Class get set question

I’ve created an LED class that has worked well for me upto this point. Now, I have an array of leds and I need to know the state (weather it’s on or off) of a particular led. To do that I’ve added getState() to the class but the method is not correct. Say, for instance, that I have an array of leds and I want to know the state of led[3]. I can, of course, set the state with led[3].setState(true) but how to I get the state?

class Led
  boolean state;
  color col, onColour, offColour;
  int ledSize, xpos, ypos;

  Led(int x, int y)
    xpos = x;
    ypos = y;

  void setState(boolean s)
    state = s;

  boolean getState(Led) // this is not correct.
    return state;

No need to give any arguments to the get method:

Led leds[] = new Led[5];

void setup()
  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
    leds[i] = new Led(i*10, 20);



class Led
  boolean state;
  color col, onColour, offColour;
  int ledSize, xpos, ypos;

  Led(int x, int y)
    xpos = x;
    ypos = y;

  void setState(boolean s)
    state = s;

  boolean getState()
    return state;

Thank you raron for your quick reply and, of course, you’re correct. I thought the error was in the class but it’s elsewhere. I should be able to track it down with the excellent debugger.