Hello, I am Ritesh Patil. I am an undergrad student at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. Currently, I am in my freshman year and trying to explore the different technologies in the field of web development and software development.
I have been trying to learn the different technologies and implementing them in various projects. I am familiar with frontend development as well as backend development. I have worked on projects involving HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express.js, NPM, Grunt, Firebase, MongoDB, Mongoose. Also, I am pretty familiar with the version control system.
I am aspiring to participate in GSoC-2020. I have gone through some of the past projects of the processing foundation. They have fascinated me a lot, especially the ones regarding p5.js. I am fond of the open-source community and wish to contribute to different projects and get to know the different developers, which is why I would love to contribute to the Processing Foundation in GSoC-2020.
Here is my Github link:- https://github.com/riteshsp2000