Processing seemingly capped at 35% cpu

Those 2 can be shortened as females.parallelStream():

When a lambda expression got 1 parameter only we can omit its parens: female ->

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That’s the XOR operator:

Together w/ the assignment = operator:
if (isLooping ^= true)if (isLooping = isLooping ^ true)

When isLooping is true, isLooping ^ true evals as false: true ^ true = false
When isLooping is false, isLooping ^ true evals as true: false ^ true = true

That is equivalent to if (isLooping = !isLooping):

That’s the conditional operator, which acts upon 3 operands (ternary):

Yes, 2 PGraphics objects:

mainCanvas = createCanvas();
altCanvas  = createCanvas();

The idea is while render() (which is run by another Thread):

is busy working on the 1st PGraphics:
final PGraphics pg = isMainCanvas? main : alt;

the “Animation” Thread displays the 2nd PGraphics object:
background(isMainCanvas? altCanvas : mainCanvas);

and vice-versa: isMainCanvas ^= true;


Thanks very much @GoToLoop! Yeah I elected for the more verbose construction to hopefully improve readability but your version is probably more common online.


I noticed this and honestly like this feature, so often one has to loop through a bunch of functions which makes for repetitive code which can be avoided through the chaining method.

Particle script(final PGraphics pg) {
    return move().bounce().gravity().display(pg);

and I like how its called

for (int j, i = 0; i < NUM; ) {
      final Particle b = particles[j = i++].script(pg);

Aah cool. I shall have to give this a go.