// in draw:
if ( k > 1.5 ) doit();
// for keyPressed
void keyPressed() {
switch (key) {
case '7':
// in both case:
void doit() {
// what to do here?
I made few modifications. Now when I push the shift key, my program actualise data of k,s h (kick, snare, hat).
The program actualise datas in the case ‘default’
But data are actualised only one time at each time that i tap the shift key and not synchronisly with the “kick” detection (k>1.7).
I tried to automatise this detection by calling key’7’ when k >1.7.
Now, If I push the shift key at the very same moment of a big kick, the program switch on case 7
But I thought that if I maintain the shift key, the program would switch on case 7 automatically while a big kick appears.
How could I do that?
More basically, I would like the program simulate me tapping on the shift key at the same moment of a big kick (kick upper than 1.7) .
I put the entire program below
* Parameter Example.
* Initialize a small network of coupled oscillators and vary the natural frequency of
* each oscillator based on user input.
* Visualization idea borrowed from the Wikipedia article for the Kuramoto model.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuramoto_model
import sync.*;
PNetwork net;
float radius;
int t;
int dt;
float changeNaturalF, changeNaturalF1;
float noiseVal;
float noiseScale=0.02;
//***********************FrequencyEnergy BeatDetection
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
BeatDetect beat;
BeatListener bl;
float kickSize, snareSize, hatSize;
float v,k,s,h;
class BeatListener implements AudioListener
private BeatDetect beat;
private AudioPlayer source;
BeatListener(BeatDetect beat, AudioPlayer source)
this.source = source;
this.beat = beat;
void samples(float[] samps)
void samples(float[] sampsL, float[] sampsR)
public void settings() {
size(600, 600);
void setup() {
int networkSize = 5;
float coupling = 1.5;
float stepSize = 0.05;
float noiseLevel = 0;
net = new PNetwork(this, networkSize, coupling, stepSize, noiseLevel);
radius = 75;
t = 0;
dt = 1;
// size(600,600,P3D);
minim = new Minim(this);
song = minim.loadFile("marcus_kellis_theme.mp3", 1024);
// a beat detection object that is FREQ_ENERGY mode that
// expects buffers the length of song's buffer size
// and samples captured at songs's sample rate
beat = new BeatDetect(song.bufferSize(), song.sampleRate());
// set the sensitivity to 300 milliseconds
// After a beat has been detected, the algorithm will wait for 300 milliseconds
// before allowing another beat to be reported. You can use this to dampen the
// algorithm if it is giving too many false-positives. The default value is 10,
// which is essentially no damping. If you try to set the sensitivity to a negative value,
// an error will be reported and it will be set to 10 instead.
// note that what sensitivity you choose will depend a lot on what kind of audio
// you are analyzing. in this example, we use the same BeatDetect object for
// detecting kick, snare, and hat, but that this sensitivity is not especially great
// for detecting snare reliably (though it's also possible that the range of frequencies
// used by the isSnare method are not appropriate for the song).
kickSize = snareSize = hatSize = 16;
// make a new beat listener, so that we won't miss any buffers for the analysis
bl = new BeatListener(beat, song);
textFont(createFont("Helvetica", 16));
void draw() {
translate(width/2, height/2);
// Draw a track
ellipse(0, 0, 2*radius, 2*radius);
// Draw a circle corresponding to the phase of each oscillator
for (int i = 0; i < net.networkSize; i++) {
float x = radius*cos(net.phase[i]);
float y = radius*sin(net.phase[i]);
translate(x, y);
// Fill circles based on velocity
if (net.velocity[i] > 0) {
fill(0, 0, 255, 50);
} else {
fill(255, 0, 0, 50);
// Outline circles based on acceleration
if (net.acceleration[i] > 0) {
stroke(0, 0, 255);
} else {
stroke(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Draw a line pointing to the average phase of the network
float x = radius*cos(net.averagePhase);
float y = radius*sin(net.averagePhase);
line(0, 0, x, y);
//*****************BEAT DETECT
// draw a green rectangle for every detect band
// that had an onset this frame
float rectW = width / beat.detectSize();
for(int i = 0; i < beat.detectSize(); ++i)
// test one frequency band for an onset
if ( beat.isOnset(i) )
rect( i*rectW, 0, rectW, height);
// draw an orange rectangle over the bands in
// the range we are querying
int lowBand = 5;
int highBand = 15;
// at least this many bands must have an onset
// for isRange to return true
int numberOfOnsetsThreshold = 4;
if ( beat.isRange(lowBand, highBand, numberOfOnsetsThreshold) )
rect(rectW*lowBand, 0, (highBand-lowBand)*rectW, height);
if ( beat.isKick() ) kickSize = 32;
if ( beat.isSnare() ) snareSize = 32;
if ( beat.isHat() ) hatSize = 32;
text("KICK", width/4, height/2);
text("SNARE", width/2, height/2);
text("HAT", 3*width/4, height/2);
kickSize = constrain(kickSize * 0.95, 16, 32);
snareSize = constrain(snareSize * 0.95, 16, 32);
hatSize = constrain(hatSize * 0.95, 16, 32);
k = map (kickSize, 16, 32, 1,2); //beat
s = map (snareSize, 16, 32, 1,2); // snare
h = map (hatSize, 16, 32, 1,2);// hat
println (k);
println (s);
println (h);
if ( k > 1.5 ) { // if the beat is louder 1.5 switch on case 7
float v= frequencyEnergy(k);
float frequencyEnergy (float dVal) { // useful to return value constantly???
