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Hey, I’ve been working through a javascript beginners guide recently and I was wondering whether anyone could help me out with two conversion questions?
a) what would 2n be in Bars:Beats:Sixteenths?
b) what would Bar 7 beat 2.5 be in Bars:Beats:Sixteenths?
this mainly aligns with tone.js
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Do you have a link or code please?
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Hi! Welcome to the forum!
here is the info: Time
- Notation, (“4n”, “8t”) describes time in BPM and time signature relative values.
- TransportTime, (“4:3:2”) will also provide tempo and time signature relative times in the form BARS:QUARTERS:SIXTEENTHS.
(nevertheless just note that it’s not directly related to processing/p5.js
for that I drop a link to an amazing introduction by Matt DesLauriers about p5.js and tone.js: GitHub - mattdesl/workshop-p5-intro: Intro to Creative Coding workshop with p5.js and Tone.js )
Ahh this helps so so massively!
I’ve only just started coding and I’m really struggling to understand most of the terminology.
Thanks so much 
This doesn’t directly involve code, but covers it’s terminology.
- I’ve deciphered that 2n = minim (therefore it would be 0:1:0 - representing 2 beats)
yet I can’t work out what .5 a beat would be categorized in.
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