Hi! I’m a beginner and need help with this small project.
Right now I have a row of images (really just coloured boxes). When I click an image, it moves to a new location above the “collection point”. However, each image has its own fixed location.
What I am aiming to do is for the images to stack on top of each other according to the order they were clicked. For example, if I click the red image first, it appears at the bottom of the stack. I then click the green image and it appears above the red image.
I’m at a loss at how to begin to do this. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
This is my code:
def setup():
global green, yellow, red, purple, blue
global gx, gy, yx, yy, rx, ry, px, py, bx, by
gx = 50
gy = 50
yx = 200
yy = 50
rx = 350
ry = 50
px = 500
py = 50
bx = 650
by = 50
p1 = False
p2 = False
p3 = False
p4 = False
p5 = False
size(800, 600)
green = loadImage("green.png")
yellow = loadImage("yellow.png")
red = loadImage("red.png")
purple = loadImage("purple.png")
blue = loadImage("blue.png")
def draw():
fill(255, 0,0) #the reset button
rect(100, 450, 150, 100)
fill(0, 255, 255) #the collection point
rect(400, 450, 300, 100)
image(green, gx, gy)
image(yellow, yx, yy)
image(red, rx, ry)
image(purple, px, py)
image(blue, bx, by)
def mousePressed(m):
global gx, gy, yx, yy, rx, ry, px, py, bx, by
if 50 < m.x < 150 and 50 < m.y < 150: #green
gx = 500
gy = 400
if 200 < m.x < 300 and 50 < m.y < 150: #yellow
yx = 500
yy = 350
if 350 < m.x < 450 and 50 < m.y < 150: #red
rx = 500
ry = 300
if 500 < m.x < 600 and 50 < m.y < 150: #purple
px = 500
py = 250
if 650 < m.x < 750 and 50 < m.y < 150: #blue
bx = 500
by = 200
if 100 < m.x < 250 and 450 < m.y < 550: #the reset button
setup() #resets images to their original places