I didn’t need to translate anything, nor use Google Translate.
Like I had already explained, you’re gonna need to implement clone() in your own class
, rather than relying on the new
So instead of:
Ball hijo() {
return new Ball();
Go w/ something like this:
Ball hijo() {
return clone();
@Override Ball clone() {
try {
final Ball hijo = (Ball) super.clone();
hijo.location = location.get();
return hijo;
catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Notice I had to do: hijo.location = location.get();
. Here’s the reason why:
- Your class Ball got 2 fields: location & nombre.
- The 1st refers to a PVector, while the 2nd refers to a String.
- Datatype String is immutable. Its content can’t be changed (at least not w/o some hardcore hacking
- However, datatype PVector is mutable. Its fields x, y & z can be freely reassigned.
- If we don’t also clone each mutable field from a class when we call clone(), modifying those mutable fields will reflect on both the original object and all of its clones!
- That’s why I invoke the method PVector::get() over the cloned field location, so the original and the cloned field location won’t share the same PVector object:
- ProcessingJS.org/reference/PVector_get_/
Below’s my new attempt sketch “Cloneable Locatable”. Any doubts about it just ask:
* Cloneable Locatable (v1.0.1)
* GoToLoop (2019/May/14)
* Discourse.Processing.org/t/problema-con-class-extend-y-herencia/11204/4
import org.gicentre.utils.geom.HashGrid;
import org.gicentre.utils.geom.Locatable;
import java.util.Collection;
//import java.util.Set;
static final int SIZE = 10;
final Collection<Bola> temp = new ArrayList<Bola>();
Collection<Bola> pelotas;
//Set<Bola> pelotas;
//HashGrid<Bola> pelotas;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
pelotas = new HashGrid<Bola>(width, height, SIZE);
pelotas.add(new Bola());
pelotas.add(new Bolita());
void draw() {
background((color) random(#000000));
getSurface().setTitle("Frame: " + frameCount);
println("\nPelotas: " + pelotas.size());
for (final Bola b : pelotas) println(b);
void mousePressed() {
for (final Bola b : pelotas) temp.add(b.hijo());
redraw = true;
class Bola implements Locatable, Cloneable {
PVector location = new PVector(40, 20);
String nombre = getClass().getSimpleName();
Bola hijo() {
return clone();
@Override Bola clone() {
try {
final Bola pelota = (Bola) super.clone();
pelota.location = location.get();
return pelota;
catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
@Override PVector getLocation() {
return location;
@Override String toString() {
return nombre + ": " + location;
class Bolita extends Bola {