Saving live information to excel file every half hour

Apologies for the super late reply. I was using the program manually resetting for the past few months because i could not figure out how to have it reset automatically. I made the adjustments that were suggested above however it does not reset them all to 0 at any time, it continues from the the number from the previous day. I have attached the full code below. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.

import processing.serial.*;
FileWriter output;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.LocalDateTime; 

String dateStamp() {
  // return the date in specified format.
 DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");
 LocalDateTime now =;
 return dtf.format(now);

String dateForFilename() {
 DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
 LocalDateTime now =;
 return dtf.format(now);

boolean fileExists(String filename) {
  File f = dataFile(filename);
  String filePath = f.getPath();
  boolean exist = f.isFile();
  println(filePath, exist);
  return exist;


int[] xbdata = new int [19];//set up array for API data from xbee
int count = 0;  //integer used to find places of data in transmission
int p2c1 = 0;
int p2c2 = 0;
int p3c1 = 0;
int p3c2 = 0;
int p4c1 = 0;
int p4c2 = 0;
int p5c1 = 0;
int p5c2 = 0;
int p6c1 = 0;  // integer used for press 6 count 
int p6c2 = 0; //set up second integer for p6 count
int time = millis();  //integer used for timing
int time2 = 0;        //integer used for timing
int cntbyte = 0;
int ccs1c1 = 0;
int ccs1c2 = 0;
int ccs2c1 = 0;
int ccs2c2 = 0;
int ccs3c1 = 0;
int ccs3c2 = 0;
int ccs4c1 = 0;
int ccs4c2 = 0;
int rob1c1 = 0;
int rob1c2 = 0;
int rob2c1 = 0;
int rob2c2 = 0;
int rob3c1 = 0;
int rob3c2 = 0;
int riv3c1 = 0;
int riv3c2 = 0;
int riv4c1 = 0;
int riv4c2 = 0;
int riv6c1 = 0;
int riv6c2 = 0;
int weld4c1 = 0;
int weld4c2 = 0;
int weld5c1 = 0;
int weld5c2 = 0;
int sys58c1 = 0;
int sys58c2 = 0;
int broachc1 = 0;
int broachc2 = 0;
int headerc1 = 0;
int headerc2 = 0;
int timePeriod = 30;  // Set the time period
int timeCount0 = -1;
int timeCount1;

Serial myPort;  // The serial port

void setup() {
  size(500,900);  //sets up size of total area
 // List all the available serial ports help find usb port to computer
  // Open the port you are using at the rate you want:
  myPort = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600);



void draw() 
 // count = 0;
 if ( mouseY > 10 && mouseY < 30 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    p2c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 40 && mouseY < 60 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    p2c2 = 0;
   if ( mouseY > 150 && mouseY < 170 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    p4c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 180 && mouseY < 200 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    p4c2 = 0;
 if ( mouseY > 224 && mouseY < 240 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    p5c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 255 && mouseY < 270 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    p5c2 = 0;
   if ( mouseY > 324 && mouseY < 340 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    p6c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 294 && mouseY < 310 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 99 && mouseX < 110        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    p6c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 423 && mouseY < 440 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 140 && mouseX < 150      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    ccs1c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 394 && mouseY < 410 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 140 && mouseX < 150        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    ccs1c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 494 && mouseY < 510 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 140 && mouseX < 150      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    ccs2c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 463 && mouseY < 480 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 140 && mouseX < 150        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    ccs2c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 563 && mouseY < 580 &&   //test for curson on leftmost character of press 6 count b 
       mouseX > 140 && mouseX < 150      //and mouse button pressed
       &&  mousePressed)                 
    ccs3c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 533 && mouseY < 550 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 140 && mouseX < 150        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    ccs3c1 = 0;

  if ( mouseY > 12 && mouseY < 30 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 392 && mouseX < 405        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    rob1c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 42 && mouseY < 60 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 392 && mouseX < 405        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    rob1c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 82 && mouseY < 100 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 392 && mouseX < 405        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    rob2c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 112 && mouseY < 130 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 392 && mouseX < 405        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    rob2c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 152 && mouseY < 170 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 392 && mouseX < 405        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    rob3c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 182 && mouseY < 200 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 392 && mouseX < 405        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    rob3c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 221 && mouseY < 240 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    riv3c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 251 && mouseY < 271 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    riv3c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 291 && mouseY < 310 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    riv4c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 321 && mouseY < 340 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    riv4c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 361 && mouseY < 380 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    riv6c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 391 && mouseY < 410 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    riv6c2 = 0;

