ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0

Hello everyone,

I have this error when I just want to rename a table like this in void draw:
phazi [i] = net.phase [i];

I’m just posting a “light” program below if you see something badly written.

net.phase[i] com from data of a library sync.

float[] phazi;

import sync.*;

PNetwork net;
float side;
float displacement;
float NaturalF;
float coupling;

void setup() { 
  //perspective setting
  size(1000, 800, P3D);
  //********to send value to Arduino
  String[] ports = Serial.list();
 // printArray(ports);
//   arduinoport = new Serial(this,ports[6],115200);
  // initialize the minim and out objects
  minim   = new Minim(this);
  out     = minim.getLineOut();
  // construct a law pass MoogFilter with a 
  // cutoff frequency of 1200 Hz and a resonance of 0.5
  moog    = new MoogFilter( 1200, 0.5 );
  moog1 =  new MoogFilter( 1200*4, 0.5 );
  moog2 = new MoogFilter( 1200*8, 0.5 );
  // we will filter a white noise source,
  // which will allow us to hear the result of filtering
  Noise noize = new Noise( 0.5f );  

  // send the noise through the filter
  noize.patch( moog ).patch( out );
  noize.patch( moog1 ).patch( out );
  phazi= new float[networkSize];

void draw() {
   for (int i = 0; i <networkSize; i++) {
  phazi[i]= net.phase[i];
  println ( phazi[i]);

There is no use posting a ‘light’ program if the code has syntax errors so can’t be run and therefore can’t reproduce the error. We can’t even be sure that the error is in some part of the program that has been removed.

You also need to tell us what libraries are being used, I can see that you are using the Serial and Minim libraries but I have no idea what library has the PNetwork class or the library using ‘sync’ as its package.

1 Like

Ok, here the all code and the library


import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;

import processing.serial.*;
Serial arduinoport;

int networkSize;
float speed0, speed1, speed2, speed3, speed4;
int VirtualPosition, VirtualPosition1;
float[] pos;

Minim       minim;
AudioOutput out;
AudioOutput out1;
AudioOutput out2;
MoogFilter  moog;
MoogFilter  moog1;
MoogFilter  moog2;

float phaz, freq;
float rez;
float[] phazi;

import peasy.*;
PeasyCam cam;

// change these for screen size
float fov = 45;  // degrees
float w = 1000;
float h = 800;
// don't change these
float cameraZ, zNear, zFar;
float w2 = w / 2;
float h2 = h / 2;

import sync.*;

PNetwork net;
float side;
float displacement;
float NaturalF;
float coupling;

float noiseScale= 1;

void setup() { 
  //perspective setting
  size(1000, 800, P3D);
  //********to send value to Arduino
  String[] ports = Serial.list();
 // printArray(ports);
//   arduinoport = new Serial(this,ports[6],115200);
  // initialize the minim and out objects
  minim   = new Minim(this);
  out     = minim.getLineOut();
  // construct a law pass MoogFilter with a 
  // cutoff frequency of 1200 Hz and a resonance of 0.5
  moog    = new MoogFilter( 1200, 0.5 );
  moog1 =  new MoogFilter( 1200*4, 0.5 );
  moog2 = new MoogFilter( 1200*8, 0.5 );
  // we will filter a white noise source,
  // which will allow us to hear the result of filtering
  Noise noize = new Noise( 0.5f );  

  // send the noise through the filter
  noize.patch( moog ).patch( out );
  noize.patch( moog1 ).patch( out );
  phazi= new float[networkSize];

 /*  to manage later reflection on sphere
  colorMode(RGB, 1);
//  fill(0.4);
  cam = new PeasyCam(this, 1000);
  cameraZ = (h / 2.0) / tan(radians(fov) / 2.0);
  zNear = cameraZ / 10.0;
  zFar = cameraZ * 10.0;
  println("CamZ: " + cameraZ);
  int networkSize = 12; // To modulate sound of 12 note (one octave) Later!!!
  coupling = 1;// How modulate this?
  float noiseLevel = 0 ; // Usefull only with case Q?
  net = new PNetwork(this, networkSize, coupling, noiseLevel);
  side = height*0.15*1/networkSize;
  displacement = width/2;

