I’m taking a number of Processing sketches and converting them to p5.js. I have converted this sketch from Processing to p5 but I can’t quite figure out why the alpha isn’t working here. Any insights?
// Arrays are a way to create variables in bulk.
// A regular variable can store only one value.
// An array can store multiple values.
// because we now have 3 arrays which will be used in conjunction with each other (ie: same length, let's use a variable
// to determined their length this way we can easily experiement with a different number of circles by changing 'n' only
var n = 100;
// this creates an array of 100 var variables called "hues"
var hues = new Array(n);
// let's also create two arrays that will store random x and y coordinates
var x = new Array(n);
var y = new Array(n);
function setup() {
// set some initital conditions
createCanvas(600, 600);
// fill the arrays with random values
// note that we use the length of the array (hues.length) to set our loop condition
for (var i = 0; i < hues.length; i++) {
// here, the counter "i" is used as an index to enter the hues into the array
hues[i] = random(255);
x[i] = random(width);
y[i] = random(height);
function draw() {
// here, we use...
for (var i = 0; i < hues.length; i++) {
// ...to make each circle's diameter proportional to their distance to the mouse cursor
var diameter = dist(x[i], y[i], mouseX, mouseY);
// look up the hue for that circle by using "i" as an index into the array "hues" eg: hues[i]
fill(hues[i], 255, 255, 60);
// do the same for x and y:
ellipse(x[i], y[i], diameter, diameter);