2D displacement mapping for water effect

Hi all,

I’ve recently stumbled on the work of Leonardo Solaas and was particularly interested in the technique used for his “Displacements” series.

According to the brief description provided by the author, the watery effect is the result of the combination of two images: one being used as a displacement map for the second one.

And, indeed, if you look carefully you can discern at the center of the picture the outline of a sloping body leaning towards the left. The shape of that body seems to “push” the pixels (of the first picture) all around as if it was emerging from the water.

I suspect, however, that the process is a bit more complex than that, and for two reasons at least:

  • looking at the picture I can’t help but to think that noise is involved at some point
  • I’ve tried myself to use a picture as a displacement map for another picture (of same dimensions) and the output was, of course, very different not to say disappointing:

a painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti is used as a displacement map for this Da Vinci portrait

here Perlin Noise is used for displacement mapping

Here the displacement rules are simple:

  • take the brightness of each pixel in the first picture
  • map that value to a smaller range : v = map(brightness, 0, 255, 0, 20)
  • substract that value to the x and y coordinates of the second picture : set(x - v, y - v, color)

Notice however how the painting used as a displacement map is not visible unlike on Solaas’s work.

I therefore have 2 questions:

  • What do you think the displacement rules could be in Solaas’w work ?
  • Do you think another step is involved in the process ? If so, what could it be then ? (adding noise ? implementing a convolution matrix ?)

I would really like to hear your suggestions.


Hi Solub!

Looking at the images, I would guess that he’s using some form of fractional brownian motion/domain distortion. You can check out Inigo Quilez’s article and the part on fbms from thebookofshaders. (I should note that there are other kinds of warping, but this is a good place to start with)


@WakeMeAtThree – Thank you ! It does look very similar to the effect seen on Solaas’s sketches. I’m all the more conviced that most of Solaas’s work relies on techniques learned from Patricio Gonzalez Vivo himself (they’re both from Buenos Aires).

@TheWizardBear – Hi, glad to hear you find the topic interesting. I’ve also implemented the warping function from Inigo Quilez’s article . Here’s a proof of concept in Processing (python mode) if you’re interested (much slower than a shader implementation of course).

def setup():
    size(1400, 900, P2D)
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            i = x + y * width
            n = warp(x, y, .01, 255)
            pixels[i] = color(-n, n, n)
def warp(_x, _y, factor, n_range):
    n1 = noise((_x+0.0) * factor, (_y+0.0) * factor) * n_range
    n2 = noise((_x+5.2) * factor, (_y+1.3) * factor) * n_range
    q = PVector(n1, n2)
    n3 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 1.7) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 9.2) * factor) * n_range
    n4 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 8.3) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 2.8) * factor) * n_range
    r = PVector(n3, n4)
    return noise((_x + r.x * 4) * factor, (_y + r.y * 4) * factor) * n_range

There’s still a major issue that I can’t figure out: how to displace the pixels from a picture accordingly with the warping. It seems the displacement rules aforementioned (substracting a noise value to the x and y coordinates) don’t work here and I start to wonder if Solaas ever operated a traditionnal/real pixel displacement on these paintings.


Perhaps you could try the reverse:
Rather than displacing the pixels–moving them according to some noise (or something else), draw each pixel but the color is the color of a pixel nearby. Which nearby pixel’s color it has would be determined by some noise.

Technically this isn’t warping the coordinates but it might work?


We’re getting closer.

It seems @TheWizardBear’s intuition was correct: the displacement happens in the color’s indexing, not in the pixels’s coordinates.

playing with different factor and n_range values

def setup():
    size(1476, 969, P2D) #width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
    img = loadImage("test_painting.jpg")
    for y in range(img.height):
        for x in range(img.width):
            i = x + y * img.width
            n = warp(x, y, .003, 615)
            c = img.pixels[i-int(n)]  #selecting a color's index accordingly with the noise value 
            pixels[i] = color(c)
def warp(_x, _y, factor, n_range):
    n1 = noise((_x+0.0) * factor, (_y+0.0) * factor) * n_range
    n2 = noise((_x+5.2) * factor, (_y+1.3) * factor) * n_range
    q = PVector(n1, n2)
    n3 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 1.7) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 9.2) * factor) * n_range
    n4 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 8.3) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 2.8) * factor) * n_range
    r = PVector(n3, n4)
    return noise((_x + r.x * 4) * factor, (_y + r.y * 4) * factor) * n_range

Thank you.


