Acerca de la licencia comercial de processing java

Hola alguien puede explicarme lo siguiente,si yo hago un sketch que no usa ninguna libreria (excepto las del core de processing unicamente!),y hago una aplicacion exportando el sketch a aplicacion.exe…es posible comercializar un sistema o dispositivo que hace uso de dicha aplicacion derivada del sketch de processing?


Para la licencia que Processing usos, puedes comprobar aquellos enlaces :

Para el editor y documentación :

The Reference for the Language and Environment are under a Creative Commons license which makes it possible to re-use this content for non-commercial purposes if it is credited.

Para el código fuente, la licencia múltiple está utilizada incluyendo GPL v2, LGPL :

Nota : esto estuvo traducido de english porque puedo no correctamente escribir en español :slight_smile:

Thank you for answering this question, then I understand that if I include the source code in my commercial system, I would not have problems when marketing an electronic system that uses the executable derived from the processing sketch? Is this so or not?

If you don’t make any modifications to a GPL library you just need to include the GPL license text and a link to the original source code.

Otherwise if you change the GPL source code you need to also include a link w/ the modified changes.

You can choose another license for your own sketch code though.
It’s totally independent from the GPL Processing library.

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