Changing image with vertical and horizontal gradients

Idea is pretty simple. Drag mouse over the image and make a gradient to the image based on the mouse drag.To simplify things a bit gradients are made only in horizontal or vertical directions. Here’s an example of what I mean:

Gradient in this case means a gradual change in colour between pixels in startline (start of mouse drag) and endline (end of mouse drag). Not all of the code is strictly needed: there is a bit of redundancy to keep code on the safe side. Some parts of the code can be a bit cryptic, because I tried to keep the code as short as possible. It was also a way to challenge myself.
And here’s the code. Code can also be found from github GitHub - HartsaQ/selectiveGradient: Processing3 (Java) code that reads in an image, that user can change by creating a gradient from a row or a line in the image.
If you are not familiar with git or github take a look at excellent Daniel Shiffman’s videoguide

/* Loads an image and diplays it scaled to fit the display.
   Shows a diplay wide and high crosshair. 
   On mouse drag creates a gradient to drag direction from line or row
   mouse was on when mouse was pressed. 

PImage pim;  //image to be manipulated
String fileBody = "koppis"; 
float scaleRatio;
boolean dragged = false;  //if mouse is dragged or not
int startX = 0; //mouse x-coordinate at start of the drag
int startY = 0; //mouse y-coordinate at start of the drag
int saveCount = 0; //times image has been save. It's also used to create unique filename for each save.
float xScale = 0;
float yScale = 0;

public static final int HORIZONTAL = 1;
public static final int VERTICAL = 2;
void setup() {
  pim = loadImage(fileBody + ".jpg");  //load jpg-image
  xScale = pim.width/float(width);  //calculate image width ratio to canvas
  yScale = pim.height/float(height);  //calculate image height ratio to canvas
  scaleRatio = (xScale > yScale? xScale: yScale);  //select larger ratio
  scaleRatio = (scaleRatio > 1? 1/scaleRatio: scaleRatio);  //if ratio is bigger than 1 reverse it

void settings() {

void draw() {
  scale(scaleRatio);  //change scale to fit the image to the canvas
  image(pim, 0 , 0);
  scale(1/scaleRatio);  //reset original scale for line drawing
  line(0, mouseY, width, mouseY);
  line(mouseX,0, mouseX, height);

/* Based on testing if mouse is just clicked and not moved while button is pressed called events are
   If mouse is dragged - moved while button is pressed called events are

// dragged set to false to prevent false or erroneous gradient creation
void mouseClicked() {
  dragged = false;

// dragged set to true to initiate gradient creation at mouseRelease() event
void mouseDragged() {
  dragged = true;

// Store initial time and coordinates of the mouse
void mousePressed() {
  startX = mouseX; 
  startY = mouseY;

//calculate mouse accelleration and direction (up, down, left or right)
//call alterImage() to change the loaded image
void mouseReleased() {
  int endX = mouseX;
  int endY = mouseY;
  //to prevent unexpected event and behaviour
  int xDifference = endX - startX;
  int yDifference = endY - startY;
  //create gradients towards the largest change
  int direction = (abs(xDifference) >= abs(yDifference)? HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL);
  if(direction == HORIZONTAL) {
    alterImage(direction, floor(startX/scaleRatio), floor(endX/scaleRatio));
  } else if(direction == VERTICAL) {
    alterImage(direction, floor(startY/scaleRatio), floor(endY/scaleRatio));
  } else return;

//Increase saveCount and save image if 's' or 'S' key is pressed.
void keyPressed() {
  if(key == 's' || key == 'S') {
    saveCount++; + saveCount + ".jpg");

/*Change loaded image by drawing a gradient to given
    direction - HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL
    startline - starting line and values of the gradient
    endline - endline for  the gradient 
void alterImage(int direction, int baseline, int endline) {
  //Keep baseline and endline values in acceptable ranges.
  //otherwise it's out-of-bounds exception
  baseline = baseline < 1 ? 1: baseline;
  endline = endline < 0 ? 0: endline;
  if(direction == VERTICAL) {
    baseline = baseline > pim.height-1 ? pim.height-1: baseline;
    endline = endline > pim.height-1 ? pim.height-1: endline;
  } else {
    baseline = baseline > pim.width-1 ? pim.width-1: baseline;
    endline = endline > pim.width-1 ? pim.width-1: endline;
  //start working with pixels of the image
  color startPoint, endPoint;
  int dir = (baseline <= endline? 1: -1);
  int diff = 0;
  if(direction == VERTICAL) {
    for(int x = 0; x < pim.width; x++) {
      startPoint = pim.pixels[baseline*pim.width+x];
      endPoint = pim.pixels[pim.width*endline+x];
      diff = abs(endline-baseline);
      if(diff==0) continue;
      //If dir is -1 then x decreases to endline otherwise it increses
      for(int y = baseline; dir*y < dir*endline; y += dir ) {        
        color c = lerpColor(startPoint, endPoint, abs(y-baseline)/(float)diff);
        pim.pixels[pim.width*y+x] = c;
  } else {
    for(int y = 0; y < pim.height; y++) {
      startPoint = pim.pixels[y*pim.width+baseline];
      endPoint = pim.pixels[y*pim.width+endline];
      diff = abs(endline-baseline);
      if(diff==0) continue;
      //If dir is -1 then x decreases to endline otherwise it increases
      for(int x = baseline; dir*x < dir*endline; x += dir ) {        
        color c = lerpColor(startPoint, endPoint, abs(x-baseline)/(float)diff);
        pim.pixels[y*pim.width+x] = c;
  dragged = false;


Love it !


Very nice. I forgot to mention that pressing s or S key will save the image. It has running number so you can save image as often as you want and it won’t destroy previously stored image, unless you start the program again.

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There’s an improved version available. Now gradien can fade to black or white. Behaviour of gradient is selected with keys b, w or g (same behaviour as before). Sketch will remember latest keypress.

Forgot to mention earlier that you can also save the current image with key press s. It has running number so you don’t destroy previous save, unless you start the sketch agen and reset the running number.

Code is in github:

And finally an example of gradient fading to black

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