
3 slider move ( Y, X, Rotate )
3 slider object size ( Y, X, Stroke )
1 slider object select list ( example ellipse/rectangle/triangle )
9 slider HSB fill / stroke / background ( using like [b] hue [B] sat [Alt][b] brt )

// file: mousewheel_plusplus.pde
// system win 7 processing 3.4
// by KLL
// v0.1
// v0.2  help default and timer   --> blog
// v0.3  π was rotating
// v0.4  Lexyth / move X missing! use CTRL scroll
// v0.5  full HSB colors by [b],[B],[Alt][b] [f]...[s]... --> blog

// mouseWheel ++
// "Scrollitis", a operational concept study
// idea is to multiplex the mouseWheel use
// by mixing it with several keypressed
// so the combination is a multi NonGUI slider input
String[] helplines =  {
  "MouseWheel Plus Plus:"
  , "* normal scroll UP DOWN"
  , "+ wheel pressed: fast scroll UP DOWN"
  , "+ CTRL scroll LEFT RIGHT"
  , "+ key [y]: object Y size"
  , "+ key [x]: object X size"
  , "+ key [w]: object border stroke"
  , "+ key [r]: rotate"
  , "+ key [o]: 0 ellipse, 1 rectangle, 2 triangle"
  , "colors: HSB hue, SAT, [Alt]bright "
  , "+ key [b],[B],[Alt][b] backg"
  , "+ key [f],[F],[Alt][f] fill"
  , "+ key [s],[S],[Alt][s] stroke"
//  , " any more ideas?"

float e_posX=250, e_posY=250, e_radiusx=100, e_radiusy=100, rot = 0;
int   bg_HSBhue = 100,e_fillHSBhue=40,e_strokeHSBhue=70;
int   bg_HSBsat = 100,e_fillHSBsat=100,e_strokeHSBsat=100;
int   bg_HSBbrt = 100,e_fillHSBbrt=100,e_strokeHSBbrt=100;
color bg,e_fill,e_stroke;
int   e_strokeweight = 10, e_objectTyp = 0;
// key and mouse all over
boolean altKey = false, ctrlKey = false, shiftKey = false;
boolean mousePresent = false;
// help text show ( at start), on mouse click with timeout
boolean show_help = true;
long startT, actionT=10000;   // use basic millis timer
int posl=10, dposl = 15;

void setup() {
  size(500, 500);
  colorMode(HSB, 100, 100, 100);
  bg = color(bg_HSBhue,bg_HSBsat,bg_HSBbrt);
  e_fill = color(e_fillHSBhue,e_fillHSBsat,e_fillHSBbrt);
  e_stroke = color(e_strokeHSBhue,e_strokeHSBsat,e_strokeHSBbrt);
void draw() {
  switch(e_objectTyp) {
  case 0: 
    ellipse(e_posX, e_posY, e_radiusx, e_radiusy);
  case 1:
    rect(e_posX, e_posY, e_radiusx, e_radiusy);
  case 2: 
    triangle(e_posX-e_radiusx/2, e_posY-e_radiusy/2, e_posX, e_posY+e_radiusy/2,e_posX+e_radiusx/2, e_posY-e_radiusy/2);
  default: println("wrong"); break;