Upon further testing it seems that:

  • increasing the noise range (n_range) gives thinner waves (nice “sea of flames” kind of look) but the edges may get grainy – picture 1

  • increasing the factor value will consequently raise the number of blobs – picture 2

  • raising the final noise value (return statement in the warp function) to the power of 2 or more will make the blobs bigger – picture 3 and 4

EDIT: Playing with “normal” single-layered noise is fun as well. I find the comparison between the two very interesting:

“normal” Perlin noise with very high noiseDetail() values – looking like an over-oxidized piece of rusty metal


Just sharing an alternative workaround based on fluids simulation.

Here, it is the ouput of the fluid computation (not the noise) that is added to the pixels’ index.
Python version below is awfully slow, no doubt a Java version would be faster.

#### Based on Matthijs Slijkhuis's fluid-simulation implementation (https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/571415) ####

steps = 150
W, H = 500, 600
xscale = int(W / steps)
yscale = int(H / steps)
source = 200.0
d, db, vx, vy, vxb, vyb, diver, pres = [[[0.0 for y in range(steps+1)] for x in range(steps+1)] for i in range(8)]

def setup():
    size(W, H, P2D)
    global img
    img = loadImage("vg.JPG")
def draw():
    subtractPressure(vx, vy)
    advect(db, d, vxb, vyb)
    advect(vxb, vx, vxb, vyb)
    advect(vyb, vy, vxb, vyb)

    for y in range(img.height):
        for x in range(img.width):
            v = sample(d, x/xscale, y/yscale)
            i = x + y * img.width
            c = img.pixels[i-int(v)]  
            pixels[i] = color(c)
def subtractPressure(vx, vy):
    #Divergence of the velocity field
    for y in range(1, steps-1):
        for x in range(1, steps-1):
            diver[x][y] = (vx[x-1][y] - vx[x+1][y] + vy[x][y-1] - vy[x][y+1]) * 0.5
    for i in range(20):
        for y in range(1, steps-1):
            for x in range(1, steps-1):
                pres[x][y] = (pres[x-1][y] + pres[x+1][y] + pres[x][y-1] + pres[x][y+1] + diver[x][y]) * 0.25
    #Velocity - Pressure
    for y in range(1, steps-1):
        for x in range(1, steps-1):
            vx[x][y] -= (pres[x+1][y] - pres[x-1][y]) * 0.5
            vy[x][y] -= (pres[x][y+1] - pres[x][y-1]) * 0.5
def advect(arr_in, arr_out, vel_x, vel_y):
    for y in range(steps):
        for x in range(steps):
            vx = x + vel_x[x][y]
            vy = y + vel_y[x][y]
            arr_out[x][y] = sample(arr_in, vx, vy)
def boundaries(v):
    for x in range(steps):
        v[x][0] = -v[x][1]
        v[x][steps-1] = -v[x][steps-2]
    for y in range(steps):
        v[0][y] = -v[1][y]
        v[steps-1][y] = -v[steps-2][y]
def sample(arr, x, y):
    if x < 0: x = 0
    if x > steps - 2: x = steps - 2
    if y < 0: y = 0
    if y > steps - 2: y = steps - 2
    x0 = int(x)
    y0 = int(y)
    x1 = x0+1
    y1 = y0+1
    tx = x-x0
    ty = y-y0
    lx0 = lerp(arr[x0][y0], arr[x1][y0], tx)
    lx1 = lerp(arr[x0][y1], arr[x1][y1], tx)
    return lerp(lx0, lx1, ty)
def syncBuffers():
    for y in range(steps):
        for x in range(steps):
            db[x][y] = d[x][y]
            vxb[x][y] = vx[x][y]
            vyb[x][y] = vy[x][y]

