I am writing to CSV and it goes well, but there is a lot of data I need to generated.
So I tried the for loop. But it writes and overwrites on the same first row instead of giving me 9 rows populated with individual data.
void SaveToFile ()
{ table.clearRows();
TableRow newRow = table.addRow();
newRow.setInt("MACH ID", table.getRowCount() - 1);
for (int i=1; i<=9; i++)
newRow.setInt("MACH ID", i);
newRow.setInt("CUMM UPTIME", CummUp[i]);
newRow.setInt("CYCLES TODAY", Cycles[i]);
newRow.setString("TIME", TimeStamp);
//newRow.setString("DATE", DateStamp);
println("ROW COUNT= " + table.getRowCount());
Filename = "/data/"+"Infinity_Report_"+DateStamp + ".csv"; //DateStamp
saveTable(table, Filename);
//println("Settings Saved");
What to do?
move this after the for…{
newRow.setInt("MACH ID", table.getRowCount() - 1);
delete this.
but KEEP:
newRow.setInt("MACH ID", i);
arrays usually start with 0, not 1, check your for-loop
1 Like
Yey, that worked…
Thanks , In my case I have to start with 1.
Danke Schoon
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Since you’re so good with arrays, etc…
I am trying to get a time stamp when a condition from the serial happens and it works for a min, then I get a nullPointer.
Any ideas?
if ( list.length >=2 )
Mach_ID= int (list [0]);
LastUptime= int(trim(list [1]));
if (Mach_ID == 1)
{CummUp [1] = (CummUp [1]+ LastUptime)/1000;
Cycles [1] = (Cycles[1]+1);
//// then the function
void TimeStampArrFun(int Mach_ID)
sec = second(); // Values from 0 - 59
min = minute(); // Values from 0 - 59
hrs = hour(); // Values from 0 - 23
day = day(); // Values from 1 - 31
mo = month(); // Values from 1 - 12
yr = year();
String S = str(sec); // Values from 0 - 59
String M = str(min);
String H = str(hrs); // Values from 0 - 59
String D = str(day);// Values from 0 - 59
String MO = str(mo); // Values from 0 - 59
String Y = str(yr);// Values from 0 - 59
TimeStampArr[Mach_ID] = H+":"+ nf(min,2)+":"+ nf(sec,2) +" ";
println (Mach_ID +"Stamp "+TimeStampArr[Mach_ID]);
What am I doing wrong?
The array is defined in the setup as :
String []TimeStampArr;
Also I tried to write the function as a String Arrray etc… trying to return the time stamp but it did not work out…
Thanks again
I assume that you write over the end of the List
Like when you gave it an length of 500 when you try t
write element 501 it crashes
you don’t really need an array here
A simple string would be sufficient
Actually I need the array, there are 10 different time stamps.
The probelm was in declaring the array in the definition.
I tried the easy
String []TimeStampArr;
but it did not work, so I had to go the long way:
String TimeStampArr[]= {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "};// 10 vals
Now it works. Lots more code…