void draw() {


    coupling = mouseX/80;
 //   println(coupling); 
  // MODULATE the noise in Q and q case
     noiseDetail(4, mouseY/(height*1/1.2));//mouseX/(width/20), mouseY/(height*1/1.2)
   // Calculate the overall order (cohesion) in the network
  PVector order = net.getOrderVector();
  float orderParameter = net.getOrderParameter();
  String ordometer = String.format("Order: %.2f", orderParameter);
  text(ordometer, 10, 20);
 //  net.setCoupling(coupling);
  String couplingFormat = String.format("Coupling: %.2f", coupling);
  text(coupling, 200, 20);
  translate(width/2, height/2);
  /* to manage later the direction of the light
   lightSpecular(1, 1, 1);
  directionalLight(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 0, -1);
  float s = mouseX / float(width);
  specular(s, s, s);
  // Draw  spheres corresponding to the phase of each oscillator
  stroke(75, 190, 70);
  for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {

    float x = displacement*cos(net.phase[i]);
    float y = displacement*sin(net.phase[i]);
 // ***************************************DATA TO MANAGE SOUND
    if  (net.naturalFrequency[i] < 0) {
          freq = constrain( map( net.naturalFrequency[i], 0, -5, 200, 12000 ), 200, 12000 );
         else  {
         freq = constrain( map( net.naturalFrequency[i], 0, 5, 200, 12000 ), 200, 12000 );

     if  (net.phase[i] < 0) {
       //  phaz = constrain( map( net.phase[i], 0, -2*PI, 200, 12000 ), 200, 12000 );
         phazi[i]= constrain( map( net.phase[i], 0, -2*PI, 200, 12000 ), 200, 12000 );
         else  {
   //      phaz = constrain( map( net.phase[i], 0, 2*PI, 200, 12000 ), 200, 12000 );
        phazi[i]= constrain( map( net.phase[i], 0, -2*PI, 200, 12000 ), 200, 12000 );

     println ( phazi[i]);   
    float  freq = constrain( map( net.naturalFrequency[i], 0, 5, 200, 12000 ), 200, 16000 );/// adjust frequency between 200 and 16000  
  //  moog.frequency.setLastValue( freq  ); // modulate the cutoff or the moog filter with frequency
 //   moog1.frequency.setLastValue( phaz  ); // modulate the cutoff or the moog filter with phase
    rez= constrain( map( orderParameter, 0, 1, 0, 1), 1, 0 );      
 //   moog.resonance.setLastValue( rez); //rez
    print ("phase "); print (i);  print (" ");
    print (net.phase[i]); print (" ");
     print ("phaz "); print (i);  print (" "); println (phaz );
    print ("frequency "); print (i); print (" ");
    print (net.naturalFrequency[i]);  print (" ");
    print ("freq "); print (i); print (" "); println (freq );   
    print ("rez"); print (i); print (" "); println (rez );
  translate(-w2, -h2, -1000); // Set the perspective 3D with two fingers on the trackpad

   line (250,250, 250, 250);  // line showing how ball will behang by the motor's axe.

 // line (0,0,0,0,0, 11*250+200+250); //axe helping the 3D representation. axe qui relie les pendules
  fill (0);
  sphere(side*3); // this sphere serves as a reference
  sphereDetail( 4*5);

    // Draw sphere 
  fill(25*(net.size-i),  11*(net.size-i), (i+net.size)*11 ); 
  noStroke();  // 
  translate (x*1,y*1, 200+(50*5*i));  //*-1 go in clockwise, *1 go in CCW
    // Draw axe of each sphere
   line(0, 0, displacement*-1, 0 ); // * opposite / translate

  //********* AESTHETIC PROPOSITION to HAVE the same movement at the OPPOSITE SIDE
   noiseDetail(4, mouseY/(height*1/1.2));//mouseX/(width/20), mouseY/(height*1/1.2)
//  background(0);
  translate(-(width/2), -(height/2), -1000);
    stroke(75, 190, 70);
  for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
    float x = displacement*cos(net.phase[i]);
    float y = displacement*sin(net.phase[i]);

   line(0, 0, displacement*1, 0 );
   rotate(-net.averagePhase); // draw a line pointing to the average phase of the network
   color (12);
   stroke (255);
  line(0, 0, displacement*net.orderParameter, 0);
     // Draw sphere 
  fill(25*(net.size-i),  11*(net.size-i), (i+net.size)*11 ); 
  noStroke();  // 
  translate (x*-1,y*-1, 200+(50*5*i));  //*-1 go in clockwise, *1 go in CCW
    // Draw axe of each sphere
   line(0, 0, displacement*1, 0 ); // * opposite / translate

