Hi, for some reason, the ball in my code doesn’t show up. Do you know why?
import sys
count = 0
ball = 0
countdown = 6
dogs = []
def setup():
global sf, x, bgImage, y, speed, acceleration, countdown, dogs, dog_img
countdown = 6
x, y = -50, -50
speed = 2
acceleration = 0.4
size(800, 600)
sf = SoundFile(this,"backgroundmusic.mp3")
bgImage = loadImage("backgroundimage.jpeg")
dog_img = loadImage("dog.png")
first_dog = {'x':350, 'y':0}
def draw():
global bgImage, x, y, speed, dogs, count, ball, countdown, acceleration
image(bgImage, 0, 0, width, height)
if countdown > 0:
countdown = countdown - 1
text(countdown, width/2, height/2)
if countdown == 0:
for dog in dogs:
image(dog_img, dog['x'], dog['y'])
dog['y'] += 50
dogs.append({'x':random(height), 'y':0})
text("Score:", count, 40, 550)
ellipse(x, y, 50, 50)
y = y + speed
speed = speed + acceleration
if y > height:
speed = speed * -1
y = height
def mouseReleased():
global x, y, speed
x = mouseX
y = mouseY
speed = 1
if count > 10:
text("You won!", 100, 100)
text("Press a key to exit", 50, 100)
if count < 10:
text("You lost!", 100, 100)
text("Press a key to exit", 50, 100)