Make class get all functions of p5.js

It doesn’t seem you’re trying to expand p5js’ API, but rather you wanna access its API from inside your class, right?

If you’re using the instance mode style approach:

Your classes are gonna need to request the current sketch’s p5 reference in their constructor, something like this:

class Snake {
  constructor(p) {
    this.p = p || p5.instance;

  display() {
    const { p } = this;
    p.fill(0xff).circle(p.width - 50 >> 1, p.height - 50 >> 1, 100);
    return this;

new p5(p => {
  let snake;

  p.setup = () => {
    p.createCanvas(400, 400);
    snake = new Snake(p);

  p.draw = () => {

Here’s a more complete online sketch to show you better how it works: