Basic word cloud without overlapping

Dear all,
I would like to build a basic word cloud, but I have issue with overlapping and placing text.
I have seen a mention of a wordcloud library “” but it seems obselete.
The code below is based on 9.8: Random Circles with No Overlap - p5.js Tutorial. My main problem is that the overlapping detection is not working… maybe the question is how to detect overlap with rectangles ?

my data file in csv

generic,pascal tonn,90
specific,jose urloe,130
generic,chantal iuapdf,50
specific,marius jhfoea,80

And the code

ArrayList<Person> pers = new ArrayList<Person>();
int margin = 40;

void setup() {
  size(300, 300);
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);

  Table table ; 
  table = loadTable("../data.csv");
  IntList vals = new IntList();

  // load data
  int limit = 0;
  for (TableRow row : table.rows()) {
    if (row.getString(0).equals("auto") == false) {
      if (limit > 50)  break;
      pers.add(new Person( row.getString(1), row.getString(0), row.getInt(2)));
      limit +=1;

  // deduce font size and width name
  for (Person me : pers) {
    // font size
    me.fontSize = round(map(me.nb, vals.min(), vals.max(), 10, 30));
    // width name
    me.nameWidth = round(textWidth(;
    int up = round(textAscent() * 0.8);
    int down = round(textDescent() * 0.8);
    me.nameHeight = up + down;

  println("number of personnes loaded", pers.size(), '\n');

  //deduce positionning
  for (int i = 0; i < pers.size(); i++) {
   Person me = pers.get(i);
    float testx = round(random(width-margin*2));
    float xmin = testx - me.nameWidth/2;
    float xmax = testx + me.nameWidth/2;
    float testy = round(random(height-margin*2));
    float ymin = testy - me.nameHeight/2;
    float ymax = testy + me.nameHeight/2;

    boolean overlapping = false ;
    for ( Person you : pers) {
      if ( (xmin > you.xmin) && (xmax < you.xmax) &&
        (ymin > you.ymin) && (ymax < you.ymax) ) {
        overlapping = true;
        /*float d = dist(me.xpos, me.ypos, you.xpos, you.ypos);
         if (d < me.nameWidth/2 + you.nameWidth/2) {

      if (!overlapping) {
        me.isPlaced = true;
        me.setCoordinate(testx, testy);

  // close setup

void draw() {

  for (int i = 0; i < pers.size(); i ++) {
    Person me = pers.get(i);
    if (me.isPlaced) {
      println(, '\t', '\t', me.xmin, me.xmax, me.ymin, me.ymax);

class Person {  
  String name, type ; 
  int nb, fontSize, nameWidth, nameHeight;
  int xpos, ypos, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
  boolean isPlaced;
  Person(String _n, String _t, int _nb) { 
    name = _n ; 
    type = _t ; 
    nb = _nb ;
    xpos = ypos = xmin = xmax = ymin = ymax = 0;
    isPlaced = false;

  void setCoordinate(float x, float y) {
    int space = 20;

    isPlaced = true;    
    xpos = round(x);
    ypos = round(y);
    xmin = xpos - nameWidth/2 - space ; 
    xmax = xpos + nameWidth/2 + space ;
    ymin = ypos - nameHeight/2 - space ;
    ymax = ypos + nameHeight/2 + space ;

  void display() {
    /*float x = random(margin, width - margin);
     float y = random(margin, height - margin);*/

    if (type.equals("generic")) fill(#ff5733);
    if (type.equals("specific")) fill(#2980b9);
    //if (type.equals("generique")) fill(140);

    text(name, xpos, ypos);

I don’t thing there is anything fundamentally wrong with, it just doesn’t seem loadable from processing ide and the link to the library code seems to be down. I created a rubygem based on this library for Picrate, propane and JRubyArt (my ruby-processing projects) and they still work fine. Indeed if I place the jar files I created in processing library folder this test sketch works fine:-

import wordcram.*;

// Set up the Processing sketch
size(1000, 600);

// Make a wordcram from a random wikipedia page.
new WordCram(this)
  .withColors(color(30), color(110),
              color(random(255), 240, 200))
  .sizedByWeight(5, 120)

NB: Using my jars only works with jdk11 ie processing4

wordcram download is broken :((
could you provide a functional library folder we could add to our libraries folder in our local sketchbooks?

UPDATE: From the Internet Archive wayback machine (the original domain is gone):

A picture tells the story NB: Case is important:-

. In my wordcram gem I’ve managed to do away with cue language jar and I’ve updated to use jsoup-1.13.1.

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Super cool, thank you!