screenX screenY equivalent in p5.js

if I call it like this:

  var worldMy = createVector( 0,0,0 );
  let screenCoor =   projectWorldToCanvas(  canvas, worldMy    ) ;

I receive

TypeError: canvas.uMVMatrix is undefined (sketch: line 99)

p5.RendererGL: enabled webgl context


/* Project a vector from World to Canvas coordinates. */
function projectWorldToCanvas(canvas, vWorld) {
  // Calculate the ModelViewProjection Matrix.
  var mvp = (canvas.uMVMatrix.copy()).mult(canvas.uPMatrix);   // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE 

  // Transform the vector to Normalized Device Coordinate.


I gather that of the 3 funcs in Add screenX, screenY and screenZ · Issue #1553 · processing/p5.js · GitHub
I only need projectWorldToCanvas ?
and not the other?

That’s overly complicated…

Is canvas = 2D and world = 3D?

Thanks for your help!