   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
  //******************************* ASSIGN MOTOR WITH SPEED (former solution but to much expensive for now, maybe latter)

       String speed= (nf (net.velocity[i], 0, 2)+"*"); // keep only 2 digit after the coma
   //    print (" speedMeasureLess: "); print (speed); // speed without measure
   //*******************************  ASSIGN MOTOR WITH POSITION
    //   pos[i]= map ((net.phase[i]), 0, TWO_PI, 0, 2048);

      float pos0 = map ((net.phase[0]), 0, TWO_PI, 0, 2048); // Put the position at the good scale for a step motor with 2048 step.
      float pos1 = map ((net.phase[1]), 0, TWO_PI, 0, 2048); // Put the position at the good scale for a step motor with 2048 step.

      int Pos0= int (pos0);
      int Pos1= int (pos1);
  if ( Pos0 <2049 )  {    
             VirtualPosition = Pos0;
  if ( Pos0 < 0)  {   
             VirtualPosition = 2048+ Pos0;
  if ( Pos1 <2049 )  {      
             VirtualPosition1 = Pos1;
  if ( Pos1 < 0)  {  
             VirtualPosition1 = 2048+ Pos1; 
  //  //Specify int DATA values, in order Arduino understand it's int DATA.
      // And split them with "*" 
     String pos = (10)+"*"+(10) +"*"+(10)+"*"+(int (VirtualPosition1))+"*"+(int (VirtualPosition)) +"*"; 
 //   print ("  pos   ");println (pos);
// arduinoport.write(pos); // Send data to Arduino.

void keyPressed() {//**** faire position de base à l'arret avec ecrart equidistant qui s'incrementent entre G et le chiffre
  if ( key == '5' ) moog.type = MoogFilter.Type.LP;
  if ( key == '6' ) moog.type = MoogFilter.Type.HP;
  if ( key == '7' ) moog.type = MoogFilter.Type.BP;

if (key == 'S') {println ("Add noise in last Frequencies. Vary it with mouse y");
  background (255); 
       for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
      //     net.naturalFrequency[i] = TWO_PI *   noise(i*0.1); //0.01 to begin slower
       net.naturalFrequency[i] =    net.naturalFrequency[i] +  noise(i*0.1); // pas mal
    //     net.naturalFrequency[i] =   net.naturalFrequency[i] * noise(i*0.5); // trop aleatoire
    print ("phase "); print (i);  print (" ");
    print (net.phase[i]); print (" ");
    print ("frequency "); print (i); print (" ");
    println (net.naturalFrequency[i]);    
   //************* To modulate the parameters of the middle sphere
 if (key == 'e') { 
    net.phase[net.size-net.size/2] +=0.1;
     for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {   
    print ("phase "); print (i);  print (" ");
    print (net.phase[i]); print (" ");
    print ("frequency "); print (i); print (" ");
    println (net.naturalFrequency[i]);
  if (key == 'd') {    
     net.phase[net.size-net.size/2] -=0.1;
      for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {  
    print ("phase "); print (i);  print (" ");
    print (net.phase[i]); print (" ");
    print ("frequency "); print (i); print (" ");
    println (net.naturalFrequency[i]);
   else if (key == 'r') {
    net.naturalFrequency[net.size-net.size/2] +=0.1; 
      for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
     else if (key == 'f') {     
     net.naturalFrequency[net.size-net.size/2] -=0.1;   
      for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {   

///****************************** MODULATE SPEED of ALL FREQUENCIE MORE OR LESS FASTLY
/// ****************************  How could i modulate the couple?
else if (key == 'y') {
println("y= Increase last frequencies + 0.05*i ");
  for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
      net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]+(0.05*i);


 if (key == 'i') { //  Shift frequencies one by one. 
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
    if (i+1 < net.size) {
  net.naturalFrequency[i]= net.naturalFrequency[i+1];
    //* or something else but it doesn't work
    net.naturalFrequency[11]= net.naturalFrequency[0];
    net.naturalFrequency[10]= net.naturalFrequency[11];
    net.naturalFrequency[9]= net.naturalFrequency[10];
    net.naturalFrequency[8]= net.naturalFrequency[9];
    net.naturalFrequency[7]= net.naturalFrequency[8];
    net.naturalFrequency[6]= net.naturalFrequency[7];
    net.naturalFrequency[5]= net.naturalFrequency[6];
    net.naturalFrequency[4]= net.naturalFrequency[5];
    net.naturalFrequency[3]= net.naturalFrequency[4];
    net.naturalFrequency[2]= net.naturalFrequency[3];
    net.naturalFrequency[1]= net.naturalFrequency[2];
    net.naturalFrequency[0]= net.naturalFrequency[1];
    else {
  //    net.naturalFrequency[0]= net.naturalFrequency[net.size];    

