APK signing advice

Just trying to figure out options for apk signing. Should I have different keys for different apps?

The way this seems to be set up is to ask to create a keystore the first time round and then after that to just enter the password. This if fine for one app, but if I then want to sign another app should I just use the same password as for the first app or should I reset to create a new one. The problem is then how to go about selecting the different keys? Would using the same key for signing be an issue if I was putting the various apk’s up onto the PlayStore?

A keystore, from my understanding, can contain multiple keys… but Processing just seems to allow access to one only?


you can always use the same key for signing your apps && playStore agrees with that…


Thanks, I thought it would ok for that.
Any idea how to make use if an already existing key in Processing … that was generated from another IDE