[SOLVED] G4P options in second window problem

Also in your second post you are setting an option true BEFORE adding it to the toggle group, Only use setSelected AFTER all the options have been added to the option group. (You didn’t do this in your first post).

In this code I have corrected the mistakes in your second post and shown how you can add separate event handlers for both sets of opuions.

import g4p_controls.*;
GOption option0, option1;
GOption woption0, woption1;

GWindow[] window;

public void setup() {
  size(200, 100);

public void draw() {
  background(100, 100, 200);

public void createGUI() {
  int posX = 40, posY =20, dposY = 20;
  GToggleGroup tg = new GToggleGroup();

  option0 = new GOption(this, posX, posY+0*dposY, 80, 24, "A");
  option0.setTextAlign(null, GAlign.BOTTOM);

  option1 = new GOption(this, posX, posY+1*dposY, 80, 24, "B");
  option1.setTextAlign(null, GAlign.BOTTOM);

  tg.addControls(option0, option1);  // Group the option buttons
  option1.setSelected(true);   // Must set one of the options true

  option0.addEventHandler(this, "option_clicked");
  option1.addEventHandler(this, "option_clicked");

public void option_clicked(GOption source, GEvent event) { 
  if (source == option0) { 
  } //option1.setSelected(false);
  if (source == option1) { 
  } //option0.setSelected(false);

public void win_option_clicked(GOption source, GEvent event) { 
  if (source == woption0) { 
  } //option1.setSelected(false);
  if (source == woption1) { 
  } //option0.setSelected(false);

public void createWindows() {

  window = new GWindow[1];
  //  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
  //    window[i] = GWindow.getWindow(this, " ", 70+i*220, 160+i*50, 400, 400, JAVA2D);
  //  }
  // menu window config
  window[0] = GWindow.getWindow(this, "window2", 70, 160, 200, 100, JAVA2D);
  //window[0].addOnCloseHandler(this, "windowClosing");
  //window[0].addData(new MyWinData());
  window[0].addDrawHandler(this, "windowDraw");
  //window[0].addMouseHandler(this, "windowMouse");
  //window[0].addKeyHandler(this, "windowKey");

  int posX = 40, posY =20, dposY = 20;
  GToggleGroup wtg = new GToggleGroup();

  woption0 = new GOption(window[0], posX, posY+0*dposY, 80, 24, "wA");
  woption0.setTextAlign(null, GAlign.BOTTOM);

  woption1 = new GOption(window[0], posX, posY+1*dposY, 80, 24, "wB");
  woption1.setTextAlign(null, GAlign.BOTTOM);

  wtg.addControls(woption0, woption1);   // Group the option buttons

  woption1.setSelected(true); // Must set one of the options true

  woption0.addEventHandler(this, "win_option_clicked");
  woption1.addEventHandler(this, "win_option_clicked");

synchronized public void windowDraw(PApplet appc, GWinData data) {
  // MyWinData data2 = (MyWinData)data;
  appc.background(200, 200, 0);