Am i using equation of circle right?

I want to move an object around a circle therefore, am using equation of circle to every quadrant…
I wrote this:
if(keyDown(“up”) && this.guy.x <= 600 && this.guy.x <= 400){

            //using equation of a circle
> this.guy.y -= 1;
>                 this.guy.x = (450^2 - (this.guy.y - 300)^2)^(1/2) + 400;
>                 //  (this.guy.x - 400)^2 + (this.guy.y - 300)^2 = 450^2;   
>                 this.guy.rotation += 0.323;

But it is going haywire, how to write it correctly???

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wrote this for reference, it is the equation of circle


The equation of a circle can be written as follow:
(x - cx )² + (y - cy)² = r²
where (cx, cy) is the center of your cricle and r is the radius. All the pairs (x, y) that fit the equation will be a point of the circle.

You can indeed get the x value by rearranging the above equation BUT you will have to deal with solving a second degree equation that can have none, 1 or 2 solutions.

You can get that intuition visually:

Given a Y value, you can be in the case of the blue line (no solution), the red line (1 solution) or the orange line (2solutions)

Now, instead of working with that equation of a circle, we usually work with its parametric form. Given a center (cx, cy), a radius r and an angle alpha, you can get the (x, y) coordinates of the point with the following equations:

x = cx + r * cos(alpha)
y = cy + r * sin(alpha)

Try this code if you want:

let cx, cy, r;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  cx = 200;
  cy = 200;
  r = 100
  angleSlider = createSlider(0, 360, 0);
  angleSlider.position(50, 350);
  angleSlider.size(300, 20);

function draw() {
  // Draw a circle at position (cx, cy) and radius r
  ellipse(cx, cy, 2*r, 2*r);
  // Place a point on the circle based on the angle
  let x = cx + r * cos(angleSlider.value());
  let y = cy + r * sin(angleSlider.value());
  fill(230, 10, 10);
  ellipse(x, y, 20, 20);

Nice, thanks for your help…
Have to adapt the code according to me coz, I have to change the x or y position and I should get the other coordinate…
Will it work that way???


alpha is the angle from an initial state.

Because of how the corrdinates are setup in p5.js the initial position (alpha = 0) corresponds to a point on the right.

Then alpha increases in a clockwise manner.

By default p5.js uses radians instead of degrees so a full revolution around the circle correspond to an angle of alpha of 2 PI.

But you can change that with angleMode(DEGREES) to use degrees instead of radians. In this case 360° correspond to a full revolution.

Here another picture to help you understand:

Btw, no need for capital letters, we are not deaf over here :wink:



> if(keyDown("up")){
>                 if(this.guy.x < 400){
>                     this.angle++;
>                 } else {
>                     this.angle--;
>                 }
>                 this.guy.x = this.position.x + 234 * cos(this.angle) ;
>                 this.guy.Y = this.position.y + 234 * sin(this.angle);
>                 //  (this.guy.x - 400)^2 + (this.guy.y - 300)^2 = 450^2;   
>                 this.guy.rotation += 0.323;
>                 console.log("yo!");
>                 //ellipse(400,300,900,900);
>             }

this is not working, did I have done somethin’ wrong???


oh, sorry, didnt mean this… :joy::joy:… actually, this was not working.

In your code
this.position is the centre of the circle
234 is the radius of the circle

so looks good so far but then
this.angle++; increments the angle by 1 radian or ~57.3 degrees which is huge try
this.angle += 0.01745; which is approximately 1 degree

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y is not incrementing

@quark, WHAT A SOLUTION, had written y in capital :joy:

sorry for the mess in the messages. Actually, am a very much beginner.

Can you DM me? I’m new and it won’t allow me…

Why would you need me to dm you? If you have a question, post it on the forum. The point is that everyone can benefit from wathever help you need. Plus I might not be able to answer your question but other people could.

Thanks for responding. It was in reference to a paid project