I have this Female class that has an array of coordinates, the move()
method adds those coordinates to the Female’s location every tick to move the object etc. etc. My issue is that I have an arrayList full of these objects who have all been given a random set of move coordinates post-construction, BUT are all moving in the exact same pattern even as I log the value of their velocity and can plainly see that they’re all different (sorry for all the currently dead variables):
ArrayList<Female> females = new ArrayList<Female>();
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
PVector location = new PVector(height/2, width/2);
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
int[] colours = {floor(random(255)), floor(random(255)), floor(random(255))};
Female newFem = new Female(location, "female", 1, colours, 16, 10, 10, 10, 10, 50);
for(int x = 0; x < newFem.moves.length; x++){
newFem.moves[x] = new PVector(random(-0.5, 0.5), random(-0.5,0.5));
void draw() {
for(int i = 0; i < females.size()-1; i++){
//Breeder entity object
class Ent{
////Abstract properties
int id;
int age;
//'male' or 'female'
String gender;
PVector location;
PVector velocity = new PVector();
//n pixels per frame
float speed;
////Physical properties
int[] colour;
//4, 8, 16
int size;
////Combat properties
float hp;
float damage;
float b_velocity;
float f_rate;
boolean hungry = false;
int hunger = 0;
int hungermax;
Ent(PVector location_, String gender_, float speed_, int[] colour_, int size_, float hp_, float damage_, float b_velocity_, float f_rate_){
id = floor(random(10000000, 99999999));
location = location_;
gender = gender_;
speed = speed_;
colour = colour_;
size = size_;
hp = hp_;
damage = damage_;
b_velocity = b_velocity_;
f_rate = f_rate_;
//void move(){
// location.add(velocity.x * speed, velocity.y * speed);
//Draw Ent on step
void display(){
fill(colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]);
//Wall wrap
if(location.y > height){
location.y = 0.00;
println("more than height");
if(location.y < 0){
location.y = height;
println("less than height");
if(location.x > width){
location.x = 0.00;
if(location.x < 0){
location.x = width;
rect(location.x, location.y, size, size, 5.00);
class Female extends Ent{
boolean pregnant = false;
int gestation = 0;
int gestperiod;
PVector[] moves = new PVector[90];
int food;
int stepcount = 0;
//change direction when stepcount is a modulus of stepchange
int stepchange;
//which move is it up to
int movenumber = 0;
Female(PVector location_, String gender_, float speed_, int[] colour_, int size_, float hp_, float damage_, float b_velocity_, float f_rate_, int gestperiod_){
super(location_, gender_, speed_, colour_, size_, hp_, damage_, b_velocity_, f_rate_);
gestperiod = gestperiod_;
stepchange = floor(random(50, 100));
void move(){
if(stepcount % stepchange == 0){
if(movenumber == 90){
movenumber = 0;