void mouseExited()  {  mousePresent = false;                }
void mouseEntered() {  if (focused) mousePresent = true;    }
void mousePressed() {  if ( mouseButton == LEFT ) { show_help = true; startT = millis(); }}
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) {
  float e = event.getCount();
  if ( mousePressed && mouseButton == CENTER )  e_posY += 10*e;       // fast action:     scroll Y position
  else if ( !keyPressed )                       e_posY += e;          // default action:  scroll Y position
  else if ( keyPressed && keyCode == CONTROL )  e_posX += e;          // [CTRL]           scroll X position
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'y' ) e_radiusy += e;                     // [y]              stretch Y
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'x' ) e_radiusx += e;                     // [x]              stretch X
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'w' ) e_strokeweight += e;                // [w]              strokeWeight
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'r' ) rot += 3*e*TWO_PI/360;              // [r]              rotate
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'o' ) {    
    e_objectTyp += e;
    e_objectTyp = constrain(e_objectTyp, 0, 2); }                     // [o]              object typ circle rect triangle
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'b' && !altKey ) { 
    bg_HSBhue += 2*e;
    bg_HSBhue = constrain(bg_HSBhue, 0, 100);
    bg = color(bg_HSBhue,bg_HSBsat,bg_HSBbrt);  }                     // [b] background hue color
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'B' ) { 
    bg_HSBsat += 2*e;
    bg_HSBsat = constrain(bg_HSBsat, 0, 100);
    bg = color(bg_HSBhue,bg_HSBsat,bg_HSBbrt);  }                     // [B] ([Shift][b] or [Capslock][b]) background saturation
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'b' && altKey) { 
    bg_HSBbrt += 2*e;
    bg_HSBbrt = constrain(bg_HSBbrt, 0, 100);
    bg = color(bg_HSBhue,bg_HSBsat,bg_HSBbrt);  }                     // [Alt][b] background brt
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'f' && !altKey ) { 
    e_fillHSBhue += 2*e;
    e_fillHSBhue = constrain(e_fillHSBhue, 0, 100);
    e_fill = color(e_fillHSBhue,e_fillHSBsat,e_fillHSBbrt); }          // [f] fill hue color
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'F' ) { 
    e_fillHSBsat += 2*e;
    e_fillHSBsat = constrain(e_fillHSBsat, 0, 100);
    e_fill = color(e_fillHSBhue,e_fillHSBsat,e_fillHSBbrt); }          // [F]  ([Shift][f] or [Capslock][f]) fill saturation
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'f' && altKey ) { 
    e_fillHSBbrt += 2*e;
    e_fillHSBbrt = constrain(e_fillHSBbrt, 0, 100);
    e_fill = color(e_fillHSBhue,e_fillHSBsat,e_fillHSBbrt); }          // [Alt][f] fill brt
  if ( keyPressed && key == 's' && !altKey ) { 
    e_strokeHSBhue += 2*e;
    e_strokeHSBhue = constrain(e_strokeHSBhue, 0, 100);
    e_stroke = color(e_strokeHSBhue,e_strokeHSBsat,e_strokeHSBbrt); }   // [s] stroke hue color
  if ( keyPressed && key == 'S' ) { 
    e_strokeHSBsat += 2*e;
    e_strokeHSBsat = constrain(e_strokeHSBsat, 0, 100);
    e_stroke = color(e_strokeHSBhue,e_strokeHSBsat,e_strokeHSBbrt); }   // [S]  ([Shift][s] or [Capslock][s]) stroke saturation
  if ( keyPressed && key == 's' && altKey ) { 
    e_strokeHSBbrt += 2*e;
    e_strokeHSBbrt = constrain(e_strokeHSBbrt, 0, 100);
    e_stroke = color(e_strokeHSBhue,e_strokeHSBsat,e_strokeHSBbrt); }   // [Alt][s] stroke brt
void my_timer() {
  if ( millis() > startT + actionT ) show_help = false;           // timeout, was set true by mouse click
void draw_help() {
  if (show_help) {
    fill(0, 100, 0,70);
    rect(0, 0, 270, 200);
    fill(22,100,100);  // yellow
    for ( int i =0; i < helplines.length; i++ ) text(helplines[i], 10, posl + i*dposl);
 if ( mousePresent ) { fill(0); text("π",width-20,height-10); }  // do not click on this!
 if ( keyPressed && (key == 'b' || key == 'B' )) { fill(0); text(" bg color("+bg_HSBhue+","+bg_HSBsat+","+bg_HSBbrt+")",150, posl+10*dposl); }
 if ( keyPressed && (key == 'f' || key == 'F' )) { fill(0); text(" fill color("+e_fillHSBhue+","+e_fillHSBsat+","+e_fillHSBbrt+")",150, posl+11*dposl); }
 if ( keyPressed && (key == 's' || key == 'S' )) { fill(0); text(" stroke color("+e_strokeHSBhue+","+e_strokeHSBsat+","+e_strokeHSBbrt+")",150, posl+12*dposl); }
} // end

void keyPressed () {
  if (key == CODED) {
    if      (keyCode == ALT)     altKey   = true;
    else if (keyCode == SHIFT)   shiftKey = true;
    else if (keyCode == CONTROL) ctrlKey  = true;

void keyReleased() {
  if ((keyCode >= '0' && keyCode <= '9') || // digit
    (keyCode >= 'A' && keyCode <= 'Z') || // upper-case letter
    (keyCode >= 'a' && keyCode <= 'z')) { // lower-case letter
    if (altKey) {
      //println("ALT " + char (keyCode)+" "+keyCode);
      altKey = false;
    } else if (ctrlKey) {
      //println("CTRL " + char (keyCode)+" "+keyCode);
      ctrlKey = false;
    } else if (shiftKey) {
      //println("SHIFT " + char (keyCode)+" "+keyCode);
      shiftKey = false;
    } //else println("KEY = "+ key+" "+keyCode);

get newest version at my blog