not sure if there is a library that does exactly what you need, but there is the javax.sound.midi package, that you can use to access the data from midi-files. Maybe using a sequencer would be better but here is an example that parses (one track of) a midi file and logs the note-on and note-off events.
import javax.sound.midi.*;
void setup() {
String path = dataPath("some_midi_file.mid");
File midiFile = new File(path);
try {
Sequence seq = MidiSystem.getSequence(midiFile);
Track[] tracks = seq.getTracks();
// how many tracks are there
println("number of tracks: "+ tracks.length);
// parse first track
println("events of 1st track:");
Track myTrack = tracks[0];
for (int j =0; j< myTrack.size(); j++) {
// get midi-message for every event
if (myTrack.get(j).getMessage() instanceof ShortMessage) {
ShortMessage m = (ShortMessage) myTrack.get(j).getMessage();
// log note-on or note-off events
int cmd = m.getCommand();
if (cmd == ShortMessage.NOTE_OFF || cmd == ShortMessage.NOTE_ON) {
print( (cmd==ShortMessage.NOTE_ON ? "NOTE_ON" : "NOTE_OFF") + "; ");
print("channel: " + m.getChannel() + "; ");
print("note: " + m.getData1() + "; ");
println("velocity: " + m.getData2());
catch(Exception e) {
Maybe that helps as a starting point.