Requirements that Processing has for loading TIFF files

If you want to add TIFF-loading support to your sketch, it looks like the missing resource is JAI 1.1, which for Java 8 adds TIFF support to imageio.

  1. create a /code subfolder in your sketch, and add jai_imageio-1.1.jar
  2. add a TIFF file to the sketch folder: test.tif
  3. run a sketch that uses the protected undocumented loadImageIO method of Processing’s PApplet:
PImage img;
void setup() {
  size(484, 480);
  img = this.loadImageIO("test.tif");
  image(img, 0, 0);

Your TIFF is loaded as a PImage and displayed.

Note that without JAI the default loadImageIO of Java 8 (used by Processing 3) does not have TIFF support. In Java 9+ this is not true.

FYI, JAI was added to the Processing MovieMaker tool ~2013 for just this reason:

…and so jai_imageio.jar is part of the Processing 3 source under tools

…just not automatically on the path of PApplet (not available by default to a sketch).

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