      ///****************************** MODULATE SPEED of ALL FREQUENCIE MORE OR LESS FASTLY
      /// ****************************  How could i modulate the couple?
    else if (key == 'y') { println("y= Increase last frequencies + 0.05*i ");
      float coupling = mouseY/80;  // Why it doesn't change the coupling
      for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {   
      net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]+(0.05*i);
      print ("coupling : "); println (coupling);        
     else if (key == 'h') { println(" Decrease last frequencies - 0.05*i"); 
     for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) { 
       net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]-(0.05*i);            
   if (key == 'w') {  println(" Increase with 0.1 ");    
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) { 
    net.naturalFrequency[i]= net.naturalFrequency[i]+(i*0.1);     
   if (key == 'v') {  println(" Decrease with 0.1 "); //   
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {  
     net.naturalFrequency[i]= net.naturalFrequency[i]-(i*0.1); ;    
   if (keyCode == UP) { //println( "Increase with 0.01 "); // Incremente together without changing phases   
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) { 
  // net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]+0.01*i;  
     net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]+0.1;  
   if (keyCode == DOWN) {// println(" Decrease all last frequencies proportionnaly to i  "); // Incremente together without changing phases  
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
  //     net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]-0.01*i;
     net.naturalFrequency[i] = net.naturalFrequency[i]-0.1;
  //************************** CHANGE THE WAY OF ROTATION
   else if (key == 'o') {// println("  Opposite frequencies without changing phases  "); 
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
     net.naturalFrequency[i] = -1* net.naturalFrequency[i];   
  //************************** SET HARMONIC MOVEMENT  
    else if (key == 'c') {  println("c =  Harmonic Frequencies in ClockWiseWay ");
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
     net.naturalFrequency[i]=  i*-0.1;    
     else if (key == 'C') {  println(" C = Reset frequency positively in harmonic way. "); //
   for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
     net.naturalFrequency[i]= i*0.1;   
     else if (key == '0') { println("Set Frequencies to 0 ");
       for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {   
    else if (key == '1') { println("Set Frequencies to 1+ harmonic distance ");
       for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
    float coupling = mouseY/(height/10); // No effect
    print ("coupling :"); println (coupling);

// ****************** ALIGNEMENT of PHASES --- thus, phases alignement depend of coupling.
else if (key == '9') { println(" Set Phases to 0 "); // 
       for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {
else if (key == '8') { println(" Add 180° to all oscillator ");
       for (int i = 0; i < net.size; i++) {

void printSummary(int i) {
  print("phase "); print(i); print(" ");
  print(net.phase[i]); print(" ");
  print("frequency "); print(i); print(" ");
package sync;

import java.util.Arrays;

import processing.core.*;

 * Sync for Processing
 * Simulate oscillator synchronization with Processing
 * @author      Nick McIntyre
 * @modified    03/01/2020
 * @version     0.2.1 (14)
 * @example BrainExample
 * @example FireflyExample
 * @example OrderExample
 * @example PhaseExample
public class PNetwork implements PConstants {

