Logic on making a circle disappear when clicked and drawing another circle at the same time

You want to pass the coordinates of the box to the screen position function

Thanks ! sorry I understood it wrong and passed it to the 2D objects . I think now I have it done correctly. However I was trying to corelate the x position , y position for the mouse and the cube. I think the logic : Switch to a new cube if the mouseX and mouseY **is inside the cube **
is some how wrong. And i am not why. I actually printed out the values to for inspection, and currently I am using a static condition to check if the cubes are switching .

let r = 100, g = 100, b =200
let z = -100;
let x = 0, y = 0 ;
let tempX, tempY, screenPositionGen;
let mouseX2D, mouseY2D;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400,WEBGL);

function draw() {


  z += 1;
  ScreenPositionGen = screenPosition(x,y,z);
  mouseX2D = ScreenPositionGen.x;
  mouseY2D = ScreenPositionGen.y ;


function avoidClipping() {
    perspective(PI / 3.0, width / height, 1, 1000000);


function mouseClicked() {

  // check if there is any difference in the values 
  let d = dist(mouseX,mouseY,mouseX2D, mouseX2D);
  console.log("X mouse : " + mouseX);
  console.log("Y mouse : " + mouseY);
  console.log("X snapshot : "+ mouseX2D);
  console.log("Y snapshot : "+ mouseY2D);
  console.log("distance : " + d);

  if (d >40) {
    x= random(-200,200);//random(width); 
    y= random(-200,200);//random(height);
    z = -1000;
    r = random(0,255);
    g = random(0,255);
    b = random(0,255);

Typo in last word


Consider using < here !!!

Hi Chris , sorry was my mistake. I did use mouseY2D and had also tried with the threshold conditition

d < 40 

But when i measured the distance between mouseX,mouseY,mouseX2D,mouseY2D the distance computed was more than 40 , even though the mouseclick was inside the cube. So i am a but confused what is the reason.


I never used screenPosition because I don’t use p5.


  ScreenPositionGen = screenPosition(0,0,0);  // only 0 here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

directly after translate() command !!!


Maybe 40 is too small?

Hi, thanks for the quick reply. Hmmm I thought putting ScreenPositionGen after translate would take the snap shot of the X,Y component . If the value is set to 0 then the condition would not change right ? I tried to put the condition twice, once to reset it and then get the new parameters. I am not sure , I am just guessing right now .

40 sounds right ? because is it half the length of side of the cube? (80 is the side length)

let r = 100, g = 100, b =200
let z = -100;
let x = 0, y = 0 ;
let tempX, tempY, screenPositionGen;
let mouseX2D, mouseY2D;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400,WEBGL);

function draw() {


  ScreenPositionGen = screenPosition(0,0,0);  
  ScreenPositionGen = screenPosition(x,y,z);
  z += 1;
  mouseX2D = ScreenPositionGen.x;
  mouseY2D = ScreenPositionGen.y ;


function avoidClipping() {
    perspective(PI / 3.0, width / height, 1, 1000000);


function mouseClicked() {

  // check if there is any difference in the values 
  let d = dist(mouseX,mouseY,mouseX2D, mouseY2D);
  console.log("X mouse : " + mouseX);
  console.log("Y mouse : " + mouseY);
  console.log("X snapshot : "+ mouseX2D);
  console.log("Y snapshot : "+ mouseY2D);
  console.log("distance : " + d);

  if (d < 40) {
    x= random(-200,200);//random(width); 
    y= random(-200,200);//random(height);
    z = -1000;
    r = random(0,255);
    g = random(0,255);
    b = random(0,255);

Using it twice doesn’t make sense. The 2nd would just overwrite the first.

Just once (the first appearance in your code using 0,0,0)

Test it please.

(sorry, I don’t have time right now)

Not good names

Better boxPositionX2D, boxPositionY2D

Did you follow the usage here: GitHub - bohnacker/p5js-screenPosition: This function provides a solution to the missing screenX and screenY functions in p5.js. See https://github.com/processing/p5.js/issues/1553 for the discussion.

Can you post a link to your p5.js editor to share?

Hello sorry for the late reply. I did use the script in the disucssion and followed the instructions.

My sample sketch is here :

I am still experimenting on it .

@Chrisir I could not think of any other way except for what was mentioned in the guide. Any ideas ?