  if ( mouseY > 430 && mouseY < 450 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 399 && mouseX < 412        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    weld4c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 460 && mouseY < 480 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 399 && mouseX < 412        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    weld4c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 500 && mouseY < 520 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 399 && mouseX < 412        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    weld5c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 530 && mouseY < 550 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 399 && mouseX < 412        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    weld5c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 570 && mouseY < 590 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    sys58c1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 600 && mouseY < 620 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 409 && mouseX < 422        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    sys58c2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 640 && mouseY < 660 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 390 && mouseX < 402        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    broachc1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 670 && mouseY < 690 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 390 && mouseX < 402        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    broachc2 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 710 && mouseY < 730 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 379 && mouseX < 391        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    headerc1 = 0;
  if ( mouseY > 740 && mouseY < 760 &&     // test for cursor on leftmost character of press6 count a
       mouseX > 379 && mouseX < 391        // and mouse button pressed resets count
       &&  mousePressed)
    headerc2 = 0;

  //Test for click on reset all square
 if ( mouseY > 732 && mouseY < 750 &&     // test for cursor on reset all square
       mouseX > 165 && mouseX < 185        // and mouse button pressed resets all counts
       &&  mousePressed)

 // The action every timePeriod:
int hours;
hours =;
print(String.format("tC %2d, Hr %2d, DateTime %s", timeCount1, hours, dateStamp()));
if (hours == 23 && timeCount1 == 1) {

    if (myPort.available() > 0) //data available on port if > 0
    int inByte =;  //load bytes one by one into array
   // if (xbdata[0] = 126) {
   //   count = 0;} 
   count ++;
   if (xbdata[1] != 126) {count = 0;
   //   count = 0;}
    if (count > 17)  {
      count = 0;}

    if (xbdata[16]==67) 
    ccs1c1 ++;
    ccs1c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==66) 
    ccs2c1 ++;
    ccs2c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==65) 
    p6c1 ++;
    p6c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==70) 
     p5c1 ++;
    p5c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==71) 
     p2c1 ++;
    p2c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==72) 
     p4c1 ++;
    p4c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==68) 
     ccs3c1 ++;
    ccs3c2 ++;
    //count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==50) 
    rob1c1 ++;
    rob1c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==51) 
    rob2c1 ++;
    rob2c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==52) 
    rob3c1 ++;
    rob3c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==42) 
    riv6c1 ++;
    riv6c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==41) 
    riv4c1 ++;
    riv4c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==40) 
    riv3c1 ++;
    riv3c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==31) 
    weld4c1 ++;
    weld4c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==30) 
    weld5c1 ++;
    weld5c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
    if (xbdata[16]==81) 
    sys58c1 ++;
    sys58c2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==80) 
    broachc1 ++;
    broachc2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
     if (xbdata[16]==82) 
    headerc1 ++;
    headerc2 ++;
    count = 0;
    xbdata[16] = 0;
 // time2 = millis();
 // if (time2 > (time + 1000)){
// background(200,75,80);

// For final:
  //timeCount1 =;
  // For faster testing:
  timeCount1 =;
  timeCount1 /= timePeriod;
  if (timeCount1 != timeCount0) {
    try  {
        String textLine;
        String dateString;
        String filename;
  filename = String.format("Machine_Counts_%s.csv", dateForFilename());
  boolean csvFileExists;  
  csvFileExists = fileExists(sketchPath() + "/" + filename);
dateString = dateStamp();
textLine = String.format("%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
dateString, p2c1, p3c1, p4c1, p5c1, p6c1, ccs1c1, ccs2c1, ccs3c1, rob1c1, rob2c2, rob3c1, riv3c1, riv4c1, riv6c1, weld4c1, weld5c1, sys58c1, broachc1, headerc1) ;
output = new FileWriter(sketchPath() + "/" + filename, true);
    // true = append (create if not there), 
    // false = create new (delete if already there)
    if (!csvFileExists) {
    output.write("DateTime," + machineNames);
  catch(IOException e) {
    println("It broke!!!");
    timeCount0 = timeCount1;

