Full code below in case anyone needs it in the future:
/* This sketch randomly selects rows from a CSV file
these rows are then printed out to screen using
a 'typewriter' style effect.
I want the text to print out and then stay on screen for 5 seconds.
I then want the screen to stay blank for 5 seconds before starting again.
int state=0; // state of the program
Table table; // table object
int timer; //creates a a timer variable
int counter = 0; //creates a counter variable and sets it to zero
String full; //a string to combine amount + name
String amount; //a string to combine amount + name
String newAmount; // a string with new amount
String newName; // a string ith newNames
void setup() {
// size(1000, 1000); //size
PFont font; //font
table = loadTable("nameISP.csv", "header");
font = createFont("HoeflerText-Italic-48", 48); //creates font
textFont(font, 120); //text font
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); //aligns text to Center
selectRow(); //calls selectRow fucntion
void draw() {
switch (state) {
//this calls typeWriter1
case 0:
// this will be exectued if state = 0
background (0); //background
break; // break for case 0
case 1:
//this is the break between typewriter 1 + 2
if (millis()-timer > 5000) { //if 5 seconds has passed
state=2; // move on
break; //break for case 1
//this calls typeWriter2
case 2:
background(0); //background
text(newAmount, 0, 40, width/2, height/2); //keeps Amount on screen for duration of sketch
break; //break for case 2
//this should keep typewriter2 text on screen for 5 seconds
case 3:
if (millis()-timer > 5000) {
background(0); //this background clears screen between iterations
case 4:
if (millis()-timer > 5000) {
// Tyewriter1 pulls the first column, prints it too screen, and waits a few seconds
void typeWriter1() {
text(newAmount.substring(0, counter),
0, 40, width/2, height/2); //text to print
if (millis()-timer > 100) { //this is the typewriter effect
counter++; // go to next letter
timer=millis(); // reset timer
if (counter > newAmount.length()) { //this if statement resets counter to 0 when text is finished
counter = 0; // reset
state = 1; //go to state one
timer=millis(); // reset timer
void typeWriter2() {
text(newName.substring(0, counter),
100, 40, width, height ); //text to print
if (millis()-timer > 100) { //this is the typewriter effect
counter++; // go to next letter
timer=millis(); // reset timer
if (counter > newName.length()) { //this if statement resets counter to 0 when text is finished
counter = 0; // reset
state = 3;
timer=millis(); // reset timer
void selectRow() {
TableRow row; //Table row object
String amount="", name=""; //two strings representing columns in csv
row = table.getRow((int)random(table.getRowCount())); //print a random row
amount = row.getString("IP"); //a string with amount
name = row.getString("ISP"); // prints name for row
full = amount + " " + name; //combines name and row into new String called full
newAmount = amount;
newName = name;
println (full); //just prints to serial monitor so I can test all is working