Solution for repeating keyPressed while holding key

Hi, i wonder how can i use your method with a boolean, like this:

import processing.event.MouseEvent;

boolean[] mouses = new boolean[2];
boolean pressLeft = true;
boolean pressRight = true;
boolean actionLM = false;
boolean actionRM = false;

int leftClick;
int rightClick;

void setup(){
  size(200, 100);
  registerMethod("mouseEvent", this);

void draw(){
  if(actionLM) leftClick+=1;
  text("left " + leftClick, 10, 10);
  text("right " + rightClick, 10, 25);

void mouseLeft(){
  if(pressLeft && mouses[0] == true){
    actionLM = true;
    pressLeft = false;
  if(mouses[0] == false){
    actionLM = false;
    pressLeft = true;

void mouseRight(){
  if(pressRight && mouses[1] == true){
    rightClick +=1;
    pressRight = false;
    actionRM = true;
  if(mouses[1] == false){
    pressRight = true;
    actionRM = false;
public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent e){
  int button = e.getButton();
  int buttonID = e.getAction();
  if(buttonID == MouseEvent.PRESS){
  if(buttonID == MouseEvent.RELEASE){
protected void mousePressedProcess(int button){
  if(button == PConstants.LEFT) mouses[0]=true;
  if(button == PConstants.RIGHT) mouses[1]=true;
protected void mouseReleasedProcess(int button){
  if(button == PConstants.LEFT) mouses[0]=false;
  if(button == PConstants.RIGHT) mouses[1]=false;

So, when i press the right button of the mouse, like in your example, its work.
But i’m looking to use a boolean with my left button, and when i keep the left button pressed, the count don’t stop.

How can i make the left button like the right button but with a boolean ?
So when i press the left button, the leftClick count increment by one and then i need to realese it and press it again to increment it again.

Thanks for your times guys