Code source of famous David Szakaly art works?

I am fascinated by these outstanding animations by Hungarian artist:


I so much want to developed something in this style - does anybody know what would be a possible approach for creating that sort of images?

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Impressive art; thanks for posting. I can’t supply source code, but that looks like an animated toroid to me.

Reference to conceptually get you started:

This is only one of his works;
see plenty of his wonderful loops here:

and here:

It’s fascinating work. If you want to do something similar you need to write some code and start experimenting. Processing is pretty good at something like this. A torus is basically a circle drawn in an elliptical path as shown in the following rudimentary example (meant only to get you started):

int x;

final int ellipseW = 200;
final int ellipseH = 100;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600, P3D);

void draw() {
  translate(width/2, height/2); // move origin to center
  circle(sin(radians(x))*ellipseW, cos(radians(x))*ellipseH, 150);

Might have to use a toroid object with texture and an app like Blender for animation.

This particular one is most likely a shader. Here’s a random example from shadertoy doing something similar:

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Looks promising. Do you know how to port to Processing? I get this error:
Cannot find a class or type named “vec2”

I tried import com.jogamp.opengl.;*

Shaders are glsl code, not Processing/Java code. You have to load them into a PShader and render them as or onto geometry. Everything on shadertoy uses a fragment shader and so is rendered onto a full-screen quad (or using filter() which renders a full-screen quad).

PShader torusShader;

void setup() {
  size( 720, 720, P2D );
  torusShader = new PShader( this, vertSrc, fragSrc );

void draw() {
  torusShader.set( "iTime", 1.0*frameCount/60 );
  shader( torusShader );
  rect( 0, 0, width, height );

String[] vertSrc = { """
#version 330
uniform mat4 transformMatrix;
in vec4 position;
void main() {
  gl_Position = transformMatrix * position;
""" };

String[] fragSrc = { """
#version 330
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float iTime;
out vec4 fragColor;

//Thank you iquilez for some of the primitive distance functions!

const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264;

const int MAX_PRIMARY_RAY_STEPS = 64; //decrease this number if it runs slow on your computer

vec2 rotate2d(vec2 v, float a) { 
  return vec2(v.x * cos(a) - v.y * sin(a), v.y * cos(a) + v.x * sin(a)); 

float sdTorus( vec3 p, vec2 t ) {
  vec2 q = vec2(length(p.xz)-t.x,p.y);
  return length(q)-t.y;

float distanceField(vec3 p) {
  return -sdTorus(p, vec2(4.0, 3.0));

vec3 castRay(vec3 pos, vec3 dir, float treshold) {
  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PRIMARY_RAY_STEPS; i++) {
      float dist = distanceField(pos);
      pos += dist * dir;
  return pos;

void main()
  vec2 screenPos = (gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy) * 2.0 - 1.0;
  vec3 cameraPos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -3.8);
  vec3 cameraDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
  vec3 planeU = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * 0.8;
  vec3 planeV = vec3(0.0, resolution.y / resolution.x * 1.0, 0.0);
  vec3 rayDir = normalize(cameraDir + screenPos.x * planeU + screenPos.y * planeV);
  vec3 rayPos = castRay(cameraPos, rayDir, 0.01);
  float majorAngle = atan(rayPos.z, rayPos.x);
  float minorAngle = atan(rayPos.y, length(rayPos.xz) - 4.0);
  float edge = mod(8.0 * (minorAngle + majorAngle + iTime) / PI, 1.0);
  float color = edge < 0.7 ? smoothstep(edge, edge+0.03, 0.5) : 1.0-smoothstep(edge, edge+0.03, 0.96);
  fragColor = vec4(vec3(color),1.);
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Thanks for the conversion and explanation.

I made a small version of a Torus that you can deform.

It’s P3D

It’s essentially a 2D grid of the quads that make the

You can change thickness of the torus for a specific angle.

For this thickness of the torus I use a cos() function that shrinks and expands its thickness .

Sketch comes with lights(), peasyCam and avoids clipping.

here is the main tab - not runable of course

// shows a 3D Torus

// imports
import peasy.*;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// objects and vars

// cam
PeasyCam camera;

// Tool class for PVectors
ToolsPVector toolsPVector  = new ToolsPVector();

// Main data Structure is a 2D Grid that holds Vertex of the Torus (inside the class).
ToolsGrid3D toolsGrid3D = new ToolsGrid3D();

// angle
float angleForRotationInDraw=0;

// declare listPVwithAngle which holds all pvs and angles of the main circle of the torus
ArrayList<PVwithAngle> listPVwithAngle = new ArrayList();

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

void setup() {
  size(1300, 990, P3D);

  // avoid Clipping of image at camera

  // make listPVwithAngle
} // func setup()

void draw() {
  background(111); // gray

  // use listPVwithAngle
  toolsGrid3D.makeTorus(listPVwithAngle);   // THE CORE

  // draw floor

  // rotate torus and display torus
  rotateX(angleForRotationInDraw += 0.012);
  toolsGrid3D.display();  // THE CORE
} // func draw()

Here are 2 examples (essentially same code)

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you can change the properties with the mouse

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