def add_dens_vel():
    if mouseX > xscale-xscale/2 and mouseX < W-xscale/2 and mouseY > yscale-yscale/2 and mouseY < H-yscale/2:
        x = int(round(mouseX / xscale))
        y = int(round(mouseY / yscale))
        if mousePressed:
            d[x][y] += source * (1.0 / frameRate)
            d[x-1][y] += source/2 * (1.0 / frameRate)
            d[x+1][y] += source/2 * (1.0 / frameRate)
            d[x][y-1] += source/2 * (1.0 / frameRate)
            d[x][y+1] += source/2 * (1.0 / frameRate)
            xv = (steps/float(width)) * (mouseX - pmouseX)*10
            yv = (steps/float(height)) * (mouseY - pmouseY)*10
            vx[x][y] -= xv * (2 / (abs(xv) + 1)) * 10
            vy[x][y] -= yv * (2 / (abs(yv) + 1)) * 10

Can you post a processing java version of this code. I can’t seem to get it to work when I port it to java.

Here is my code.

PImage img;

void setup(){
   size(260, 512, P2D); //width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
    img = loadImage("Swing_pose.jpg");
    for(int x = 0; x < 260; x++){
      for(int y = 0; y < 512; y++) {
        int i = x + y * 260;
         float n = warp(x, y, .003, 615);
         color c = img.pixels[constrain(i-int(n), 0, img.pixels.length-1)];  //selecting a color's index accordingly with the noise value 

         // pixels[i] = color(constrain(c, 0, 255));
          pixels[i] = color(c);




void draw() {
float warp(int _x, int _y, float factor, float n_range) {
   float n1 = noise((_x+0.0) * factor, (_y+0.0) * factor) * n_range;
    float n2 = noise((_x+5.2) * factor, (_y+1.3) * factor) * n_range;
    PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2);
    float n3 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 1.7) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 9.2) * factor) * n_range;
    float n4 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 8.3) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 2.8) * factor) * n_range;
    PVector r = new PVector(n3, n4);
    return noise((_x + r.x * 4) * factor, (_y + r.y * 4) * factor) * n_range;




Hi @Rochie,


There is a missing img. on lines 6 and 15 before loadPixels and pixels but that omission doesn’t explain the problem. For some reason the Java sketch doesn’t seem to display an image when using the warp() function whereas the Python version does.

Unfortunately I don’t have much time to find what could be the issue and all I can do for now is suggesting a different approach:

PImage img;

void setup(){
   size(515, 397, P2D); //width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
    img = loadImage("test01.jpg");
    for(int i = 0; i < img.width*img.height; i++){
         int x = i%img.width;
         int y = i/img.width;
         float n1 = noise(x * .005, y * .005) * img.width;
         float n2 = noise(x * .005, y * .005) * img.height;
         color c = img.pixels[int(n1) + int(n2) * img.width];  //selecting a color's index accordingly with the noise value 
         img.pixels[i] = color(c);


void draw() {


For comparison, the same sketch in Java and Python mode. The Java version throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error where the Python version runs normally.
Adding a modulo to control the offset (line 14 and 15) didn’t work.


PImage img;

void setup(){
   size(515, 397, P2D); //width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
    img = loadImage("test01.jpg");
    int len = img.pixels.length;
    for(int x = 0; x < img.width; x++){
      for(int y = 0; y < img.height; y++) {
         int i = x + y * img.width; 
         float n = warp(x, y, .003, 615);
         int offset = (i-int(n))%len; // with a modulo the offset should wrap around 
         color c = img.pixels[offset]; // --> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
         pixels[i] = color(c);

float warp(int _x, int _y, float factor, int n_range) {
    float n1 = noise((_x+0.0) * factor, (_y+0.0) * factor) * n_range;
    float n2 = noise((_x+5.2) * factor, (_y+1.3) * factor) * n_range;
    PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2);
    float n3 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 1.7) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 9.2) * factor) * n_range;
    float n4 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 8.3) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 2.8) * factor) * n_range;
    PVector r = new PVector(n3, n4);
    return noise((_x + r.x * 4) * factor, (_y + r.y * 4) * factor) * n_range;


