Can you help me fix problem in the code

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When my ball goes to the top of the rect, It will be put in the center rect. However, I want it bouncing. I don’t know how to fix it. Someone can help me fix it. Thank you.

float ballX;
float ballY;
float ballSpeedX = 4;
float ballSpeedY = 4;
float ballDia = 20.0;
float ballR = ballDia/2;

void setup() {
size(800, 600);
ballX= random(10, 370);
ballY= random(10, 570);

void draw() {

// Draw the wall
rect(390, 300, 20, 300);

// Color of the ball changes gradually and continuously as it moves

// Draw the ball
ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballDia, ballDia);

// Update ball location

// If ball hit the right or left change direction of X
if (ballX> width- ballR || ballX < ballR) {

// If ball hit top or bottom change direction of Y
if (ballY> height-ballR || ballY < ballR) {
// Setup variable to true if shapes are over lapping, false if not
boolean collision = hitWall(390, 300, 20, 300, ballX, ballY, ballR);

// Change ball direction when ball hit
//and bump it back
if (collision ==true) {
ballX +=ballSpeedX;
boolean hitWall(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh,
float cx, float cy, float cr) {

float circleDistanceX= abs(cx - rx - rw/2);
float circleDistanceY= abs(cy - ry - rh/2);

if (circleDistanceX > (rw/2 + cr)) {
return false;
if (circleDistanceY > (rh/2 + cr)) {
return false;
if (circleDistanceX <= rw/2) {
return true;
if (circleDistanceY <= rh/2) {
return true;

float cornerDistance = pow(circleDistanceX - rw/2, 2) +
pow(circleDistanceY - rh/2, 2);
if (cornerDistance <=pow(cr, 2)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

I got rid of the random and these values show exactly what you mean

float ballX=399-24*4;
float ballY=300-24*4;

float ballSpeedX = 4;
float ballSpeedY = 4;

float ballDia = 20.0;
float ballR = ballDia/2;

void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  //ballX= random(10, 370);
  //ballY= random(10, 570);

void draw() {

  // Draw the wall
  rect(390, 300, 
    20, 300);

  // Color of the ball changes gradually and continuously as it moves
  fill(ballX, ballY, ballX%ballY);

  // Draw the ball
  ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballDia, ballDia);

  // Update ball location

  // If ball hit the right or left change direction of X
  if (ballX> width- ballR || ballX < ballR) {

  // If ball hit top or bottom change direction of Y
  if (ballY> height-ballR || ballY < ballR) {
  // Setup variable to true if shapes are over lapping, false if not
  boolean collision = hitWall(390, 300, 20, 300, 
    ballX, ballY, ballR);

  // Change ball direction when ball hit
  //and bump it back
  if (collision ==true) {
    ballX +=ballSpeedX;
boolean hitWall(int rx, int ry, int rw, int rh, 
  float cx, float cy, float cr) {

  float circleDistanceX= abs(cx - rx - rw/2);
  float circleDistanceY= abs(cy - ry - rh/2);

  if (circleDistanceX > (rw/2 + cr)) {
    return false;
  if (circleDistanceY > (rh/2 + cr)) {
    return false;
  if (circleDistanceX <= rw/2) {
    return true;
  if (circleDistanceY <= rh/2) {
    return true;

  float cornerDistance = pow(circleDistanceX - rw/2, 2) +
    pow(circleDistanceY - rh/2, 2);
  if (cornerDistance <=pow(cr, 2)) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

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That is the reason I need your help. I think it had happened in the collision when it was true. I need to add more. However, I don’t know. I am a newbie. My skill is weak in the loop and boolean. I hope you understand

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see Collision Detection - Happy Coding

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thank you so much. I get it :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

if ( ballX + ballSpeedX > 390 - ballR && 
       ballX +ballSpeedX < 410+ballR && 
       ballY >300-ballR && 
       ballY< 300+300) {

  // If ball hit the right or left change direction of X
  else if (ballX> width- ballR || ballX < ballR) {
    ballSpeedX = ballSpeedX +0.01;

  if (ballX > 390-ballR &&
    ballX < 410+ballR &&
    ballY + ballSpeedY > 300 - ballR &&
    ballY + ballSpeedY < 300 + 300) {

  // If ball hit top or bottom change direction of Y
  else if (ballY> height-ballR || ballY < ballR) {
    ballSpeedY = ballSpeedY+0.015;
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