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File an issue on github or contact the maker of the tool

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Good idea, I have raised an issue in github! Hopefully can get some directions and information. Actually I am not sure at the moment , how to check if the point is inside a 2D squarer plane , since we do not have the corners ( such as x1, x2, y1,y2) but only the side of the cube .

iirc we use dist from the mouse position to the box position (which is the 2D screen position derived from the 3D position)

So no square needed

Hi , I think i found my mistake here. I had not translated the mouse co ordinates to reflect on the canvas. My mistake.

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Hi @Chrisir , I kept of moving forward with what was initially suggested by you and also when finding my mistake. The issues I am currently facing are two folds
A) When i am clicking inside the cube ( or when the condition is met) the cube disappears but the explosion occurs in the second circle . That is the cubes move forward and the explosion keeps occuring at the same time. What I am trying to do is to
1. Click inside the cube
2. First cube disappears
3. Explosion is created and at the same time new cube appears.
I remember in your explanations above , you mentioned to think of the circle as one circle . ( or to simplify things )
I am wondering if the same applies to the above logic
B) Currently the explosion only supports splitting into rectangles and not into smaller cubes. I tried randomly assigning smaller number .

I am not sure how to move forward . Any ideas . The sketch is mostly inspired from happy-coding p5js tutorials.

Sketch link : p5.js Web Editor



explosion code in processing java

// for explosions (these are actually shrapnels)
ArrayList <Shrapnel> shrapnels = new ArrayList<Shrapnel>(); 

// ---------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
  // runs only once - init
  size(800, 600);
} // func

void draw() {
  // runs again and again

  // delete screen
  background(0, 64, 0);

  // explosions
} // func


void mousePressed() {

void explode() {
  // explode!
  int maxMissiles = int(random(4, 222));
  for (int i=0; i<maxMissiles; i++) {    
    // this is where explode missile/shrapnel object is created 
    // and added to the missiles arrayList.
    // It is small (4) and life decrease is .72 (how fast it dies), 
    // no Line (false).
      new Shrapnel(
      random(mouseX-3, mouseX+3), random(mouseY-9, mouseY+9), 
      random(-1.3, 1.3), random(-2.7, .6), 
      4, .72, false)); //
} // method

// the tab for Explosions and related and the complete class

void explosionManager() {
  // this is a new for loop. 
  // Actually for the Shrapnels.
  for (Shrapnel m : shrapnels) {
    m.decreaseLife(); // call the decrease life (for explosion)
    m.fly();          // call the "fly" method of the missile
    m.display();      // call the "display" method of the missile
  // remove dead ones (you need to have a conventional for-loop here) 
  for (int i=shrapnels.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
    Shrapnel m = (Shrapnel) shrapnels.get(i);
    if (m.dead) {
} // func

// ===============================================================

class Shrapnel {
  float startlocX, startlocY; // start location 
  float x, y;          // current pos 
  float xvel, yvel;    // velocity
  float sizeShrapnel;  // size for rect
  float life=20;       // how much lifes does it have
  float lifeDecrease;  // remove lifes
  boolean dead=false;  // is it alive? 
  boolean withLine;    // draw line? Explosion has none.

  // contructor
    float _startlocX, float _startlocY, 
    float _xvel, float _yvel, 
    float _size, float _lifeDecrease, 
    boolean _withLine) 
    startlocX = _startlocX;
    startlocY = _startlocY;    
    x = startlocX;
    y = _startlocY;
    sizeShrapnel = _size;
    xvel = _xvel;
    yvel = _yvel;
  }  // contructor


  void display() {
    //stroke(255, 2, 2);
    fill(255, 2, 2);
    if (withLine) {
      line(startlocX, startlocY, x, y);
    rect(x, y, sizeShrapnel, sizeShrapnel);
  } // method

  void fly() {
    x += xvel;
    y += yvel;
  } // method

  void decreaseLife() {
    if (life<=0 || sizeShrapnel<=0) {
  } // method
} // class
// ======================================================================

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Thank you @Chrisir , I will try to go through it and understand it. As I am learning javascript and using p5js as web editor , it is kind of difficult at the moment to check the java implementation into javascript . At the moment i dont understand quite a few of the syntaxes . :blush:

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@Chrisir Actually when i first wanted to check the sketch it threw an error right away . I am wondering how to translate it to p5js web sketch