def setup():
    size(515, 397, P2D) #width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
    img = loadImage("test01.jpg")
    for y in range(img.height):
        for x in range(img.width):
            i = x + y * img.width
            n = warp(x, y, .003, 615)
            c = img.pixels[i-int(n)]  #selecting a color's index accordingly with the noise value 
            pixels[i] = color(c)

def warp(_x, _y, factor, n_range):
    n1 = noise((_x+0.0) * factor, (_y+0.0) * factor) * n_range
    n2 = noise((_x+5.2) * factor, (_y+1.3) * factor) * n_range
    q = PVector(n1, n2)
    n3 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 1.7) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 9.2) * factor) * n_range
    n4 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 8.3) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 2.8) * factor) * n_range
    r = PVector(n3, n4)
    return noise((_x + r.x * 4) * factor, (_y + r.y * 4) * factor) * n_range

Thank you for your prompt reply and the new new approach - it works!
I am now trying to port it to p5 so that I can show it on the browser.

Patrick Roche

1 Like

Hey great stuff! - very happy to find this thread

just a quick fix for the problem with the above code. – the offset variable was returning a negative number. I just removed the modulo length and change to 0 if returning a negative number.

PImage img;

void setup(){
   size(730, 549, P2D); //width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
    img = loadImage("turner.jpg");
    int len = img.pixels.length;
    //print(img.width * img.height);
    for(int x = 0; x < img.width; x++){ // by row
      for(int y = 0; y < img.height; y++) { // by column
         int i = x + y * img.width; // i = index of grid columns
         float n = warp(x, y, .003, 555); 
         int offset = (i-int(n)); //%len; // with a modulo the offset should wrap around 
         if (offset<0){
          offset = 0; 
         color c = img.pixels[offset]; // --> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
         pixels[i] = color(c);

float warp(int _x, int _y, float factor, int n_range) {
    float n1 = noise((_x+0.0) * factor, (_y+0.0) * factor) * n_range;
    float n2 = noise((_x+5.2) * factor, (_y+1.3) * factor) * n_range;
    PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2);
    float n3 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 1.7) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 9.2) * factor) * n_range;
    float n4 = noise(((_x + q.x * 4) + 8.3) * factor, ((_y + q.y * 4) + 2.8) * factor) * n_range;
    PVector r = new PVector(n3, n4);
    return noise((_x + r.x * 4) * factor, (_y + r.y * 4) * factor) * n_range;

please for the love of god i need this for p5.js to use in my website
cybergrunge.net/html random art generator

1 Like

it seems in processing java mode it needs to create a buffer PImage to process the modified pixel info then change this buffer PImage then write it out :slight_smile:

here is a version converted from Denial’s tutorial and code in github

PImage img;
PImage sorted;

void setup()
  size(200, 200, P2D);  // width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
  img = loadImage("sunflower.jpg");
  sorted = createImage(img.width, img.height, RGB);
  sorted = img.get();

  for(int i = 0; i < sorted.width; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < sorted.height; j++)
      int index = i + j * sorted.width;
      float n = warp(i, j, 0.02, 1024);
      //int offset = (index-int(n)); 
      int offset = abs(index-int(n));  // maybe this cause symmetrical effect
      //if(offset < 0)       // maybe cause blocks of solid color,
      //{                    //  this means any negative indexes will be pixel[0]
      //  offset = 0;
      color temp = sorted.pixels[offset];
      sorted.pixels[index] = temp;

void draw()
  image(sorted, 0, 0);

float warp(int x, int y, float factor, float n_range)
  float n1 = noise((x + 0.0) * factor, (y + 0.0) * factor) * n_range;
  float n2 = noise((x + 5.2) * factor, (y + 1.3) * factor) * n_range;
  PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2);
  float n3 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 1.7) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 9.2) * factor);
  float n4 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 8.3) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 2.8) * factor);
  PVector r = new PVector(n3, n4);
  return noise((x + r.x * 4.0) * factor, (y + r.y * 4.0) * factor) * n_range;

Hi, I am trying to convert this to animation filter and webcam filter, the idea seems it is so interesting itself. But it seems the frame rate is very low.

the animate version:

