Android Mode, Ketai Library and Android Emulator Update


I removed Android Studio from my W10 PC and wanted to try a fresh install from Processing 3.5.4

There have been posts about Android and Ketai issues and wanted to give it another try from a clean slate.

The following works for me at the time of this post (May 2, 2021 4 p.m. EST):

  • Adding Android Mode (SDK is Platform 29) in Processing with the Contribution Manager
  • Adding Ketai Library v14 in Processing with the Contribution Manager
  • is up and running (was down) but you can’t download v14 from there.
  • Android Emulator works when launched from Processing.

I also installed Android Studio if I need other SDKs such as Platform 28 and modify the preferences.txt file as required to the path of the SDK.




Ketai v14 in a ZIP file can be downloaded directly from here:
