Looking for help working with CSV code or excel

Any way to do it with out get the image to the program?
Or that it could fill automatically in the table?

you didn’t answer my question

what do you mean? with all pixel colors of the image?

see Images and Pixels / Processing.org

similar to this:

size(200, 200);

PImage img1=loadImages(.....); 

// Before we deal with pixels

// Loop through every pixel
for (int i = 0; i < img1.pixels.length; i++) {

  // read color  
  color col1 = color( img1.pixels[i] );

} //for

// When we are finished dealing with pixels
// img1.updatePixels(); 

You can load the image as img1 and then don’t display the image and just say

color col1=img1.get(x,y);