PImage img;
PImage sorted;
float zoff = 0;

void setup()
  // width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
  size(1324, 900, P3D);
  img = loadImage("Rembrandt_Girl_in_a_Picture_Frame.jpg");
  sorted = createImage(img.width, img.height, RGB);

void draw()
  sorted = img.get();
  //for(int f = 0; f < 100; f++)
    //int selectedPixel = index;
    for(int i = 0; i < sorted.width; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < sorted.height; j++)
        int order = i + j * sorted.width;
        float n = warp3D(i, j, zoff, 0.02, 1024);
        //int offset = (index-int(n)); 
        int offset = abs(order-int(n)); 
        //if(offset < 0)
        //  offset = 0;
        color temp = sorted.pixels[offset];
        sorted.pixels[order] = temp;

    zoff += 2;
  image(img, 0, 0);
  image(sorted, 664, 0);
  //image(sorted, 200, 0);
  //if(sorted != null)
  //  //save("RembrandtGirlinaPictureFrame_sortedNoise.jpg");
  //  noLoop();

float warp(int x, int y, float factor, float n_range)
  float n1 = noise((x + 0.0) * factor, (y + 0.0) * factor) * n_range;
  float n2 = noise((x + 5.2) * factor, (y + 1.3) * factor) * n_range;
  PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2);
  float n3 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 1.7) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 9.2) * factor);
  float n4 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 8.3) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 2.8) * factor);
  PVector r = new PVector(n3, n4);
  return noise((x + r.x * 4.0) * factor, (y + r.y * 4.0) * factor) * n_range;

float warp3D(int x, int y, float z, float factor, float n_range)
  float n1 = noise((x + 0.0) * factor, (y + 0.0) * factor, (z + 0.0)* factor) * n_range;
  float n2 = noise((x + 5.2) * factor, (y + 1.3) * factor, (z + 0.6)* factor) * n_range;
  float n3 = noise((x + 9.4) * factor, (y + 2.8) * factor, (z + 1.7)* factor) * n_range;
  PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2, n3);
  float n4 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 1.7) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 9.2) * factor, ((z + q.z * 4.0) + 13.1) * factor);
  float n5 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 8.3) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 2.8) * factor, ((z + q.z * 4.0) + 1.3)* factor);
  float n6 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 12.6) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 1.3) * factor, ((z + q.z * 4.0) + 0.6) * factor);
  PVector r = new PVector(n4, n5, n6);
  return noise((x + r.x * 4.0) * factor, (y + r.y * 4.0) * factor, (z + r.z * 4.0) * factor) * n_range;

the webcam version

import processing.video.*;

Capture cam;

PImage img;
PImage sorted;

void captureEvent(Capture c)

void setup()
  // width and height should be similar to the picture's dimensions
  size(1280, 480, P2D);
  String[] cameras = Capture.list();
  cam = new Capture(this, cameras[0]);
  img = createImage(640, 480, RGB);
  img = cam;

void draw()
  sorted = createImage(img.width, img.height, RGB);
  sorted = img.get();

  for(int i = 0; i < sorted.width; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < sorted.height; j++)
      int index = i + j * sorted.width;
      float n = warp(i, j, 0.02, 1024);
      //float n = warp(i, j, 0.003, 615);
      //float n = warp(i, j, 0.003, 1);
      //int offset = (index-int(n)); 
      int offset = abs(index-int(n)); 
      //if(offset < 0)
      //  offset = 0;
      color temp = sorted.pixels[offset];
      sorted.pixels[index] = temp;

  image(img, 0, 0);
  image(sorted, 640, 0);

float warp(int x, int y, float factor, float n_range)
  float n1 = noise((x + 0.0) * factor, (y + 0.0) * factor) * n_range;
  float n2 = noise((x + 5.2) * factor, (y + 1.3) * factor) * n_range;
  PVector q = new PVector(n1, n2);
  float n3 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 1.7) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 9.2) * factor);
  float n4 = noise(((x + q.x * 4.0) + 8.3) * factor, ((y + q.y * 4.0) + 2.8) * factor);
  PVector r = new PVector(n3, n4);
  return noise((x + r.x * 4.0) * factor, (y + r.y * 4.0) * factor) * n_range;