	public PApplet parent;
	public int size;
	public float time;
	public float stepSize;
	public float[][] coupling;
	public float noiseLevel;
	public float[] naturalFrequency;
	public float[] phase;
	public float[] velocity;
	public float[] acceleration;
	private float[] oldPhase;
	 * Initialize the PNetwork object.
	 * @param parent     The parent PApplet object.
	 * @param size       The number of oscillators in the network.
	 * @param coupling   The global level of coupling in the network.
	 * @param noiseLevel The level of noise.
	 * @param stepSize   The size of the time step.
	public PNetwork(PApplet parent, int size, float coupling, float noiseLevel, float stepSize) {
		this.parent = parent;
		this.parent.registerMethod("dispose", this);
		time = 0.0f;
		this.stepSize = stepSize;
		this.noiseLevel = noiseLevel;
		this.size = size;
		this.oldPhase = new float[size];
	 * Initialize the PNetwork object.
	 * @param parent     The parent PApplet object.
	 * @param size       The number of oscillators in the network.
	 * @param coupling   The global level of coupling in the network.
	 * @param noiseLevel The level of noise.
	public PNetwork(PApplet parent, int size, float coupling, float noiseLevel) {
		this(parent, size, coupling, noiseLevel, 0.05f);
	 * Initialize the PNetwork object.
	 * @param parent   The parent PApplet object.
	 * @param size     The number of oscillators in the network.
	 * @param coupling The global level of coupling in the network.
	public PNetwork(PApplet parent, int size, float coupling) {
		this(parent, size, coupling, 0.0f);
	 * Initialize the PNetwork object.
	 * @param parent           The parent PApplet object.
	 * @param phase            The phase of each oscillator.
	 * @param naturalFrequency The natural frequency of each oscillator.
	 * @param coupling         The level of coupling between each pair of oscillators.
	 * @param noiseLevel       The level of noise.
	 * @param stepSize         The size of the time step.
	public PNetwork(PApplet parent, float[] phase, float[] naturalFrequency, float[][] coupling, float noiseLevel, float stepSize) {
		this.parent = parent;
		parent.registerMethod("dispose", this);
		time = 0.0f;
		this.naturalFrequency = naturalFrequency;
		size = naturalFrequency.length;
		this.coupling = coupling;
		this.stepSize = stepSize;
		this.noiseLevel = noiseLevel;
		this.phase = phase;
		this.oldPhase = new float[size];
	 * Initialize the PNetwork object.
	 * @param parent           The parent PApplet object.
	 * @param phase            The phase of each oscillator.
	 * @param naturalFrequency The natural frequency of each oscillator.
	 * @param coupling         The level of coupling between each pair of oscillators.
	 * @param noiseLevel       The level of noise.
	public PNetwork(PApplet parent, float[] phase, float[] naturalFrequency, float[][] coupling, float noiseLevel) {
		this(parent, phase, naturalFrequency, coupling, noiseLevel, 0.05f);
	 * Initialize the PNetwork object.
	 * @param parent           The parent PApplet object.
	 * @param phase            The phase of each oscillator.
	 * @param naturalFrequency The natural frequency of each oscillator.
	 * @param coupling         The level of coupling between each pair of oscillators.
	public PNetwork(PApplet parent, float[] phase, float[] naturalFrequency, float[][] coupling) {
		this(parent, phase, naturalFrequency, coupling, 0.0f);
	 * Initialize the coupling matrix for the case of uniform, global coupling.
	 * @param coupling The level of coupling between all oscillators.
	private void initializeCoupling(float coupling) {
	    this.coupling = new float[size][size];
	 * Set natural frequencies of oscillators using Perlin noise.
	private void initializeFrequency() {
		naturalFrequency = new float[size];
		float t = 0.0f;
		float dt = 0.1f;
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			naturalFrequency[i] = TWO_PI * parent.noise(t);
			t += dt;
	 * Set initial phases of oscillators using Perlin noise.
	private void initializePhase() {
		phase = new float[size];
		float t = 0.0f;
		float dt = 0.1f;
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			phase[i] = TWO_PI * parent.noise(t);
			t += dt;
	 * Set initial angular velocity of oscillators to 0.
	private void initializeVelocity() {
	    velocity = new float[size];
		Arrays.fill(velocity, 0);
	 * Set initial angular acceleration of oscillators to 0.
	private void initializeAcceleration() {
	    acceleration = new float[size];
		Arrays.fill(acceleration, 0);

