Black to white and then white to black

Why it doesn’t work?
Want the background turn from black to white and then white to black.
Thank you!

let bg;

function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
bg = 255;

function draw() {
bg -= 1;
if (bg == 0) {
bg += 1;

what exactly do you want to do? Swap between black and white backgrounds every frame?

i found the issue.When you get bg to 0 (bg == 0) you add 1. therefore bg is no longer 0. (bg == 1). So the next frame the statement bg == 0 is false so you decrease it by 1 again. So it continously swaps between 0 and 1


do you understand? If you don’t just reply. I’m gonna be online for an hour or so.

Reply if you need any more help

If you would like it to gradually go back and forth between black and white repeatedly, you can do this (spoiler code below):

let bg = 255;
let direction = -1;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  bg += direction;
  if (bg == 0) {
    // start brightening
    direction = 1;
  if (bg == 255) {
    // start darkening
    direction = -1;

Edited on December 16, 2020 to mark spoiler code.

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or this:


let bg,x=-1;

function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
bg = 255;

function draw() {
bg += x;
if (bg == 0 || bg == 256) {

from black gradually to white
then white gradually to black
and have a loop

have you completed it or need help? Sorry if I’m intruding I’m just really bored

I am seeing u guys code

Thank you u guys very much!

no problem. I’ll give you a challenge in return for me doing the previous one. It’s a bit harder but still. Try to make a blue > black > red > black > blue > black > red > … try it. It’s a lot harder but if you use a combination of the previous solutions it should work

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how to let the colours instead of the range from white to black?

background, (255,0,0) = red, (0,255,0) = green (0,0,255) = blue
255,255,0 ) = yellow, 255,0,255 = purple, 0,255,255 = cyan

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if you want I can give you hints on processing (I am not good with p5js).

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I know the format of filling colours but do not know how to substitute in this case.
okay thank you for your hints.

I don’t know if this is too much hints but try it

int rs = 0, gs = 0, bs = -1, r = 0, g = 0, b = 255, stage = 0;

void setup() {

void draw() {
  b += bs;
  g += gs;
  r += rs;
  if(b == 0) {
    bs = 0;
    stage = 1;
  } if(stage == 1) {

edit: if you need more hints tell me. I will be online for 30 mins so just ask

let rs = 1,
  gs = 1,
  bs = 1,
  r = 0,
  g = 0,
  b = 255;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  background(r, g, b);
  b -= bs;
  g -= gs;
  r -= rs;
  if (b == 0) {
    bs = 0;
    rs = -1;
    gs = -1;
  if (r == 0) {
    bs = 1;
    rs = -1;
    gs = 1;



trying the loop now

nice : ) good luck. It may be a bit tricky but yeah.

Any hints?
need to use conditions/ frame count?

no need for frameCount. btw this is the last hint before I go to sleep.

I suggest adding “stages”. for example stage 0 = blue 255 => blue 0 when it hits 0 and stage == 0, set stage to 1 and proceed with 0,0,0 => 255,0,0 by setting rs (red speed (bad name ik)) and yeah. When it reaches 255,0,0 set to sage 2 and transition to black.

You should be able to do the rest?
I’ll be online in ~ 9hrs. Ask any questions then

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