Coding problem NullPointerException

I write a code who change a picture in Dithering,but show me a NullPointerException (line 16)
What can I do? I have update Processing 3.5.4:

This is coding:

//variable to store image
import processing.svg.*;
PImage theImageCarrier; 

void setup(){
  //size of the output window displaying the image
  size(1100  ,512, SVG, "filename.svg"); 
  //loading the image into the variable
  theImageCarrier = loadImage("pics.jpg"); 
  //theImageCarrier.filter(GRAY); //turning the image into gray scale 
  //displaying the image on the left half of output window
  image(theImageCarrier,0,0);     // here is NullPointerException

int index(int x, int y){
   return x + y * theImageCarrier.width; 

void draw() {
  //before working on pixels u load them
  //look at all of the pixels

  for(int y=0; y< theImageCarrier.height-1; y++)//all y values of the image
     for(int x=1; x<theImageCarrier.width-1; x++) //all x values of the image
       //look at a given pixel from the image
       color pix = theImageCarrier.pixels[index(x,y)];
       //pull out the red,green and blue value from the pixel
       float oldR = red(pix);
       float oldG = green(pix);
       float oldB = blue(pix);
      //factor is the number of colors available in your color palet
      //using which u color your image.
      //eg if factor = 1, then there are 2 possible values 0 and 1.
      //Hence the number of colors in your color palet of each type ( ie R,G and B) are only 2.
      int factor = 1; 
      //quantise the values to a shorter range of values
      int newR = round(factor * oldR/255) * (255/factor);
      int newG = round(factor * oldG/255) * (255/factor);
      int newB = round(factor * oldB/255) * (255/factor);
      //set it back to that pixel
      theImageCarrier.pixels[index(x,y)] = color(newR,newG,newB);
   //Dithering algo for pixel correction begins from here
      //errors for each color after quantization 
      float errR = oldR - newR;
      float errG = oldG - newG;
      float errB = oldB - newB;
      int index = index(x+1,y);
      color c = theImageCarrier.pixels[index];
      float r = red(c);
      float g = green(c);
      float b = blue(c);
      //pass the error onto the current color and then update the pixels
      r = r + errR * 7/16.0;
      g = g + errG * 7/16.0;
      b = b + errB * 7/16.0;
      theImageCarrier.pixels[index] = color(r,g,b);
      index = index(x-1,y+1);
      c = theImageCarrier.pixels[index];
      r = red(c);
      g = green(c);
      b = blue(c);
      //pass the error onto the current color and then update the pixels
      r = r + errR * 7/16.0;
      g = g + errG * 7/16.0;
      b = b + errB * 7/16.0;
      theImageCarrier.pixels[index] = color(r,g,b);
      index = index(x,y+1);
      c = theImageCarrier.pixels[index];
      r = red(c);
      g = green(c);
      b = blue(c);
      //pass the error onto the current color and then update the pixels
      r = r + errR * 3/16.0;
      g = g + errG * 3/16.0;
      b = b + errB * 3/16.0;
      theImageCarrier.pixels[index] = color(r,g,b);
      index = index(x+1,y+1);
      c = theImageCarrier.pixels[index];
      r = red(c);
      g = green(c);
      b = blue(c);
      //pass the error onto the current color and then update the pixels
      r = r + errR * 5/16.0;
      g = g + errG * 5/16.0;
      b = b + errB * 5/16.0;
      theImageCarrier.pixels[index] = color(r,g,b);
   //Dithering algo ends here
      pixel[x + 1][y    ] := pixel[x + 1][y    ] + quant_error * 7 / 16
      pixel[x - 1][y + 1] := pixel[x - 1][y + 1] + quant_error * 3 / 16
      pixel[x    ][y + 1] := pixel[x    ][y + 1] + quant_error * 5 / 16
      pixel[x + 1][y + 1] := pixel[x + 1][y + 1] + quant_error * 1 / 16
  //after working you update the image pixels
  //quantized image on the right
  image(theImageCarrier , 512,0);

Maybe the image is not on the hard drive?

Name is case sensitive

Image is in a folder named Data.

Named Data or data?

Case sensitive too

image is named…jpg, not …JPG ?


It works with the default renderer:

size(240, 120);

I used your image:

theImageCarrier = loadImage("7676_2.png"); 



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