	 * Shift the natural frequency of each oscillator to that of a
	 * neighbor's.
	 * @param n The number of indices to shift.
	public void shiftFrequencies(int n) {
		shiftArray(naturalFrequency, n);
	 * Shift the phase of each oscillator to that of a neighbor's.
	 * @param n The number of indices to shift.
	public void shiftPhases(int n) {
		shiftArray(phase, n);
		shiftArray(oldPhase, n);
	 * Shift the elements of an array to the left or right.
	 * @param a The array to be shifted.
	 * @param n The number of indices to shift.
	private void shiftArray(float[] a, int n) {
		float[] b = Arrays.copyOf(a,  a.length);
		if (n > 0) { // shift right
			System.arraycopy(b, 0, a, n, a.length - n);
			System.arraycopy(b, a.length - n, a, 0, n);
		} else { // shift left
			System.arraycopy(b, -n, a, 0, a.length + n);
			System.arraycopy(b, 0, a, a.length + n, -n);
	 * Set the coupling strength within the network.
	 * @param coupling The level of coupling.
	public void setCoupling(float coupling) {
		setCoupling("A2A", coupling);
	 * Set the connective arrangement and coupling strength within the network.
	 * @param arrangement The connective arrangement of the network.
	 * @param coupling    The level of coupling.
	public void setCoupling(String arrangement, float coupling) {
		if (arrangement.equals("A2A")) {
			 * All-to-all
			 * {{0, X, X, X},
			 *  {X, 0, X, X},
			 *  {X, X, 0, X},
			 *  {X, X, X, 0}}
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
					this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
		} else if (arrangement.equals("LU")) {
			 * Linear Unidirectional
			 * {{0, X, 0, 0},
			 *  {0, 0, X, 0},
			 *  {0, 0, 0, X},
			 *  {0, 0, 0, 0}}
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
			        if (j == i + 1) {
			        	this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else {
			        	this.coupling[i][j] = 0;
		} else if (arrangement.equals("LB")) {
			 * Linear Bidirectional
			 * {{0, X, 0, 0},
			 *  {X, 0, X, 0},
			 *  {0, X, 0, X},
			 *  {0, 0, X, 0}}
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
					if (j == i + 1) {
						this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
					} else if (i == j + 1) {
						this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
					} else {
						this.coupling[i][j] = 0;
		} else if (arrangement.equals("BU")) {
			 * Box Unidirectional
			 * {{0, X, 0, 0},
			 *  {0, 0, X, 0},
			 *  {0, 0, 0, X},
			 *  {X, 0, 0, 0}}
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
					if (j == i + 1) {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else if (j == 0 && i == size - 1) {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = 0;
		} else if (arrangement.equals("BB")) {
			 * Box Bidirectional
			 * {{0, X, 0, X},
			 *  {X, 0, X, 0},
			 *  {0, X, 0, X},
			 *  {X, 0, X, 0}}
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
					if (j == i + 1) {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else if (i == j + 1) {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else if (j == 0 && i == size - 1) {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else if (i == 0 && j == size - 1) {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = coupling;
			        } else {
			            this.coupling[i][j] = 0;
	 * Advance the simulation forward one time step.
	public void step() {
	 * Advance the simulation forward a given number of time steps.
	 * @param numSteps The number of time steps to take.
	public void step(int numSteps) {
		for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {
	 * Calculate the next phase of the oscillator network by solving the governing
	 * equation with the classical Runge-Kutta method.
	private void solveRK4() {
		float noise = noiseLevel * parent.noise(time);
		oldPhase = Arrays.copyOf(phase, size);
		float[] oldVelocity = Arrays.copyOf(velocity, size);
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			// Calculate increments
			float k1 = stepSize * differentiate(0.0f, i, noise);
			float k2 = stepSize * differentiate(k1/2, i, noise);
			float k3 = stepSize * differentiate(k2/2, i, noise);
			float k4 = stepSize * differentiate(k3, i, noise);
			// Update phase
			phase[i] = (phase[i] + (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6);
			// Update velocity
			velocity[i] = (phase[i] - oldPhase[i]) / stepSize;
			// Update acceleration
			acceleration[i] = (velocity[i] - oldVelocity[i]) / stepSize;
			// Keep phase within TWO_PI
			 phase[i] %= TWO_PI;
		time += stepSize;
	 * Calculate the time derivative of an oscillator's phase using the Kuramoto model.
	 * @param increment The last increment calculated.
	 * @param oscIndex  The index of the oscillator being updated.
	 * @param noise     The amount of noise.
	 * @return {@code float} time derivative
	private float differentiate(float increment, int oscIndex, float noise) {
		float derivative = naturalFrequency[oscIndex] + noise;
		for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
			derivative += (coupling[oscIndex][j] / size) * PApplet.sin(oldPhase[j] - increment);

		return derivative;
	 * Calculate the complex "order" of the network.
	 * @return {@code PVector} x-real y-imaginary
	public PVector getOrderVector() {
		PVector orderVector = new PVector();
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			PVector phaseVector = new PVector(PApplet.cos(phase[i]), PApplet.sin(phase[i]));
		return orderVector;
	 * Calculate the order parameter of the network (0-1).
	 * @return {@code float} order parameter
	public float getOrderParameter() {
		PVector orderVector = getOrderVector();
		return orderVector.mag();
	 * Dispose of the PNetwork object.
	public void dispose() {



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