
  x = random(0,width-RECT_SIZE);
  y = random(0,height-RECT_SIZE);
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Had some similar problems. Not sure if this is helpful but…
Now firstly: you don’t need an extra variable test i think, if the function is of boolean type you can just write it like

boolean pointOverlap(float x1,float y1, float x2, float y2, float size1, float size2){
  return true;
  else {
  return false;

Then you can use it this way

  if(pointOverlap) {
  ...//executes when pointOverlap returns true

Sorry if you knew that already:)
What is the problem with detecting corners? Think of it this way: You want the circle to notice when it hits a square.
I guess one could compare each coordinate of each square with the ones of the circle but i guess thats too much at least for my laptop. Another possibility is to check whether the circle is inside the square. Look at GoToLoops link its good

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Are you allowed to use code libraries, or is the goal in your class to understand your own implementation of collision?

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By the way here is a nice explanation (for rects that aren’t rotated lower answer):

thanks guys, i figured it out