      textSize (20);
      text ("Press 2a",10,30);
      text ("Press 2b" ,10, 60);
      text (p2c1,100,30);
      text (p2c2,100,60);
      fill (230);
      text ("Press 3a",10,100);
      text ("Press 3b",10,130);
      text (p3c1,100,100);
      text (p3c2,100,130);
      fill (230);
      text ("Press 4a",10,170);
      text ("Press 4b",10,200);
      text (p4c1,100,170);
      text (p4c2,100,200);
      fill (230);
      text ("Press 5a",10,240);
      text ("Press 5b",10,270);
      text (p5c1,100,240);
      text (p5c2,100,270);
      fill (230);
      text ("CC Saw #1a" ,10, 410);
      text ("CC Saw #1b" ,10, 440);  
      text (ccs1c1,140,410);
      text (ccs1c2,140,440);
      fill (230);
      text ("CC Saw #2a" ,10, 480);
      text ("CC Saw #2b" ,10, 510);  
      text (ccs2c1,140,480);
      text (ccs2c2,140,510);
      fill (230);
      text ("CC Saw #3a" ,10, 550);
      text ("CC Saw #3b" ,10, 580);  
      text (ccs3c1,140,550);
      text (ccs3c2,140,580);
      fill (230);
      text ("Press 6a" ,10, 310);
      text ("Press 6b" ,10, 340);  
      text (p6c1,100,310);
      text (p6c2,100,340);
      fill (230);
      text ("Robot1a",300,30);
      text ("Robot1b" ,300, 60);
      text (rob1c1,395,30);
      text (rob1c2,395,60);
      fill (230);
      text ("Robot2a",300,100);
      text ("Robot2b" ,300,130);
      text (rob2c1,395,100);
      text (rob2c2,395,130);
      fill (230);
      text ("Robot3a",300,170);
      text ("Robot3b" ,300,200);
      text (rob3c1,395,170);
      text (rob3c2,395,200);
      fill (230);
      text ("Riveter3a",300,240);
      text ("Riveter3b",300,270);
      text (riv3c1,410,240);
      text (riv3c2,410,270);
      fill (230);
      text ("Riveter4a",300,310);
      text ("Riveter4b",300,340);
      text (riv4c1,410,310);
      text (riv4c2,410,340);
      fill (230);
      text ("Riveter6a",300,380);
      text ("Riveter6b",300,410);
      text (riv6c1,410,380);
      text (riv6c2,410,410);
      fill (230);
      text ("Welder4a",300,450);
      text ("Welder4b",300,480);
      text (weld4c1,400,450);
      text (weld4c2,400,480);
      fill (230);
      text ("Welder5a",300,520);
      text ("Welder5b",300,550);
      text (weld5c1,400,520);
      text (weld5c2,400,550);
      fill (230);
      text ("System58",300,590);
      text ("System58",300,620);
      text (sys58c1,410,590);
      text (sys58c2,410,620);
      fill (230);
      text ("Broacher",300,660);
      text ("Broacher",300,690);
      text (broachc1,390,660);
      text (broachc2,390,690);
      fill (230);
      text ("Header",300,730);
      text ("Header",300,760);
      text (headerc1,380,730);
      text (headerc2,380,760);
      fill (230);
       text ("Reset ALL",25,750);
      rect (165,732,20,20); 

     // text ("Reset ALL",500,30);
     // rect (640,12,20,20); 
   //  text (mouseX,25,700);   //display horizontal pixel position of cursor
   //   text (mouseY, 25,720);  //display vertical pixel position of cursor
  void ResetAll() {
    p6c1 = 0;
    p6c2 = 0;
    ccs1c1 = 0;
    ccs1c2 = 0;
    ccs2c1 = 0;
    ccs2c2 = 0;
    ccs3c1 = 0;
    ccs3c2 = 0;
    p4c1 = 0;
    p4c2 = 0;
    rob1c1 = 0;
    rob1c2 = 0;
    rob2c2 = 0;
    rob2c1 = 0;
    rob3c1 = 0;
    rob3c2 = 0;
    riv3c1 = 0;
    riv3c2 = 0;
    riv4c1 = 0;
    riv4c2 = 0;
    riv6c1 = 0;
    riv6c2 = 0;
    weld4c1 = 0;
    weld4c2 = 0;
    weld5c1 = 0;
    weld5c2 = 0;
    sys58c1 = 0;
    sys58c2 = 0;
    broachc1 = 0;
    broachc2 = 0;
    headerc1 = 0;
    headerc2 = 0;
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