Port Serial en "Size"

did you check on how to use CP5 Textarea


i not see any


try like

// https://discourse.processing.org/t/port-serial-en-size/7568
// v01 2 cp5 button and 2 text()
// v02 instead text() 3 cp5 textarea ( in, out, console )
// http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/examples/controllers/ControlP5textarea/ControlP5textarea.pde
// https://github.com/sojamo/controlp5/blob/master/examples/extra/ControlP5console/ControlP5console.pde

import controlP5.*;                         //import ControlP5 library
ControlP5 cp5;                              //create cp5 object
Textarea inTXT, outTXT, sysTXT;
Println console;

import processing.serial.*;
Serial port;
String portName;
boolean serOn = true;//false;//true;

PFont font;
String outtxt="we send:";
String intxt="we got:";

void setup() { 
  size(800, 500);                           //window size, (width, height)
  font = createFont("calibre light bold", 20);
  println("key [c] clear");

void draw() {                                 //same as loop in arduino ide
  background(150, 200, 200);                  // background color of window (r, g, b) or (0 to 255)
  fill(25, 115, 235);                         //text color (r, g, b)
  text("SERIAL PORT "+portName, 100, 30);         //lets give title to our window

void setup_communication() {
  printArray(Serial.list());                //prints all available serial ports
  portName = Serial.list()[1];              // change the [1] acc the list you got printed
  println("try connect to "+portName);
  if (serOn) port = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);

void setup_buttons() {
  //so when you press any button on the GUI, it sends particular char over serial port
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);

    .setPosition(30, height-70)              //x and y coordinates of upper left corner of button
    .setSize(60, 60)                         //(width, height)

    .setPosition(130, height-70)             //x and y coordinates of upper left corner of button
    .setSize(60, 60)                         //(width, height)

  int tposX=20, tposY=40, tw=width-40, th=100;
  outTXT = cp5.addTextarea("outtxt")
    .setPosition(tposX, tposY)
    .setSize(tw, th)
    .setFont(createFont("arial", 12))
    .setColorBackground(color(255, 100))
    .setColorForeground(color(255, 100));

  tposY += th+10; 
  th = 200;                               // move down
  inTXT = cp5.addTextarea("intxt")
    .setPosition(tposX, tposY)
    .setSize(tw, th)
    .setFont(createFont("arial", 12))
    .setColorBackground(color(200, 200, 0, 100))
    .setColorForeground(color(255, 100));

  tposY += th+10; 
  th = 60;                               // move down
  sysTXT = cp5.addTextarea("systxt")
    .setPosition(tposX, tposY)
    .setSize(tw, th)
    .setFont(createFont("arial", 12))
    .setColorBackground(color(200, 0, 0, 100))
    .setColorForeground(color(255, 100));
  console = cp5.addConsole(sysTXT);

void A() {
  if (serOn) port.write('A');
  println("send A");                                 //_______add kll
  outtxt += "\nA";
void B() {
  if (serOn) port.write('B');
  println("send B");                                 //_______add kll
  outtxt += "\nB";

void instream() {
  if ( serOn && port.available() > 0) {          // If data is available,
    int inByte  = port.read();         // read it and store it in intxt
    if ( inByte == 10 ) intxt += "\n";
    else intxt += str(inByte);

void keyPressed() {
  if ( key == 'c' ) { 
    intxt = ""; 
    outtxt = "";

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