Thank you so much, @noel . The Floodfill looks great!
To fix the import issue on openprocessing, I think we could replace java.awt.Point with PVector. Could you try that? We might also need to / want to change the linkedlist / deque into ArrayList, I’m not sure.
1 Like
April 20, 2020, 5:36pm
That’s already done. @GoToLoop made an excellent class. but unfortunately, it’s still not running on OpenProcessing. See here .
Wow, this looks great fun. I am looking at all the unfinished topics looking for one to tackle. The Rosetta project shows the aesthetic beauty of code ipso facto . Sometimes the code is more beautiful than the output and too often hidden.
I would like to play too!
from collections import deque
tolerance = 15
allowed = False
def setup():
global img, fill_color
size(600, 400)
img = loadImage("image.png")
fill_color = color(250, 0, 0)
fill(0, 0, 100)
image(img, 0, 0, width, height)
text("Tolerance = {} (Use mouse wheel to change)".format(tolerance),
100, height - 30)
text("Right click to reset", 100, height - 10)
def draw():
global allowed
if allowed:
image(img, 0, 0, width, height)
text("Tolerance = {} (Use mouse wheel to change)".format(tolerance), 100, height - 30)
text("Right click to reset", 100, height - 10)
allowed = False
def mousePressed():
global img, allowed
flood(mouseX, mouseY)
allowed = True
if mouseButton == RIGHT:
img = loadImage("image.png")
def mouseWheel(event):
global allowed, tolerance
e = event.getCount()
tolerance += 2 * e
if tolerance > 256:
tolerance = 256
if tolerance < 0:
tolerance = 0
allowed = True
def flood(x, y):
target_color = img.pixels[pixel_position(mouseX, mouseY)]
queue = deque()
queue.append((x, y))
while len(queue) > 0:
p_x, p_y = queue.popleft()
if (check(p_x, p_y, target_color)):
queue.append((p_x, p_y - 1))
queue.append((p_x, p_y + 1))
queue.append((p_x - 1, p_y))
queue.append((p_x + 1, p_y))
def pixel_position(x, y):
return x + (y * img.width)
def check(x, y, target_color):
if x < 0 or y < 0 or y >= img.height or x >= img.width:
return False
pp = img.pixels[pixel_position(x, y)]
test_tolerance = (abs(green(target_color) - green(pp)) < tolerance
and abs(red(target_color) - red(pp)) < tolerance
and abs(blue(target_color) - blue(pp)) < tolerance)
if not test_tolerance:
return False
img.pixels[pixel_position(x, y)] = fill_color
return True
@noel @villares me too. See on rosetta code , I used suggested image, and this is the result:-
April 24, 2020, 9:43am
I’ve added a link to play the Bitmap/Floodfill task here . Unfortunately, if the Device Pixel Aspect Ratio of the monitor is not 1.00, the sketch will probably not run properly. This happens for instance when you chose a different text percentage (like 125%) in your “windows appearance” settings. You will have to zoom in/out on your browser to adjust this. This aspect ratio you can discover on this site. If anyone knows a solution for this I will be grateful.
1 Like
April 24, 2020, 9:48am
I’ve added the Maze Generation task. Here is a link to the animated version
1 Like
It’s Brillant Maze Generation! Thank you very much!
I have just ported it to Python mode:
April 25, 2020, 10:40pm
I am optimizing the variable names and adding comments for better understanding Also I am taking out some leftover garbage. So maybe you want to check this later on.
1 Like
OK! Count on me, I’ll have a look.
@jeremydouglass @villares Were you aware of processing ‘plasma effect’ example? I have ported it to JRubyArt Plasma effect - Rosetta Code . I have also ported colored bars task.
1 Like
Cool! I’ll try my hand at porting
@noel , @villares I’ve just posted a somewhat object orientated version of the Sierpinski Pentagon on rosetta code. Possibly another task to try?
June 17, 2020, 11:05pm
@paulstgeorge You still want to join us? This is a nice one?
Because this is the message I got from discourse:
Let others join the conversation
This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 28% of the replies here.
It could be even better if you gave other people space to share their points of view, too. Can you invite them over?
1 Like
@Noel The churlish bot has made a mistake. Its logic only works if there is a fixed amount of total space. Only then could you give others space by contributing less.
Anyway, I have looked again and now I know the task I want to tackle: .
I assume it is cheating (and boring) to import a library that does the task.
@noel @jeremydouglass @villares The Sierpinksi arrow head curve is missing for processing and python. I’ve just published the JRubyArt version . For the benefit of @villares heres a sierpinski lsystem in I did earlier.
September 1, 2020, 1:02pm
My second sketch in P5.js. Somewhat concise?
But now I remember; it has to be in isn’t it?
const s = {x: 20, y: 30, angle: 60};
function setup() {
createCanvas(450, 400);
background(0, 0, 200);
sc(7, 400, -60);
function sc(o, l, angle) {
if (o == 0) {
const {x, y, angle} = s;
s.x += cos(angle) * l;
s.y += sin(angle) * l;
line(x, y, s.x, s.y);
} else {
sc(o-1, l/2, -angle);
s.angle += angle;
sc(o-1, l/2, angle);
s.angle += angle;
sc(o-1, l/2, -angle);
Your Sierpinski p5.js version w/ less lines:
"use strict";
const t = { x: 20, y: 30, a: 60 };
function setup() {
createCanvas(450, 400);
background(0, 0, 200).stroke(255).angleMode(DEGREES);
sc(7, 400, -60);
function sc(o, l, a, s = t) {
if (o) {
sc(--o, l *= .5, -a).a += a;
sc(o, l, a).a += a;
sc(o, l, -a);
} else line(s.x, s.y, s.x += cos(s.a) * l, s.y += sin(s.a) * l);
return s;
September 1, 2020, 3:16pm
"use strict";
I guess no one is going to beat that.
Maybe just removing"use strict"
It isn’t strict necessary is it?
Googled a bit, and it’s said that it’s good to get rid of many “silent” errors that can occur .
Is that it?