Keyboard buttons

I recently wrote some code that deals with tracking which keys are down in a neat way:

Here’s the code that counts:

void keyPressed(){

void keyReleased(){
int[] ks = {LEFT, RIGHT};
boolean[] kd = {false,false};
void k(boolean b){
 for( int i = 0; i < ks.length; i++){
   if( ks[i] == keyCode ) kd[i] = b;

Notice that this defines two arrays. ks is the keys that you wish to track. kd is a boolean array that records if the key in ks at the same index is held down.

You can use this in your conditional checks:

if( kd[0] && kd[1] ){ // If LEFT arrow and RIGHT arrow are held down at the same time.

Notice that this is using the logical AND operator, &&, not the addition operator +!

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