Hi @segu;
in p5.js seems to be very slow. Calling it twice makes the sketch even slower.
I would suggest to use an external module instead.
Here is an example with Simplex Noise (see this post for loading):
p5.disableFriendlyErrors = true;
// storing constants
const w = 255;
const s = w*w;
const k = 99;
const f = 30;
const posx = [...Array(s).keys()].map(i => (i % w));
const posy = [...Array(s).keys()].map(i => (i / w));
const a = [...Array(s).keys()].map(i => posx[i] / k);
const b = [...Array(s).keys()].map(i => posy[i] / k);
let x, y;
let i = 0, t = 0, m = 0;
let simplex = new SimplexNoise();
function setup() {
createCanvas(w, w);
function draw() {
for (i =0; ++i < s;) {
x = posx[i] + Math.round(simplex.noise3D(a[i], b[i], (t/k + m++ % 2)) * f);
y = posy[i] + Math.round(simplex.noise3D(a[i], b[i], (t/k + m++ % 2)) * f);
index = (x + y * w) << 2;
c = 55 + pixels[index];
pixels[index] = c;
pixels[index + 1] = c;
pixels[index + 2] = c << 1;