Package’s name is “sdf-fork”: pip install sdf-fork
pip install trimesh
No mention we need to uncomment'out.stl')
in order to have the STL file.
So I’ve added some code to execute'out.stl')
if it doesn’t exist already:
* Toon Shading
* Example showing the use of a custom lighting shader in order to apply
* a "toon" effect on the scene. Based on the glsl tutorial from lighthouse 3D:
import py5 #
from trimesh import load_mesh # pip install -U trimesh[easy]
from sdf import sphere, box, cylinder, X, Y, Z # pip install sdfcad or sdf-fork
from os.path import isfile
STL_FILE, FRAG_FILE, VERT_FILE = 'out.stl', 'ToonFrag.glsl', 'ToonVert.glsl'
shader_enabled = lights_enabled = False
def settings(): py5.size(700, 550, py5.P3D)
def setup():
global shape, toon, shape_scale, cx, cy
shape = py5.convert_shape(mesh)
toon = py5.load_shader(FRAG_FILE, VERT_FILE)
shape_scale = min(py5.width, py5.height) * SHAPE_SCALE
cx, cy = py5.width >> 1, py5.height >> 1
def draw():
lights_enabled and py5.lights()
py5.directional_light(204, 204, 204, 0, 0, -1)
py5.translate(cx, cy)
py5.rotate_x(py5.mouse_y * MOUSE_STEP)
py5.rotate_y(py5.mouse_x * MOUSE_STEP)
py5.shape(shape, 0, 0)
def mouse_pressed():
global shader_enabled, lights_enabled
shader_enabled ^= py5.mouse_button == py5.LEFT
py5.shader(toon) if shader_enabled else py5.reset_shader()
lights_enabled ^= py5.mouse_button == py5.RIGHT
def create_stl_file(filename=STL_FILE):
c = cylinder(.5)
f = sphere(1) & box(1.5)
f -= c.orient(X) | c.orient(Y) | c.orient(Z)
def main(filename=STL_FILE):
isfile(filename) or create_stl_file(filename)
global mesh
mesh = load_mesh(filename)
py5.run_sketch(sketch_functions = SKETCH_CALLBACKS_DICT)
SKETCH_CALLBACKS = settings, setup, draw, mouse_pressed
SKETCH_CALLBACKS_DICT = { funct.__name__: funct for funct in SKETCH_CALLBACKS }
__name__ == '__main__' and main()
#version 330 core
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
in vec3 vertNormal, vertLightDir;
out vec4 fragColor;
const vec4 colors[] = {
vec4(.2, .15, .15, 1),
vec4(.4, .25, .25, 1),
vec4(.6, .35, .35, 1),
vec4(1, .5, .5, 1)
void main() {
fragColor = colors[ int(4 * clamp(dot(vertLightDir, vertNormal), 0, 1)) ];
// Toon shader using per-pixel lighting. Based on the glsl
// tutorial from lighthouse 3D:
#version 330 core
precision mediump float;
uniform vec3 lightNormal[8];
uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
in vec4 vertex;
in vec3 normal;
out vec3 vertNormal, vertLightDir;
void main() {
// Vertex in clip coordinates.
gl_Position = transform * vertex;
// Normal the vector if eye coordinates are passed
// to the fragment shader.
vertNormal = normalize(normalMatrix * normal);
// Assuming that there is only one directional light,
// its normal vector is passed to the fragment shader
// in order to perform per-pixel lighting calculation.
vertLightDir = -lightNormal[0];