dVal= dVal *1;
return dVal;
void doit() {
// if (frequencyEnergy(k)>1.7 ) {
if (k>1.7){
print ("Frequency_ENERGY"); println (k); println(frequencyEnergy(k));
key='7'; // tap on key 7 to simulate me tapping on case 7
void keyPressed() {
doit (); //each time I push the shift key AND kick is upper than 1.7--> go on case 7
// (BUT I would like not to tape on shift key to go on case 7)
// otherwise (k<1.7) if i push on the shift key, it actualise case 'default'
// with new value of kick, snare, hat.
switch (key) {
// noiseDetail(mouseX/30, mouseY/300);
net.naturalFrequency[0] = frequencyEnergy(k)*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[1] = 1.0*s*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = 1.0*h*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[3] = 0.9*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = 1.1*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
println ("DEFAULT");
print ("Kick"); println (k);
print ("snare"); println (s);
print ("hat"); println (h);
println ();
print ("Freq Energy Kick"); println(frequencyEnergy(k));;
case '0':
changeNaturalF= (mouseX/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
changeNaturalF1= (mouseY/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
println ("CASE 0");
println ( changeNaturalF); println ( changeNaturalF1);
net.naturalFrequency[2] = PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[0] = changeNaturalF*PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[1] = changeNaturalF1*PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[3] = PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[4] = PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
case '1':
changeNaturalF= (mouseX/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
changeNaturalF1= (mouseY/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
println ( changeNaturalF); println ( changeNaturalF1);
net.naturalFrequency[0] =changeNaturalF*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[1] = changeNaturalF1*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = 0.8f*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[3] = 1.1f*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = 1.2f*PI;
t += dt;
case '2':
net.naturalFrequency[0] = PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[1] = 0.9f*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = 0.8f*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[3] = 1.1f*PI;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = 1.2f*PI;
t += dt;
case '3':
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width/2; x++) {
noiseVal = noise((mouseX+x) * noiseScale, (mouseY+y) * noiseScale);
noiseVal = noise((mouseX + x + width/2) * noiseScale,
(mouseY + y) * noiseScale);
net.naturalFrequency[3] = 1.5*PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[0] = 1.2*PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[1] = PI*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[2] = 0.8*noise(t);
net.naturalFrequency[4] = 0.6*noise(t);
t += dt;
case '4':
net.naturalFrequency[3] = TWO_PI;
net.naturalFrequency[0] = HALF_PI;
net.naturalFrequency[1] = QUARTER_PI;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = QUARTER_PI;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = PI;
t += dt;
case '5':
changeNaturalF= 2.0* (mouseX/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
changeNaturalF1= 2.0* (mouseY/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
print ( changeNaturalF); println ( changeNaturalF1);
net.naturalFrequency[0] = changeNaturalF*TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[1] = changeNaturalF*TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[3] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
case '6':
changeNaturalF= 2.0* (mouseX/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
changeNaturalF1= 2.0* (mouseY/600.0*1.0)+0.5;
noiseDetail(mouseX/30, mouseY/300);
print ( changeNaturalF); println ( changeNaturalF1);
net.naturalFrequency[0] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[1] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[3] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = TWO_PI*noise(t);
t += dt;
case '7':
noiseDetail(mouseX/30, mouseY/300);
net.naturalFrequency[0] = 1.0f*k*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[1] = 2.0f*s*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[2] = 3.0f*h*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[3] = 0.9f*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
net.naturalFrequency[4] = 1.1f*TWO_PI * noise(t);
t += dt;
print ("Frequency-Energy inside case 7: "); println(frequencyEnergy(k));
print ("Kick"); println (k);
println (h);
println ();
println ();